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All Posts Razer CPL Documentary (1 comment)
Posted by TBE @ 00:04 CST, 8 November 2013 - iMsg
accidentally stumbled onto this
hardly any views for it, so i assume it's been posted here yet

Edited by TBE at 00:12 CST, 8 November 2013 - 3495 Hits
Quake 5: what improvements do you want? (247 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 03:35 CDT, 29 August 2013 - iMsg
it can be gameplay, netcode, maps, modes, whatever. I want to hear your thoughts. let's try to keep this argument free ;p

going to bed, but i'll give a basic outline of what I want . I might fill in more details tomorrow.

Quake really needs 2 game modes
there should be a competitive mode for hardcore players and a casual mode for weekend warriors(similar to what treyarch did for black ops 2)

1v1/tdm/ctf/defrag: the servers for these game types should only run on competitive mode settings

physics, maps, and settings would be tuned for competitve players.
5 seconds weapon respawns would be a thing of the past
10 minute duels would be no more.
the movement system would be expanded upon
all 1v1 maps would be at least medium in size(bye-bye aerowalk)

ca/ team arena ctf/instagib/capturestrike/domination, etc: would be for the big casual playerbase(probably makes up 3/4 of the quakelive player base). these servers should only run on casual mode.
casual mode would have loosened settings and the physics would be dumbed(strafe jumps and ramp jumps only) down

anybody with any skill or drive will move to the competive modes.
players that only play for fun will stick with the casual mode.
casuals do not play tdm/tournament ctf/1v1, so there's no point in balancing those gametypes for them

If id software were to follow this model, i believe we could see the return of TDM in north america. clan arena players with any skill(maybe 1k-2k of the NACA playerbase) aren't going to want to play quake with training wheels put on, they're going to play the REAL THING. I have no doubt that they would flock to tdm. the only problem with tdm is that matches are too long, so all pub tdm would have to be 10 minutes max

if you think this idea is shit. that's fine, i don't care.
i want to hear your ideas for a new game, it doesn't matter if it's something completely opposite of what i wrote.
hope to see your ideas tomorrow ;p
Edited by wn at 14:51 CDT, 29 August 2013 - 60473 Hits
best mousepad for QW (8 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 03:44 CDT, 11 August 2013 - iMsg
if you're someone who can do all the trick jumps and play at at a high level, please chime in. thanks

mouse is a wmo+teflon feet replacements only.
I was going to go hardpad, but am having second thoughts now.
Edited by TBE at 04:05 CDT, 11 August 2013 - 6179 Hits
BEST. FRAG. MOVIE. EVER. (7 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 04:48 CDT, 10 August 2013 - iMsg

dat frag @6:37
dat intro
dat soundtrack
How come we never get frag movies like this one anymore?
Btw, movie came out in 2002( if you couldn't tell by the soundtrack and gfx)

Anyways, find me a better one for a [+]
good luck

inb4 systemz

If anyone wants to work on a movie with me(cpma done extreme???)
Pm me and let's talk
Edited by TBE at 05:14 CDT, 10 August 2013 - 3893 Hits
Lone-Star Gamer interviews Rapha (65 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 10:00 CDT, 8 August 2013 - iMsg
At Quakecon 2013, during the second day, Lone-Star Gamer interviewed United States of America Shane "Rapha" Hendrixson. Topics include Quakecon tournament, the state of the community, and Shane's entrance into the game.

It's actually a good interview. Enjoy it!

Edited by wn at 18:07 CDT, 9 August 2013 - 17498 Hits
Top 5 plays from quakecon (8 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 23:39 CDT, 5 August 2013 - iMsg

cool video
pass it around :)


that's the blog that made the video.
like the vid on youtube and make positive comments. maybe that will help us get more support from that site :) it's worth a shot
Edited by TBE at 08:38 CDT, 6 August 2013 - 3003 Hits
RIP quake (103 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 15:37 CDT, 16 July 2013 - iMsg
edit: i do enjoy quakelive(speccing/playing)
i just think our scene would be doing a lot better if the gameplay was faster and more exciting. i also think quakelive is likely not fixable and id would be better off starting with a new engine.
the purpose of this thread was not to cause a flamewar, but to spread awareness.

died in the states in 03
died worldwide in 07
it's successor will be dead once the year is over -
faceit can't be paying the life support bill forever


only way to bring it back would be to create a new, non-browser based game and to put the focus on teams instead of 1v1.
that mode can't be clan arena because clan arena is not a competitive mode(lolca). If id isn't fast enough, reborn will be stealing away all the fans and quake will be gone forever.
I hope the guys at id are working on something cause i rather not have to support "hair/" aka 2gd
to hair/id, don't even bring out 1v1 unless it is exciting to watch, you're directly competing against the fighting scene, which shits all over quakelive when it comes to excitement - go big or go home.

Evo 2013 livestream draws record numbers on Twitch with 1.7 million viewers

edit: a q4 multiplayer only remake could be the answer as well.
that game was a lot better than people give it credit for, it just needs some tweaking.

Edited by tbe at 17:33 CDT, 24 July 2013 - 21349 Hits
Find me a bigger ping disadvantage win.. (24 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 22:17 CDT, 8 July 2013 - iMsg a tournament than this.
preferably division 1 level and in a team game.
will [+] if you find anything comparable
nobles = 116 ping
darkside = 32 ping

this match is a blowout, so it's probably not fun to see today, but seeing it live easily ranks up there as one of my favorite moments in q3.

to any naysayers, i believe nudge was disabled when this game occured and i'm not sure if people used xerp/smoothclients during that time. i recall playing with 100+ ping back then and it honestly didn't feel much better than osp.

here ya go

Edited by tbe at 09:41 CDT, 11 July 2013 - 6210 Hits
Quake 3 in the huffington post ;) (17 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 20:55 CDT, 6 July 2013 - iMsg
'Quake 3 Arena' Bots Evolve World Peace After Four-Year War On Pirate's Server

4061 Hits
Quake Arcade Cabinet for sale (5 comments)
Posted by TBE @ 21:24 CDT, 26 June 2013 - iMsg

anyone ever got to play one or remember hearing about it? i recall hearing word of a cabinet coming out, but i never got to see it until now.
looks like it could been fun had there been a server or link between two machines

Quake Arcade Tournament Edition (Updated)
This press release (thanks HarPax) describes an updated version of the Quake arcade machines from LBE called the "Tournament Edition" that brings the deathmatch level, "The Edge" to arcades. Disruptor sent along a clarification of how that differs from the Quake II level The Edge:

Actually, The Edge included in the arcade version *IS* the same version included in Quake II, but it was converted by Tim Willits for use in the Arcade version. You won't find that version available for Quake I anywhere else.

Tim, Brandon and myself had a chance to head over to the local GameWorks a couple weeks ago to see it in action, and it's a hoot.
Edited by tbe at 02:05 CDT, 27 June 2013 - 5630 Hits
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