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ESReality (1 comment)
Posted by *creep @ 10:26 CST, 17 November 2023 - iMsg
ESReality - Where gaming meets " You must be logged in to perform that action"

Will be the very death of this site.

P.s. cellphone posting is helluva bugged, post textfield is cropped so I can't see all the content I write...
9794 Hits
Eggame release tomorrow september 3rd (No comments)
Posted by *creep @ 14:15 CDT, 2 September 2020 - iMsg
No open beta, they going for full release.
1930 Hits
long live the king ql community movie trailer (6 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 17:58 CST, 2 February 2018 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.9 (6 votes)
Want to star in a fresh community movie? Well here is your chance!

Long live the King is a project that is planned to ship ready before summer ends 2018, and hopefully be around 10 - 20 minutes pure carnage. This of course depends heavily on how much content gets sent in.

All demos from all modes are welcome: frags, happenings, tricks, funny moments, comebacks, killstreaks, rail hit counters on afk's etc. Note that the actions will be prioritated depending on the entertainment quality of the action, so the more uncommon your submission is, the more likely is it to be highlighted.
All players no matter what skill are welcome to submit demos, except cheaters and statswhores for obvious reasons.

The style of the movie will be a clean edit with minimal cameras and special effects, but with raw elements such as gore and powerful music, (read alternative metal).
You can check out my earlier movies on my youtubechannel:

Important information for demo submissions!

The demos may be in whatever format current and older versions WolfcamQL can support.
You may submit as many demos as you wish, but as my intention is to not dedicate this movie to a certain player most of your demos are not going to be used.
Name your demos with your name, when the moment is taking place and what type of action, example: creep_12.33_airrocket.dm91
If it's not specified in the demo, please write what playermodel and in-game name you want to be displayed with, (letters and numbers only, no special characters except underline "_").
If you have a demo with a custom map which is not in Quake Lives official mappool you will have to send me a link to the map in steams workshop.

Send your demos to:

If you write me a message I will gladly write back when I have the time.

Thanks in advance!
Edited by *creep at 17:58 CST, 2 February 2018 - 5660 Hits
2018 ql fragmovie? (47 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 12:22 CST, 2 January 2018 - iMsg
Hello fellow esr readers and fragmovie enthusiasts!

2017 was a pretty moving year for me and I didn't find the time to settle down and be as movie creative as I used to. Previous years I have set goals to try and release something eyecandy for christmas, but this year I simply didn't make it. However as things are starting to settle down for me my moviemaking fingers have been itching quite badly recently and therefor I would like to ask where the interest lies in some movie ideas I've been thinking of for quite some time.

1. A QL community "farewell" movie called "Long live the king". This will of course be in the spirit of the happy QL days as QC is standing on the doorstep to soon be released and maybe eventually take over. I know many here refuse to accept QC as a new Quake, but as QLs glorydays have had its time I think it would serve as a good gesture for the fine years that has been.

All demos, players, modes and frags / happenings are welcome, except for of course cheated or scripted events. Demos may be as old as I can find a WolfcamQL to support them, and players may send in several demos though I will nit pick the best / most fitting moments for each player so all demos maybe doesn't make it in the final production. If a player have no demos to contribute but still wanna make it in somehow they can mail their in-game nick and I will include it somewhere in the movie. The movie will end up as long as demos go, so this can either be a very long, or a very short movie.

I will most likely create a demo collecting teaser to post on more quake related sites for wider spread and support, and much more detail will be revealed then.

2. A 125FPS QL cup movie. This will be a pain the arse to make as it is so much material to go through, but I think this would be a well appreciated movie. This movie will be based on the demopack submitted by Shpuld (sorted by meph1stoo, thanks for that <3) earlier this year. I dug through many of the demos when this was released and there are MANY tasty bits in there. As I said, this will be plenty of work and will most likely turn out as a very long movie, or it can be separated by players so each player gets his own micromovie, and there will be many movies released within a shorter time span.

3. Yeah I know... spacectf duh. I got a fine selection of frags by Mr Bolus and I have under a long time collected tricks on spacectf, so wether you like it or not there will be a lost in space 3 (rest in space), but this will have to wait for now as I still have some unfinished buisness on some of the ramps, and this will be a closure and very special chapter.

