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fazz spotted (85 comments)
Posted by lepolac @ 05:02 CST, 20 January 2014 - iMsg

Spotted fazz (can't really miss those glasses can you :d) in London in Bricklane/shoreditch yesterday.
Didn't want to bother him cause it would have probably been awkward.

But right after seeing him, I thought, what could it feel like, being recognized by a random on the street, for some geeky stuff.
Like "hey I know you, you're a famous quake player", you know, like people are part of some sect.
It's not like esports players are movie stars or something, but I wonder if they do get recognized, and dragged into conversations, every once in a while.

Never really bumped into "esports celebs" outside of tournaments (or at least that I don't personally know), but wonder how people react.

Hmm, I think next time I'll engage conversation and embarass the fuck out of the guy I come accross :d

PS : fazz, I hope you feel like you're being stalked now :]

TL;DR : spotted fazz in london and it felt as awkward as spotting a porn star :D
Edited by lepolac at 05:04 CST, 20 January 2014 - 31290 Hits
experimental FPS Framework (1 comment)
Posted by lepolac @ 11:30 CDT, 13 May 2013 - iMsg
Just came accross this id developer's blog (or former id developer) ;

He just posted a note on a new modular engine he's working on, nice read.

Quite surprising to see that he made the choice to use a messaging middleware (ZeroMQ) to communicate between threads Oo
Edited by lepolac at 11:36 CDT, 13 May 2013 - 1113 Hits
Back in business (12 comments)
Posted by lepolac @ 11:05 CDT, 3 September 2012 - iMsg
So.....I guess people are back from holiday :)

Quite happy myself to see the figures going up again, hope this lasts...
2678 Hits
speed sensation (9 comments)
Posted by lepolac @ 14:44 CDT, 5 July 2012 - iMsg

Just another post to seek help.
Since 2 days my qlive seems and feels really slow.
I have 125fps stable, the game is smooth, but not as fast as it usually is.

I feel like everything happens 30% slower, for instance when I drop from a platform it feels like the gravity is lower.
Every jump feels weird to, and my rockets are firing slow too.

It happens also on public servers, which I can't explain myself, since it shouldn't be possible. Params are the same for everyone, so it's impossible for me to be slower than the opponent....which makes me somehow think I'm getting crazy :D

I didn't change a single bit of my config so I don't really know what happened.
My guess would be resolution or fov change, cause that usually change how the game feels but....

Any ideas ?
3098 Hits
bloodrun games (3 comments)
Posted by lepolac @ 08:31 CDT, 20 June 2012 - iMsg

I'm posting this thread to ask for your opinions on bloodrun games.

In a game opposing two roughly equally skilled players, I feel like the one who first gets in control wins most of the time.
I have seen and played many games where the first 90seconds are totally game deciding.

If the one in control plays safely, don't do stupid things, useless frag grabbing chases, and put most of its focus in staying in control, there's almost no room for the other one to take over.

I think it's more specific to bloodrun, other maps being maybe more open and harder to +back on.
Ztn seems so easy to flee on when not willing to engage, and I feel like you can spend ages in PG room to replenish and still have 3 quick exits.

I'm not talking about high level, where item challenging is something common and that is sometimes successful. Also high level players big aim might allow them to do more damages on lower stack, making them able to challenge.

But on a rather low level, (like 1300 ELO), I guess the fact that players usually aren't aim masters makes the map a bit too lockable.

In fact, it might be because locking the map and keep playing in control is a first step on the quake progression curve, and out of control play and conversions is the next one ?

Also, I might be wrong, but the fact that some weapon damages have been lowered compared to q3 has a huge impact, cause obviously you put less damages setting the very same trap in ql than in q3.

