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Heading to Steam. (30 comments)
Posted by natemare @ 10:53 CDT, 10 April 2015 - iMsg
I had previously set up a steam account for testing purposes when the initial steam client was released. Is there a way that I can remove the login info for that account and migrate my main over to steam?

Alternatively, and preferred, is there away to have both of my accounts able to be launched from steam?
10344 Hits
/say and /say_team problems? (6 comments)
Posted by natemare @ 16:32 CDT, 6 October 2014 - iMsg
For several months I have had issues with the chat and team chat intermittently not sending messages. This includes my annoying smiley spam bound to mouse3.

I have done cvar restart, unaliasall, cleared profile settings... nothing seems to fix it. :(

Does anyone else have this problem or know of a way to fix it?
5857 Hits
Fucking Mouse Weights (12 comments)
Posted by natemare @ 17:14 CDT, 14 August 2014 - iMsg
Can someone point to a reason why any game that currently exists would have improved performance by adding weight to your mouse?
4082 Hits
Gauntlet base movement speed increase. (26 comments)
Posted by natemare @ 09:24 CDT, 13 August 2014 - iMsg
Regarding the 6.75% increase in base movement speed with gauntlet; I imagine that thefirst circle jump and successive strafes will allow slightly faster movement overall.

I'm not sure how friction works on the second jump i.e. would the increased base movement speed of 320 slow you down more rapidly on a misstimed jump than the newer ~350, or is ground friction static regardless of air speed vs. ground speed.

Alternatively, only the first circle jump will be affected and successive jumps, if friction is the same regardless of base movement speed, will be the same as normal.

Someone could test this by increasing the base movement speed in a practice server I guess, but I just got to work so ~10 hours from now I will be able to test.

I anticipate overjumping the bridge when going to rail more frequently than I already do. I will probably not bother with Gauntlet out once this is released.
7392 Hits
Shadow Ban? (17 comments)
Posted by natemare @ 09:38 CDT, 4 August 2014 - iMsg
While the ban threads are always entertaining to read, perhaps id should introduce a shadow style ban. Banned players would still be able to log into their account but would only see empty servers. Perhaps joining a server would just open a "ranked" practice round with no callvote options where they can wait by themselves.

6201 Hits
A moral question of timing cvars... (23 comments)
Posted by natemare @ 11:47 CST, 9 January 2014 - iMsg
I am new to esreality and quake in general, but have read quite a lot of the archives in the forum but have not seen much discussion on timing cvars. I want to start playing some team modes like TDM and have noticed people with "MH in 10 secs" and "Powerup in 10 secs" binds. I created a timing cvar that could spam say_team if its use is encouraged or would be frowned upon. Any suggestions?

bind mscrollup "vstr timup"
bind mscrolldown "vstr timdn"
bind mouse3 "vstr timlk"
bind mouse4 "vstr rasay"
bind mouse5 "vstr mhsay"
Edited by natemare at 15:49 CST, 13 January 2014 - 4587 Hits
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