So... which one you wanna see?
13519 Hits
keel champion trailer (58 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 17:57 CST, 11 December 2017 - iMsg

Or is it a Revenant?
23282 Hits
trippin' (7 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 05:13 CDT, 31 August 2017 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 3.5 (5 votes)
Trippin' is my first Quake Champions fragmovie, with frags captured during Quake Champions open beta and early access.

The videoquality is really poor, and editing is very straight forward, but I do enjoy the end result with this one, and I hope you might as well. Enjoy!

Edited by *creep at 05:13 CDT, 31 August 2017 - 6925 Hits
quake champions comics (16 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 08:34 CDT, 27 July 2017 - iMsg
This is old news, but I didn't know about it until I read this.

Bethesda will partner with Titan Comics to provide a comic with each champions different background. The series will be available in August.

I mean, why not make it even more transparent they are cloning OW than it already is?
4714 Hits
creep 2.0 (14 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 05:27 CST, 8 March 2017 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.4 (24 votes)
creep 2.0 is the second installment in the creep series, with frags from various gamemodes but mostly clan arena. This movie was supposed to be released in the late 2016 but got delayed due to ceveral changes in the music. When it was finally complete and uploaded to youtube it got a copyright strike due to the intro music by Combichrist, and all the audio was muted. This led me to upload the youtube version without the intro, which takes away a little of the whole atmosphere. In other words:

For your best viewing experince, download the full version due to the youtube link is not the complete movie.

Enjoy! :)

Also... cats
Edited by Badb0y at 08:23 CST, 10 March 2017 - 11499 Hits
sonic (1 comment)
Posted by *creep @ 14:38 CST, 9 January 2017 - iMsg
this one's for you.

1600 Hits
High activity on esr today? (21 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 13:02 CDT, 18 October 2016 - iMsg
Or just many spambots?
12673 Hits
Insight - new website (1 comment)
Posted by *creep @ 09:08 CDT, 5 October 2016 - iMsg
A new youtube video has been released on the soundfocused fps game insight, working as an introduction to insights new webpage.

Check it out:

Also, this is an interesting topic found on the site.

$150 Contest

Soon a promotional frag contest will be launched, offering prize money for the best FPS frag submitted. All competitive FPS games will be eligible for the contest, and will be independently judged. A video compilation of the top frags submitted (including the prize winners) will be created, and the goal is to include a variety of old and new FPS games. More information about the rules and judging criteria will be available when the contest launches. Subscribe to the newsletter to be emailed when submissions are open.
1427 Hits
SPACEWARD feat. creep & mouse* (24 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 15:48 CDT, 8 July 2016 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (50 votes)
SPACEWARD is an all spacectf and skyward movie, a project that's been co-operated between two players who share the same taste in fine map-architecture, Germany mouse* and Sweden creep.

Edited by Teen Queen at 05:41 CDT, 9 July 2016 - 15810 Hits
cooller thread (24 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 17:10 CST, 9 February 2016 - iMsg
did you guys know that leads straight to ?

well now you know.

may cooller be with you all, Amen.
9078 Hits
Firework (15 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 09:51 CST, 28 December 2015 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.7 (22 votes)
Croatia NastyTime:

Firework is my fifth Quake Live™ movie and very likely the last from my production garage based on this game. All games were during 2015. on European servers and almost all players are regulars (some with alternative nicknames) who share similar passion with me for that map.

Thanks once again to clan mates and all participating players for lot of fun. It has been great pleasure to play (and sometimes nerd rage) with/against you.

I hope you’ll enjoy this short action packed picture book.


Edited by *creep at 15:31 CST, 28 December 2015 - 6944 Hits
Do it on LAN 2015 (55 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 21:16 CST, 24 December 2015 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.4 (89 votes)
I will pretend I released this on the 24th...

Dedicated to the participants of the Quake Live LAN held at Quakecon this summer, here comes a movie filled with action that only LAN can bring. In total 16 teams, with four players each, signed up to fight for the glory, but this movie is not about the best team, this flick is all about the frags and the action of a pure LAN spirit! Enjoy the ride!

