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18:52 CDT - 1578 users online
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Re: QL Gameplay UPDATE LEAKED BY Quaketh (10 comments)
Posted by fateful @ 10:53 CDT, 8 August 2014 - iMsg
<sponge> marcu5: because quake weapons are situational. they're not 30 variants of a hitscan gun. so you still need to pick up guns to be effective at all ranges/situations

<sponge> that is of course assuming this is real, which i will neither confirm or deny!

<sponge> i recommend wait and giving it an honest shot, and not caring about what quake is supposed to be or isn't supposed to be

omfg :(
3664 Hits
QL Server Browser (mobile) (17 comments)
Posted by fateful @ 14:34 CDT, 28 July 2014 - iMsg
Hello there! I'm releasing an app for android that displays realtime information about servers, matches and players.. It is free and has no ads! Also there's an awesome feature of notification for when players 'you follow' are playing or a match in your favourite map/gametype is about to start avaliable for anyone that supports the app by making a donation.

download ->
like app's page (suggestions, bugs, etc.) ->

Never miss a match again!

- Filter and search for your fave gametype, location, etc.
- Get real time info about quakelive servers that match your criteria
- Take a peek on each match, and check extra info & score
- Click on player to see his profile / weap stats
- Search for any player’s profile easily (even the one’s that aren’t playing)
- Add players to your Notification list, and whenever he’s playing, you’ll know!
- Select your favourite map / gametype and get notification whenever a match is happening or about to start (probably just waiting for you?)
Edited by fateful at 10:52 CDT, 29 July 2014 - 6088 Hits
Re: HZ vs FPS EXPLANATION? (7 comments)
Posted by fateful @ 08:49 CDT, 30 June 2014 - iMsg
i'm currently using 150fps @ 150hz.. is there any better value for such hz ? I don't really notice any tearing.
2282 Hits
FatefuL's Lame Frags 2 (fragmovie) (6 comments)
Posted by fateful @ 06:07 CST, 25 January 2014 - iMsg
Quakelive player Brazil FatefuL has the pleasure to announce his brand new fragmovie. Basically a compilation of frags from 2013, initially about 558 and 637GB of raw video capture footage at 1080p@60fps.

After some work, it ended up on 200 frags in a 15 min video montage.

Check it out it right now at the hotsite (1080p/60fps also avalible for download):

or directly at
Edited by Teen Queen at 10:55 CST, 25 January 2014 - 5344 Hits
proper RSS feed to quakelive category! (2 comments)
Posted by fateful @ 06:25 CDT, 20 August 2013 - iMsg
I'm thinking about using RSS FEED from esreality on my quakelive forum but there seems to be something wrong with the categories description here: cuz altought quakelive is listed as 53 , when i try it out news are from 2010!

any clue of the correct category for qlive news rss feed?
1873 Hits
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