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Looking for a defrag map (5 comments)
Posted by TracTOPelle @ 00:52 CST, 4 November 2015 - iMsg

I'm looking for a defrag map I played a long time ago, it was a pretty long map, it started out in the void, you started at the feet of a "human" with a long schlong, you had to go all the way to the other side to climb and then make your way back on the sides to get on top of his head to a teleporter, then it was some hallways run, big areas, etc... you also had to climb another one of those "human" later on in the map and I can't remember it at all. pl0x help. Will give virtual sucky sucky for it.


If it can help, here is a recreation of the starting "human" as I remember it.
6196 Hits
SyncError, Sponge, whoever has the power (70 comments)
Posted by TracTOPelle @ 16:29 CDT, 8 September 2014 - iMsg
Ban me from Quake Live please. Thanks.!profile/matches/Tr...1fd90/ca/1

I just cheated my ass off with some garbage free cheat. I'm addicted to this game but I want to stop. I just can't.

Ban my IP, my MAC address, I can even give you my HWID, whatever you need to ban me from this game. I won't go the extra mile to evade the ban, so do everything in your fucking power to ban my ass from this game. It's the only way I'll stop playing it. Your last changes killed Quake even more.

RIP Quake.


RIP competitive arena shooter.

RIP idSoft.
26750 Hits
Quake Live spawn system explained by Ins (23 comments)
Posted by TracTOPelle @ 21:02 CDT, 2 September 2014 - iMsg
No need for words.
7737 Hits
Need a replacement for qck+ (31 comments)
Posted by TracTOPelle @ 10:15 CDT, 28 July 2014 - iMsg
Hello ESR.

I come to you in a personal quest that I have yet to fulfill.

Basically, I'm gonna get a FK1 and my QcK+ is nasty, I'm too tired to clean it, so I'm gonna get a new mousepad with it.

Now, to avoid all the cleaning bullshit that a cloth pad has, I'd like a hard mat. Question is: Where can I find a hard mat that is the same size as the QcK+ or just a little bit smaller (40*37cm instead of 45*40cm for example, I'm a lowsens fgt that plays with 40cm/360), around 25€ and that doesn't impair the tracking capabilities of an optical mouse? I only have a small budget for mouse+pad of 85€ and the FK already takes 60€ off of it.

So, great ESR gurus, will you help me fulfill this quest? Will you help me find this holy grail?

Thanks in advance to whoever will help me.
11547 Hits
Let's get Ins to QCon 2014! (16 comments)
Posted by TracTOPelle @ 10:01 CDT, 4 July 2014 - iMsg
Hello, ESR.

Since Ins doesn't want to do it himself, I'll do it.

This is the official unofficial Ins to QCon donation thread!

Any money donated to Ins this month will go towards him going to Qcon, if the goal isn't met, donations will be refunded. There are rewards for donations, and he'll make content for us when he's there!

All the details are on his stream page, where you can donate if you feel like it:

I also forgot to mention, and Ins pointed it out to me, he's 300e short!

"Bruno Pereira: not much point in doing when there's 1150 of the 1450 goal done already"

Edited by TracTOPelle at 10:39 CDT, 4 July 2014 - 5401 Hits
Can't play CPMA, CD Key invalid (Steam) (12 comments)
Posted by TracTOPelle @ 18:19 CDT, 22 October 2013 - iMsg
Hiya there!

I'm having a problem with CPMA, downloaded, installed, everything went fine. But then, I quit. I come back in later, and I don't see any servers. Weird, isn't it? So I check the setup menu. CD Key not valid.

For the record, I have Q3 on Steam, and i could play the first time.

Any idea why it fucked up? I'm kind of lost here.

10713 Hits
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