Edited by xerosawyer at 12:30 CST, 31 December 2015 - 29635 Hits
Poor huk (6 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 02:38 CDT, 25 September 2015 - iMsg
Edited by PerpetualWar at 02:46 CDT, 25 September 2015 - 2405 Hits
qcon demos and cfgs (47 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 03:34 CDT, 26 July 2015 - iMsg
Where to get them?
13411 Hits
creeps needs monies too (43 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 16:53 CST, 8 February 2015 - iMsg
Hello best esr users.

You are all almost as good as me, however I did not create this thread to flatter myself. And I sure as hell did not create it to flatter you.

The truth is, dark times is ahead of creep. My computer is dying and this makes creep very sad (sadface). My mom bought me this computer long ago, but since the monies don't grow on trees, my computer was shit allready from start. It could run all games at the time on lowest settings and resolution, but with time it was only quek that it could barely push.

A couple of month ago, my flagship to quakemachine started to fade away. I tried everything in my power to not let it die! I downloaded and installed new operatesystem since xp is oldskool. I deleted c drive. Hell! I even fed it with anabola in cd-rom. I fucking restarted it once! But nothing worked...

It is with a tear in my eye I have made the decision to let this battlehorse go (sadface).
May he be happy in quakemachine heaven. Amen.

Now, let's forget about that old piece of junk. The reason why I made this thread is because it's been quite a trend to give away monies to quakers in need. And why would you spoil your cash on unknown random players if it's not me? It's literally flushing the hard whored worked monies in toilet. I really hope you whiped your ass with it before you sent it away so it came to some what of use. Jeez.

But don't fear! I'm from with now all open for donations so you finally get a reason to fuck your own life up! Of course every single penny will go to a new computer so I can continue queking and quakemoviemaking. It won't be liked when I trolled the battlefield community the same way and spent it all on whores and cocaine. Good times.

There are some things you need to know before donating though. First of all, I'm not gonna bother set up a paypal account or simular. That shit takes way too much time of my energy and I can't be bothered. If you are gonna donate (and you fukcing are!) you need to send it in cash.. which leads to point 2. Don't you dare send me any monies in any other currency then swedish ikeas. Swedish ikeas is the only monies I accept and while you are still at it, don't send any lower value than 500 ikeas. I'm bad at math and that makes it easier for me to count.

Other then the previous mentioned points, I can come up with an infinite list of stuff I won't do just because I finally got a computer to do it. Like, stream, stop rage and ragekick people, blaming my fps, blaming polaks, hack Nasa, hack ins, stop downloading MLP episodes, stop downloading gaypor... yea the list goes on forever.

Now this is a nice piece of wall I wrote. Let's just get to my contact information allready. And I'm all single too so if you are a cute gurlgamer.. grrr ;)

Here's my adress.

creep, creepson

And my number in case you don't truse me. Or you are a gurl and wanna talk boobs.


This is creep, leader of Boys, the opressed male game community clan, signing off. I hope to have my mailbox filled with ikeas. peace.
14260 Hits
creep (75 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 20:00 CST, 25 December 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.6 (104 votes)
A slightly late christmas gift, but here it finally is. What could have been a nice prequel to the overrated spacectf series, got instead infected by CA and duel gametypes, and therefor I just simply call this movie creep, starring once again me, Sweden creep.

For this movie I have under a longer time worked on a HQ weapon texture set, and combined with custom map textures by Croatia NastyTime, the atmosphere in this movie gets a fresh and uniqe look. Mixed with the best frags and runs in my demo-folder and edited with rap-rock music, it got the fast pace feel I'm mostly going for in my edits.

I trully hope you will enjoy this one more than I enjoyed making it!

Texture Pack
Edited by *creep at 10:19 CST, 28 January 2015 - 45895 Hits
post your fails (93 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 11:04 CDT, 29 October 2014 - iMsg
At some point, watching a hardcore fail is way more entertaining than an epic frag. With that said, I begin this topic with a short edit of space ctf trickrun fails:

Post your fails.

Also, for the love of bandwitdth, don't inbed the movieclips directly on page.
43074 Hits
perg's problems w/ ql steam trailer (18 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 07:32 CDT, 5 October 2014 - iMsg
Just watched this, had a good laugh.

Discuss lol
7028 Hits
Boyz recruiting! (80 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 12:19 CDT, 24 August 2014 - iMsg
As a male gamer I am proud to announce that the Boyz! clan is now recruiting!

