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Infinity (6 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 05:18 CST, 17 February 2019 - iMsg

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Rating: 4.5 (1 vote)
Some flagruns and tomfoolery on infinity. Mostly from scrims, some pub.

Saluting the remaining ctf fiends in #omega

Music by Fm-84
Edited by bolus major at 05:18 CST, 17 February 2019 - 4686 Hits
Quantum Of Bolus (22 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 15:49 CST, 29 December 2017 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (10 votes)
Just to keep the tradition of holiday quake movies going, here is my sequel to The Bolus Identity.

All unranked, unskilled and pure luck on sitting ducks. Clan arena only for the purists.

I made it short cause I find most movies are too long. Also, learning new software (lightworks) is a pain
Edited by bolus major at 14:17 CST, 31 December 2017 - 8447 Hits
Working on yourself: QL, piriformis & hamstrings (4 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 12:03 CDT, 20 August 2017 - iMsg
I'd like to starting working on myself too, what do you think?
2468 Hits
Best Flagrun Ever (4 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 03:58 CST, 12 November 2016 - iMsg
IG vs. SN4K3 South murica 2016 CUP

Watch that mofo 'rat' at first, camping quietly, then shooting off ,shaking off multiple opponents and bringing it home in an athletic fashion.

Commentary by zoto attenbro.
Edited by bolus major at 12:06 CST, 12 November 2016 - 1905 Hits
update servers for balance (9 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 04:00 CST, 6 November 2016 - iMsg
I hope someone is making this his priority. Just played some games and one out of 4 was somewhat balanced, rest were stompfests. It wouldn't matter as much if there was an admin but there wasn't.
Edited by bolus major at 08:46 CST, 6 November 2016 - 5296 Hits
re: know story (3 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 02:52 CDT, 13 July 2016 - iMsg

I dont know if you heard that story before, maybe not. But its not a big secret actually. Many people know about that especialy russians.
I dont remember it so well. Maybe because it happens not in a single day. It takes like a few month for start to the end. So yea. i probably do not remember everything but overall i can tell you, maybe not so detailed but i will do my best.
I have to start from the moment when i was played duels agains a guy called N1 Huber. It was some russian guy who had very weird playstyle. It was hard to beat him in first time but when you understand how he plays it became more easier. He was all the time +back rail, almost never go for items just rail you on pickup and waiting for your push. So in some moment i start guessing that something unclear here. Because he is always hits his rails but nothing else. He was like 70% Rail and under 25% any other weapons.
At that moment i didn’t know how cheats actually looks. I saw some simple aimbot somewhere on q3 public. But Huber’s rails was looking okayish. So i start searching for ql cheats and you know it wasn’t hard to find. So yea short test shows me thats wh+autoshot force you to play like huber playing.
I dont know why didn’t report in support abut this guy. Probably i simply didn’t know about any kind of support yet. So i decide to tell about Huber to the N1 clan leader. You know its not good if your clan having a cheat in the roster because whole your clan will be under suspicion.
So, i start explaining to the clan leader this situation with huber and clan leader was like “no, its not possible, cheats for quake live are not exist”. And i am like “no dude its takes like 5 min to find and install cheats“. And he is like “ok give me your cheats or i dont belive you”.
So i give him a cheat. And he really liked how it works. He even told me that he gonna play with cheats now coz its fun. But i actually didn't believe him. I really thought it was an joke.
But not. He actually start playing with cheats. You know, he call me on skype and ask to help him install cheats on new computer coz he likes to play on lan with cheats. I was shoked. But we all know i am so fucking nice guy so i refuse to help him and ask him to stop cheating. And he said to me that he will increase his overall accurasy to 31% and then stop cheating. That was obvious bs.
I am sure i just didn’ know about support and how to report people. so i didn’t find other way then just tell to the people that this guy is cheating. Well actually i said before i don’t remember this story so well. It was me who report him to the community as a cheater or i just confirm that his is cheat. Does’t even matter. He got forgiveness from the community. You know he was cheating only 3 month or maybe a bit more. So community wasnt really mad at him.

4135 Hits
Logitech G302 review (1 comment)
Posted by bolus major @ 06:39 CDT, 4 July 2016 - iMsg
It's good!

Edited by bolus major at 12:42 CDT, 6 July 2016 - 1519 Hits
Logitech G302 review (No comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 06:24 CDT, 4 July 2016 - iMsg
It's good.

1377 Hits
RA3MAPS in QL (18 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 04:16 CDT, 4 June 2016 - iMsg

Edited by bolus major at 13:33 CST, 24 December 2016 - 11388 Hits
Bolus' Thoughts - Duckywas of Zero (20 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 10:34 CST, 25 January 2016 - iMsg
First of all I would like to know how many people here use a mechanical keyboard.

