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Frictionless Scroll Wheel Mouse (21 comments)
Posted by Kitin @ 09:18 CDT, 8 July 2013 - iMsg
I'm looking for a mouse with frictionless scroll wheel that also goes well with fast FPS games. I'm a pretty high sensetivity player (~ 7cm 360°) with huge hands. I currently have a qpad 5k that fits my hand pretty well. I rarely use claw grips. Any suggestions?
13011 Hits
Rage DeFRaG (57 comments)
Posted by Kitin @ 14:14 CST, 7 February 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.6 (24 votes)
Playing around with the strafejump physics in RAGE. Feels like maneuvering a retarded refrigerator.

The only things that has been altered physics-wise is the damage taken and sprint time.

Song: Boards Of Canada-Oirectine

All the console commands used:
cvarAdd pm_sprintMaxTime 99999999 - Longer sprint time
cvaradd g_showHud -1 - No HUD
cvaradd pm_noBob 1 - No "bobbing" from side to side.
cvaradd g_fov 30 - +30 fov, 110 in total.
cvarAdd g_permagodmode 1 - No damage taken what so ever.
Edited by Kitin at 19:15 CST, 7 February 2013 - 13979 Hits
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