It's really easy to join, all you have to do is to say your in game name in this thread as a reply. If you for some weird reason doesn't have a name that sound very manlyish, you will need to prove that you are a male by sending a picture of your penis to my private mail.
Don't worry, the pictures won't be leaked because I know it is a very sensitive subject, I keep them safely stored in a box under my bed!

But why would you create an account that doesn't immidieatly reveals that you are male? Makes no sense...

However, since I am in charge of this clan, and the leader of the opressed male gaming society, I want to be treated as a god. If someone starts flameing me I want my whole pack come and rescue me, and if I starts losing I want my best players carry me.
Together we can make this game a better place. For all races. Maybe even Polaks... But remember, I am not a dicktator, we are all equals. I'm just slightly more important than the rest of you.

So why do I make this clan now, after years of submission in the gaming scene? The answer is simple. Soon QL will be totally retardified, with lots of new noob blood. And I want a strong army to hunt down them all. Together we can make my stats a little better, so I can look a little bit more elite. Together we can make me a god. I mean, I don't really need your help. But you know, it's an honour playing for me. Also... I'm very sexy looking ;)

Furthermore, as we evolve, there will be fragmovies. YES. Clanmovies! with afk frags and.. who knows.. maybe even some wh and aimbot clips. It will be awesome!

Heres our themesong:


btw I'm not racist I'm pianist. I press down both black and whites..
13475 Hits
need wolfcam camerapoint editing help (8 comments)
Posted by *creep @ 14:38 CDT, 13 July 2014 - iMsg
I am about to start working on yet another ql fragmovie and I have some questions about editing camerapoints in wolfcam. Or to be more specific, how to change fov values for different camerapoints. The effect is very common in q3mme edited movies and seem to be quite easy to make in that program, however in wolfcamql it appears to be more tricky.

After I have placed my camerapoints I should be able to select a specific camerapoint and edit it's properties.
When I have the camerpoint(s) selected I can use the command /ecam and a whole list of commands pops up. It's here I get lost.


Edit all currently selected camera points
<...> are required
[...] are optional

/ecam type <spline, interp, jump, curve>
/ecam fov <current, interp, fixed, pass> [fov value] <---------This is what I need!
/ecam command <command to be executed when cam point is hit>
/ecam numsplines <number of spline points to use for this key point (default is 40) >
/ecam angles <interp, interpuseprevious, fixed, fixeduseprevious, viewpointinterp, viewpointfixed, viewpointpass, ent>
the 'ent' option has additional parameter for the entity
/ecam angles ent [entity number]
/ecam offset <interp, fixed, pass> [x offset] [y offset] [z offset]
/ecam roll <interp, fixed, pass> [roll value]
/ecam initialVelocity <origin, angles, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, fov, roll> <v
alue, or 'reset' to reset to default fixed velocity>
/ecam finalVelocity <origin, angles, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, fov, roll> <value, or 'reset' to reset to default fixed velocity>
/ecam rebase [origin | angles | dir | dirna | time | timen <server time>]
edit camera times to start now or at the time given time, use current angles, origin, or direction as the new starting values
note: dirna updates the camera direction without altering camera angles
/ecam smooth velocity
change camera times to have the final immediate velocity of a camera point
match the initial immediate velocity of the next camera point
/ecam smooth avgvelocity
change camera times to have all points match the total average velocity
run command multiple times for better precision
* /ecam smooth origin
match, if possible, the final immediate velocity of a camera point to the
immediate initial velocity of the next camera point to have smooth origin
transitions (done by setting the appropriate overall final and initial
* /ecam smooth angles
(same as '/ecam smooth origin' for view angles)
* /ecam smooth originf
aggresive origin smoothing which will change origins and camera times in
order to match velocities
* /ecam smooth anglesf
aggresive angles smoothing which will change angles (but not times) in order
to match angle velocities
* cg_cameraSmoothFactor (value between 1.0 and 2.0) used by /ecam smooth <type>
* /ecam reset
resets all adjusted velocities
* /ecam scale <speed up/down scale value>
speed up or down the selected camera points by adjusting camera time (2.0: twice as fast, 0.5: half speed)

Can anyone please explain how I should go on in my quest to edit camerapoints, because atm I'm pretty stuck. :(
1644 Hits
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