Cause these things are outrageously expensive (imo). I've played 5 years of quake on a 5 euro keyboard that only now is starting to show signs of wear. I do need to mention I don't punch my keyboard in anger.

Anyway I bought a Ducky Zero thing recently, brown cherry switches, 90 euro / $100.

As the name implies, it's a no nonsense piece of kit. You barely recognise its gaming focus and that's a good thing.

It also weighs about 8 times more than my old membrane keyboard, so it doesn't slide around.

The feeling of the mechanical switches is really nice, though I think I would try red switches next time for a little more feedback. It's also good that I can spam a few keys at a time cause my old thing couldn't handle that and it resulted in some movement fails.

Still, I think I paid too much for this, it should be like 50 euro max. I tried to find something cheaper and failed. Anyone know of a mechanical keyboard that is affordable? Otherwise we should start ESR MECHANICAL KEYBOARD DEVELOPMENT topic a.s.a.p.

I hope this minimal review is useful to someone, I rarely see a keyboard topic here, whereas mice and pads are hot topic always.

Cheery'oh laddins.
Edited by bolus major at 13:55 CST, 26 January 2016 - 4278 Hits
Strenx' sister (21 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 04:22 CDT, 30 August 2015 - iMsg
6324 Hits
Quake paper craft model (12 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 14:33 CDT, 2 April 2015 - iMsg

Someone get the keels spawning!
5066 Hits
The Bolus Identity (33 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 10:36 CDT, 12 March 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.2 (56 votes)
A QL space ctf fragmovie featuring Netherlands Grandbolus. The often lowly regarded Q3 map has a nice little following and provided me with hours of fun, which I hope is clear from the movie. Most fragged players are top space :-D

Music is from a mix by Autopilot called Monsters From The Deep.

Thanks to Nastytime for the amazing skybox, and Creep for sharing the weapon Fx.
Edited by Badb0y at 16:54 CDT, 12 March 2014 - 18868 Hits
Fabölus flagmovie (9 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 15:10 CST, 11 February 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.2 (25 votes)
A short movie featuring the fabulous bolus. This time not nerding it out on (lol) space ctf or trying hard in duel, just some ctf fun.

Programs used:

Virtual dub
Premiere pro
Edited by bolus major at 03:33 CST, 15 February 2014 - 3543 Hits
Abort ftw (26 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 05:14 CST, 3 December 2013 - iMsg

Edited by bolus major at 06:36 CST, 3 December 2013 - 7432 Hits
QL 2.0, the Community has spoken (46 comments)
Posted by bolus major @ 11:31 CST, 3 November 2013 - iMsg
The twitch community *Kappa*

xannw: in QL 2.0 you cant jump and only use flash

pawulon_: ql will have spread on every weapon

beg1nner: When it lags this much, I just try to enjoy everyone that has funny QL 2.0 suggestions =)

icingonthecake: u can level up and get skill points which u can use in different talent trees in QL 2.0

fooljsh: ql aim down sights?

raevaroo: QL 2.0 is xbox exclusive

mythik00: ye iron sights, also diminishing returns on jumping plz

esgalduin: in QL 2.0 you have to collect rings and amulets on the map

xannw: QL 2.0 will not run under Windows XP

adobostreak: in ql 2.0 you need a full time job, a college degree, and have moved out of your parents house in order to play

easyspec: ql 2.0 has portal gun

mythik00: no more of this bunny hopping strafe jumping noboness

biscuit_powered: QL 2.0 will be played via facebook

soldatrlz: QL 2.0 is Warsow

fooljsh: ql 2.0 wont have force models and fov is locked at 85

dee_el: QL 2.0 locked at 30 frames per second

icingonthecake: QL 2.0 will be a using CoD Black Ops engine to attract a bigger playerbase

esgalduin: in QL 2.0 there will be cups played from smartphones

0192837465fallen: adobo you also need automobel to play ql2.0

ttasmmv: quake live 2.0 will be an iphone app

mythik00: not only not force models but they will be wearing camo so they are hard to see

xannw: QL 2.0 will be an android app

soldatrlz: QL 2.0 will have play by e-mail

16rindas: QL 2.0 will be black & white

pjanoman_of_4s: QL 2.0 will automatically cause your pc to blue screen of death if you insult cooller

esgalduin: in ql 2.0 it will be allowed for gays to participate

tez303: camo sucks, i dont want that *** in QL2

xannw: QL 2.0 will ask you to pay for 20 year old content

0perat0r: all the lolz on 2.0

icingonthecake: QL 2.0 will be released as a facebook game only. similar to farmville. playing with friends is fun

fooljsh: ql 2.0 will feature a return from captain price

bogotac_: QL 2.0 Has one big map like skyrim and all players are in that map doing quests

