After trying that ninox shit, every mouse I plug-in tracks horrible. I tried 2 sensei raw and a Kana v1.
I managed to run one of the sensei's properly for 2 days a few weeks ago. But the next day, mouse went crazy again.
I tried different mousepads, uninstalled many programs, uninstalled and reinstalled different steelseries drivers several times. I know all mice work perfectly, so the problem should be my PC. Last thing I want to do is format and reinstall windows, last time I formatted was 3 years ago.
When I draw horizontal lines with paint, there's jittering, and some weird vertical movement wich I guess it's malfunction speed. The way I drew the lines, was slow first and accelerating without getting too much speed. Also none of the lines are straight, every movement I do draw a curve going up or down.
It's imposible to play decently with this problem. Does anyone know how can I do to solve it?