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New aimbot mouse (33 comments)
Posted by yamaka @ 05:52 CST, 4 January 2013 - iMsg
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360/cm sensitivity, i demand explanation (9 comments)
Posted by yamaka @ 05:29 CDT, 28 August 2012 - iMsg
So, how do you measure it? I've puretrak talent and from side to side it takes about 3,5 times to make full turn in game, aka 360.

This makes my 360/cm something like over 100cm. And you are saying 50cm is low sensitivity, and some absurd mofos play like with 60-70 which is absolutely unplayable? Da faq im reading. Am I doing this rite? I think this mousepad is something like 45-48cm from side to side, and in game this movement means about 120 degree turn.
3610 Hits
IME 3.0 negative accel issue (16 comments)
Posted by yamaka @ 12:49 CDT, 31 July 2012 - iMsg
So is this fixable? I've overclocked usb port to 500hz and there is still some noticeable negative accel. My mouse PN starts with X80, so i think this is the latest version.

When im in windows, and doing trying some hardcore sweeps, mousemovementrecorder doesnt show any negative or positive accel what so ever. But when im in game, i can tell there is some.
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