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18:23 CDT - 1462 users online
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Posted by xiripiti @ 08:44 CDT, 1 June 2013 - iMsg
Hi all. Some days ago i finished my first map and want make a pk3 to show the comunity and hear all opinions. Not because i think is a good map but, as i want to make more maps, all opinions will be important to make better in the future.
Saw some tuts about making the pk3 file and at first atempt the message was "cant find bsp".
Asked Cityy what could be the problem and he told me i need to encrypt that file. I was surprised coz I didnt find that information in the tuts. So, I downloaded Quakelivedec, followed Cityy instructions and finaly got my pk3 encryted. Put it in ql baseq3 but...still "cant find bsp".
Tried a dozen times with no sucess, im sure i make all by the book. But there is a mistake somewhere in the process, dunno what. My question is: anyone knows a good tutorial about how to make a .pk3 file playable in QL?
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PK3 monster is killing me (No comments)
Posted by xiripiti @ 05:45 CDT, 31 May 2013 - iMsg
Hi all. Some days ago i finished my first map and need to hear all opinions i can get. Saw some tuts about how to make the .pk3 file and i made it easily. Put it in ql baseq3 and the result was "cant find he bsp". Asked Citty what could be the problem and he said it was necessary to encrypt that file. At this moment i asked myself why the tuts didnt say a word about the need of encrypting...too obvious or a secret? i downloaded the Quakelivedec.exe. Made a new folder and put the pk3 file, the quakelivedec.exe and the .bat file inside it and encrypted pk3 appeared !! Checked "read only" and, again, put it inside ql baseq3...guess what : "cant find the bsp"! Obviously i miss something along the process, but what????? Can i find a good and complete tut about all the necessary steps??
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