I am definitely not a good player myself and don't consider to be, but I'd really like to read some opinions on that.
2195 Hits
Mouse sensitivity problems (22 comments)
Posted by lepolac @ 04:25 CDT, 18 May 2012 - iMsg
Hi there,

I am again facing some really annoying sensitivity problems.
Before going further, here's my setup :

Steelseries Kana, Drivers Installed, Running @ 1600DPI
MarkC Fix
Windows 7/11 (which is 1.5 multiplier if I recall)
sensitivity 24
m_cpi 1600
cl_mouseaccel 0
m_yaw default
in_mouse 2

With m_cpi set, sensitivity is cm/360, but I have 7/11,
so my sens would basically be 360/24 / 1.5 = 10cm
EDIT : as stated in comments, in_mouse 2 is WM_INPUT, so windows sens doesn't matter.
Thus sens is 15cm

My problem is that the sensitivity fluctuates from one QL launch to another.
I am not speaking about the weird sensitivity bug where you mouse just feel really laggy, it happens to me as well, I restart QL and it's gone.

My sensitivity changes in terms of speed.
I have to navigate between 22 and 26 depending on the games...
It has been workly perfectly at 24 without changes during almost 2 weeks, and then it started to mess around.

Hopefully, 24 is a high value and combined with m_cpi, it gives me a fine granularity to adjust.

But it's really a nightmare since I'm rarely 100% comfortable with my sens.

I am thinking about putting 6/11 windows and adjust sens value to have the desired speed, at least windows would be 1:1.

Do you think it could solve the issue ? Windows sensitivity multiplier is supposed to be linear (opposed to the damn wrong acceleration curves) so that would surprise me.

Maybe the mouse can't handle such high DPI and I'd better set 800DPI / sensitivity 12 ? What bothers me is that it doesn't fluctuate in-game, it's really on a QL launch basis.

Did any of you experience such problems ? Do you have any ideas ?
Edited by lepolac at 08:05 CDT, 18 May 2012 - 12863 Hits
Mouse sensitivity (24 comments)
Posted by lepolac @ 04:32 CDT, 3 May 2012 - iMsg
Yet another sensitivity problem, sorry :)

Yesterday, I launched quakelive as usual, and my sensitivity was totally wrong.
It was very high compared to what I usually play with, and felt like there was some accel.
Of course I didn't change anything.

My original settings were :
Steelseries Kana
No drivers
Windows sens 6/11
Quake sens 2.1
in_mouse 2
cl_mouseaccel 0
MarkC fix

This gives me an approximate 15cm/360

I tried to :
- Copy/paste my backup cfg files in QL directories
- Reinstall QL
- Try with QLPrism
- Remove and re-apply MarkC fix
- Restore a windows recovery point

None of the above worked.
So, as I couldn't find any solution, I tried to lower my QL sens
to find my sens again. I found out a value quite close, but that wasn't as smooth as it used to be.

But I noticed something very strange, if I tried to put back my original QL sens, and put something like cl_mouseaccel -0.8, then the resulting sens was pretty close to what I used to play with.
So I was like, wow, do I play with negative acceleration ? Do I really need it ? Oo

As none of the settings suited me, I tried something different.
I installed the mouse drivers.
Driver sets default DPI to 800.

In QL, with 2.1, it was quite fast.
So I decided to use m_cpi parameters and set it to 800.
Of course the sensitivity went really slow, so I had to set it up to 12 or something like that, but I didn't really like the feeling of it.

I went back in the driver, and set DPI to 1600.
Back in QL I put m_cpi to 1600, and had ofc to increase the sens.
I put it up to 24 (!!!), and ended up with a sensitivity that suits me, even better than the original one (rofl).

But 24 is a really high value, I'm quite surprised.
Do you, or any player you know use such value ?
Is 1600 DPI too much ? Is quake able to be precise with sens @ 24 ? Should I lower m_cpi even if the mouse runs @ 1600 ?

Sorry for the long post.
This sensitivity thing is driving me mad. It happened a few times, but usually I just have to relaunch quakelive and it's back to normal.

I have been struggling quite a lot and would really appreciate any ideas :]
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