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What is on your wishlist for Reborn? (91 comments)
Posted by Re1nForce @ 10:54 CST, 4 January 2015 - iMsg
Okay, so everyone knows that Reborn has been continously delayed, but with 2GD partnering with Talawa Games, there is still hope and people shouldn't neglect the fact that Reborn most likely will be released this year, or atleast we'll probably be able to play the beta.

James has talked about hosting tournaments already in it's early phase as soon as this year, with DreamHack giving them a good opportunity to showcase their game in the expo-area.

In a try to spark some activity, I'm asking you now, what is on your wishlist for Reborn, whether it'd be a certain skin or sound for nostalgia, or a cool mechanic that you feel is underrated?

2GD probably knows what he wants, and considers every choice he makes carefully, but that doesn't hinder us from speculating as well as giving us our opinions, so go crazy with your ideas and wishes!
Edited by Re1nForce at 10:55 CST, 4 January 2015 - 36093 Hits
What does 'potat' stand for? (51 comments)
Posted by Re1nForce @ 12:36 CDT, 9 October 2013 - iMsg
I see this written occasionally here on esreality, but as an 18 year old who is still young to this community, I've yet to understand what it means, or where it's from.

23268 Hits
Need motivation to play QL :( (102 comments)
Posted by Re1nForce @ 04:13 CST, 25 February 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys.

I don't know if this is my first or second post or something on this site. However, I really want to become better at Quake Live, I want to practice mainly to get better at Reborn who is gonna get released hopefully in 2014 but I just have a hard time practicing.

I don't know how to do it with the best result possible, I don't have any friends to practice with and it's an overall struggle to even start the game to become better.

I really need some motivation to help me. Anyone of you out there got any tips on what to do when you feel unmotivated to play? What has given you the best results in terms of practice? Anyone who want to practice with me?

Any help possible would just be amazing, thanks.

My elo is around 1200 with a peak at 1318, however I try to focus to become better in the future and not focus on my current skill and peoples thought on it.
35807 Hits
Dahangs rocket model and grenade trail? (7 comments)
Posted by Re1nForce @ 18:42 CDT, 12 August 2012 - iMsg
Does anyone know how you change this in the config? Dahang got small rockets flying with little fire where I instead got only fire flying so I can't see a rocket similar to him.

I hope people understand.

Rockets: 4:00

Grenade: 1:05

Thanks anyways!
7869 Hits
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