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Dirty Bomb Beta (3 comments, locked)
Posted by XpArTy @ 22:01 CDT, 24 May 2014 - iMsg
So I got an email earlier today with my access code for the Dirty Bomb beta. Had completely forgotten I even applied. Once some time opens, I'll give it a stab for sure.

I remembered there being some discussion about the game on ESR, and thought to bring the game up again. Has anyone else thought of giving it a try? Can it be a competitive title if done right, and if so, how likely do you think that might be? Can it be a contender for a spot in the CS:GO niche? What are your thoughts?
Locked by xou at 06:10 CDT, 25 May 2014 - 1864 Hits
A QL ditty I threw together for a comp (12 comments)
Posted by XpArTy @ 15:14 CDT, 17 October 2013 - iMsg
Been quite busy with college stuff, looking for a job, and other similar real-life nuisances preventing me from playing QL for the last while, BUT, I threw together this little wallpaper in my spare time, a few hours a day for a week.

It's not perfect, and it shows, but I wanted to share it regardless.

@ imgur

Feel free to use ^_^
Edited by XpArTy at 15:24 CDT, 17 October 2013 - 9077 Hits
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