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Sunday Spawnfraggin' #3 - Draft League (23 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 04:22 CDT, 24 March 2015 - iMsg
Following on in the tradition of their successful grassroots campaign to keep QW alive and boost player retention, comebacks, and additions: Division 99 will be hosting a 4on4 draft league for any and all skill levels. Whether you are almost completely new to FPS, someone with experience, a current QW player, or someone on the comeback trail: as long as you have an interest in playing Quakeworld the moment could not be any more ripe for you to play.

Interested parties should by the 12th of April express their interest via the forum link below, or by contacting any of the highly approachable members of Division 99 via IRC (#div99)

Links: Sign-up forum post - mIRC #div99
Edited by xou at 05:31 CDT, 24 March 2015 - 9716 Hits
11033 Hits
Puretrak Talent Special Edition - White (15 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 16:03 CST, 2 February 2015 - iMsg
I'm thinking of buying this surface for use with a functional ninox aurora, but I've heard of people having issues with white surfaces before. If you've had any experience with this particular surface please give feedback on it below, and please mention the mouse that you use(d) it with.
2056 Hits
Can't access (8 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 03:39 CST, 21 December 2014 - iMsg
'server not found' - been this way for over a week now.

Is this happening to anyone else?
7397 Hits
Full Disclosure: Reflex (No comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 02:01 CDT, 27 September 2014 - iMsg
Edited by Praxis at 02:01 CDT, 27 September 2014 - 1726 Hits
6944 Hits
Opponents needed for tdm 2v2 training. (5 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 00:31 CDT, 8 August 2014 - iMsg

We, (Apokalypsis) have decided to field a team in the ESH ONW TDM 2v2 Tourney, and would like the opportunity to train vs some reasonably experienced TDMers on the maps, running up to the event. We have a teamspeak server that you will be welcome to use if you wish, and we all have pro so setting up a private server is not a problem.

The players we shall field are Latvietis

and T0rq

If you are interested and can help us, please im me directly, visit our irc channel @ #4-HM, or add either of ^these two guys and get talking.

Thankyou for your time.
Edited by Praxis at 03:40 CDT, 8 August 2014 - 1648 Hits
dm6 is back (26 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 05:41 CDT, 6 August 2014 - iMsg
6541 Hits
Material slicker than Teflon discovered (29 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 10:34 CDT, 3 July 2014 - iMsg
Old news, only just found out.
4111 Hits
inb4Strenx > Tox trololol (42 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 05:35 CDT, 26 May 2014 - iMsg
Thought I'd make a new thread before someone posts this in 'Tox to Quakecon'
7361 Hits
CM Storm Alcor (35 comments)
Posted by Praxis @ 03:25 CDT, 25 May 2014 - iMsg
Seems good.

More of an ime shape than imo or wmo.

Roughly 87g which is a good weight, a little high for my preference, but lighter than ime3.

Has the avago 3090, performs as a 3090 does, which is good. No LoD fix, no custom feet out yet as far as I know.

Default cpi's: 800/1600/3200/4000

Buttons aren't super light.

Good price, ~ £30.

I haven't got one, I went for the g100s instead, mostly because of the weight, but this looks like a good option for people that don't want to spend £50+ on a mouse and want a reliable sensor.

I invite you to investigate, troll, and discuss. :)
20709 Hits
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