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Thank you for a brilliant QCon (3 comments)
Posted by b0ltzmann @ 19:37 CDT, 25 July 2015 - iMsg
It's not even over yet but can we get a thread celebrating the amazing clusterfuck that this year's qcon has been?

From the early announcement, the build-up of hype once the Euro teams started assembling (going against the general consensus that it wouldn't be worth it for them). Then the NA team drama, the big NA / EU rivalry. Also it's fucking amazing that a $40k prize pool can somehow be arranged for a game that should've died years ago, when it was already clear that the playerbase was low, not expanding, and that the payment model was outdated. A purely corporate interest would've dropped it like a hot potato, but it's pretty clear that the game is being kept alive by pure love. And the game's actually getting new shit designed just for the tournament??? The spec hud isn't great, but it's a long overdue and much welcome addition.

Now the stream... I know y'all want some professionalism. But I doubt the occasional lags could be avoided; imagine being the tech guys at QCon, and you see that the lags happen at random times, last ~30 secs and then disappear... you'd be scratching your head, best you could probably do is restart stream. Then there's the other occasional fuckups... they are minor, you miss ~10 secs of the game at most from hours of streamed gametime, but they are just distracting enough to get all of Twitch chat to collectively shit itself in what is a hilarious, digital equivalent of tomatoes being thrown on stage. And they happen at regular intervals, and it's always something new to keep it interesting.

And how the games turned out so far? 102 putting an amazing challenge to MD after the 102-hype died down due to weak online performances. MD taking CTF and upsetting the Americans. The absurd possibility of chance making it to the finals up until the last moment. The whole Swiss system and format in general...

It's like something orchestrated by a mad genius. Or a mad idiot. I can't even tell, but it's amazing.
2327 Hits
QuakeCon Tournament Casters Revealed (44 comments)
Posted by b0ltzmann @ 05:04 CDT, 24 April 2015 - iMsg
Returning to the tournament stage this year as hosts of the Quake Live Tri-Master Tournament, please welcome back Alex”Jehar” Popa of and Xavier “Zoot” Dhorne of Zhouse Productions and FPS Pulse. Jehar and Zoot will be joined by several on-site guests over the duration of the event as they provide match coverage of this year’s Quake Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Duel triathlon.

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