Announcing the IPL ShootMania Weekly Cup
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The IGN Pro league will be hosting weekly cups for ShootMania starting next Monday!
- All matches will be played using the Elite mode
- Rules will coincide with the IPL5 rule-set
- First place will receive $150 each week
- The event is open to everyone with the top 8 teams being streamed
- Matches begin at 4pm PST on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Events for the EU community will be announced soon!
Links: IPL Release | Sign-up
- All matches will be played using the Elite mode
- Rules will coincide with the IPL5 rule-set
- First place will receive $150 each week
- The event is open to everyone with the top 8 teams being streamed
- Matches begin at 4pm PST on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Events for the EU community will be announced soon!
Links: IPL Release | Sign-up
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