16rindas: QL 2.0 will make faceit streams lagg no matter what

handoncock: in ql2.0 bfg will be q2 like

q3newage: QL 2.0 will be with pandas

inkorp: QL2 pen and paper RPG

aydarkh: Leaked video QL 2.0!!!!!

xannw: in QL 2.0 all enemies are big pandas

dee_el: I want Doom Live

fooljsh: quake live 2.0 features popups to tell you when items come up

testostronk: introducing the dodgebutton for QL 2.0

esgalduin: ql 2.0 will be so tolleratne game that frags will be added in case you leave your opponent alive

ttasmmv: quake live 2.0 will have guest stars from halo, gears of war, cod, etc.

xannw: in QL 2.0 there are no excellents but double kills

fooljsh: ql 2.0 has health recovery

esgalduin: ql 2.0 will have headshots

easyspec: QL2.0 double dps and aim assist for consoles

bogotac_: ql 2.0 will have mana for lg

biscuit_powered: QL 2.0 will have Game/Gamestop pre-order exclusive weapons

ttasmmv: ql 2.0 will have realistic weapons. one mg bullet = death

pawulon_: No, this is the real QL2.0 footage:

fooljsh: ql 2.0 has ads featuring famous american actors so you know the gameplay is good

icingonthecake: QL 2.0 will have an ingame auction house where u can buy, sell and bid on elo points.

0192837465fallen: QL 2.0 will feature 13 SECRET CHARACTERS

adobostreak: ql 2.0 will have shock rifle, shield gun, and flak cannon

tez303: Why not release Quake 5 instead of QL2? Weird decision by id software imo

handoncock: there will be a knif in ql2.0

hirezprojectile: ql 2.0: regenerating shields and exciting halo-speed combat

xannw: QL2.0 will feature a syncerror post telling us QL2.0 is comming soon

handoncock: a throwable one

fooljsh: ql 2.0 is 1-hit-kill pummel and 5m range

easyspec: ql2.0 noscope 360ies

bogotac_: in ql 2.0 u can have sex

biscuit_powered: QL 2.0 to have quick time events and scripted sequences

bogotac_: QL 2.0 will be open world game like wow

xannw: QL 2.0 will feature ztn

fooljsh: ql 2.0 features the ability to turn off pvp in case you are about to die

adobostreak: ql 2.0 will feature cards like hearthstone

rixtermanx: wtf is ql 2.0

hirezprojectile: ql 2.0: best played on xbox one controller

nalipotanka: and what QL 2.0 needs is completely new maps...if it will have same maps as last 14 years, than no one will play it again against veterans

q3newage: in ql 2.0 you will be able to save hostages

bogotac_: rly guys no need for ql2

esgalduin: in ql 2.0 Mynx will have naked boobs

tom10x: QL 2.0 will have summoners and minions.

chilloverkill: in QL 2.0 thae main subject will be to plant and defuse bombs

adobostreak: ql 2.0 will have a soundtrack by Katy perry and lady gags


easyspec: ql2.0 ca only

icingonthecake: QL 2.0 will be only released on console

bogotac_: u can get married in QL 2.0

fooljsh: ql 2.0 will feature america's favourite cyber athlete fatal1ty as a playable character

esgalduin: in ql 2.0 once during a match a friend of a player can joim a match for30 secs to help frag the opponent

handoncock: justin bieber for ql2.0 sonttrack plz

handoncock: Baby baby bbaby ohh

fooljsh: ql 2.0 features 3 lifelines to aid you in reaching the million dollar question

icingonthecake: for QL 2.0 gabe newell will replace Syncerror at ID Software

fooljsh: ql 2.0 bans all current pros for 1 year to give shitters time to learn the game

nalipotanka: but new maps...fresh perspective, especially in a new engine...if they add same old maps again, no one will come to play QL2.0 for sure

bogotac_: In QL 2.0 There is cooller model with "come to me baby" taunt

xannw: QL2.0 requires razer hydra to be played

icingonthecake: QL 2.0 will be Q4 with better graphics

q3newage: QL 2.0 will have high and low kicks, high and low punches

icingonthecake: QL 2.0 will be a reality show starring fatal1ty and syncerror living in a car on the road

0192837465fallen: Remember to register to to play in our tournaments and get a chance to win our QL 2.0!

q3newage: QL 2.0 will be released after HL3

QL (2.0) team, eat your heart out.
Edited by bolus major at 13:00 CST, 3 November 2013 - 13214 Hits
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