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delete this please (136 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 09:54 CDT, 10 April 2015 - iMsg
"The dev talked to me, asking to remove my post here, as it's still in a test phase, with lots of leaks and they are testing server load (which is done at his own home server) and other things with a small group of people (only Brazilian community for now)."
Edited by thizito at 10:43 CDT, 11 April 2015 - 43301 Hits
4052 Hits
Posted by thizito @ 06:49 CST, 25 February 2015 - iMsg

This is a guy in southamerica community, he really plays well.. but we think he used wallhack just to boost himself a little bit more. There is over 10 pages of discussion in our forum about this. ID didnt say anything yet.

I know ESR is not the best "safe" place to ask help. muchtroll muchhue this days. But if you can help us, analyze the situation, i will be very happy.

His excuses is his cfg, using dynamiclights

But still, 80% dont think dynamiclight is the issue, they think he is using wh. so, Opinions?
24210 Hits
Can someone help me for this xhair?16:9 (No comments)
Posted by thizito @ 13:30 CST, 2 February 2015 - iMsg
Damn thats hard
I waste the whole morning trying and i cant make it ..
this crosshair.

#include "ui/menudef.h"

menuDef {
name "Crosshair"
rect 320 240 32 32
fullScreen MENU_FALSE
visible MENU_TRUE
itemDef {
name "Vertical-Top"
rect -1 -7.5 2.5 4 // LOOSER
visible 1
style 1
cvarTest "cg_drawcrosshair"
showCvar { "10" }
backcolor 1 1 0 1
itemDef {
name "Vertical-Bottom"
rect -1 4 2.5 4 // LOOSER
visible 1
style 1
cvarTest "cg_drawcrosshair"
showCvar { "10" }
backcolor 1 1 0 1
itemDef {
name "Horizontal-Left"
rect -7 -1 4 2.5 // LOOSER
visible 1
style 1
cvarTest "cg_drawcrosshair"
showCvar { "10" }
backcolor 1 1 0 1

itemDef {
name "Horizontal-Right"
rect 4 -1 4 2.5 // LOOSER
visible 1
style 1
cvarTest "cg_drawcrosshair"
showCvar { "10" }
backcolor 1 1 0 1

I changed all values to try fit.. and all i got was a ugly not perfect different size
Edited by thizito at 13:30 CST, 2 February 2015 - 1635 Hits
NEWMEN GX-1 AVAGO 3090 MICE (9 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 08:54 CST, 2 February 2015 - iMsg

Looks like sensei, glossy on top, good side grips, 5 buttons
no right side buttons
Good coating
Good sensor
Not bad lod, perfect with tapefix
Avago3090 Performance
Not bad cable
WEIGHT IS LOW. IDK how much exactly 70g~80g
Very happy with it.

Cant decide this or ninox aurora.

Where to buy:
10005 Hits
Sensei pcb inside kinzu (6 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 04:44 CST, 29 January 2015 - iMsg
I've played with xai and sensei before and i like the sensor..
even with randomaccel.

There is no kinzu v1 anymore where i live or ebay/taobao/aliexpress
I dont wanna pay overpriced suddenattack-v1

I have a sensei here, regular edition which i removed all the lcd/led/buttons/etc and used for a while. the board is very similar, the switches are in the same position than a kinzu pcb.

I bought a kinzu v2 thinking on put sensei internals inside..
Ill cut things if i need, dremel/whatever/ill improvise.

thunda,or other mod experts.. if i cut some parts for stick the internal board completly inside, my plan is bad or good ?
4317 Hits
Unskilled in hud need help (2 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 21:02 CST, 23 January 2015 - iMsg

Anyone can replicate this type of crosshair
(different from the game! have outline)
I do modifications in huds, change color etc
A very little of positioning..
But in the end i never do it right.(positioning)

I tried do this and failed

I have found a ton of done crosshairs like that but for 4:3
"crosshair for l1nkin by EmsixTeen" example

Well, the l1nkin's one for 16:9 or on this screenshot
is perfect =( Help?
Its hard to ask ppl without give anything, i know and pray
2121 Hits
cl_autotimenudge 1 > cl_timenudge ? (46 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 07:59 CST, 12 January 2015 - iMsg
Sorry, i searched everywhere
I saw in some configs autotimenudge for all weapons, just no rail
im just interested why
Is because people is usually laggy?

My ping is ALWAYS 10.
I know timenudge is not completly hit registration
But i would benefit more in my LG/rail in:
cl_timenudge -5 or autotimenudge 1 ?
26205 Hits
Paying for a hud (8 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 21:40 CST, 11 December 2014 - iMsg
Recently, DarK3RDayZ make me feel nostalgic with

but i want this:

with perfect circle outlined small dot

wanna know if i can change game font, but i think i cant.
I do edit my own huds,.. and i got one close to that one, BUT
the number is just too big or not centered
when im editing rect lines i just make it wrong.

Could any of u guys experienced like emsixteen or someone else help me ?

I can pay, nothing too much$
just to make you a little happy helping a unknown player

If anyone else have something similar, and not in please share.. <3 ill love to see something cpma style
I already look for every hud in
3523 Hits
Can you spot the aimbot v2 (58 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 11:54 CST, 6 December 2014 - iMsg

Not high level player(expect newbie movement/oponents), just wanna know the opinion of the community..

It is me, im trying to prove im not a aimbot or any type of hacker.

But our small community want me banned..
Please no troll, yes lolCA
I had uploaded 250mb of demos and now streaming with mouse-webcam and still hunted --'
14508 Hits
Salmosa big inside Abyssus 3.5g (1 comment)
Posted by thizito @ 10:21 CST, 5 December 2014 - iMsg
Just swap internals ?
Should i get another mouse feet before it ?
Abyssus 3.5g or 3g? I think 3.5g

Sorry, i couldnt find 100% sure answers @google
But i like salmosa sensor and would like to test in aby.
1749 Hits
So Steam happened, result is lag (6 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 15:03 CDT, 21 September 2014 - iMsg
We are from Brazil, where we have to PAY to host a server.
The steam was a sucess here, servers are all full(or mostly)

the problem is, our host is not supporting SA players.

the new players are experiencing warp/lag/bad server connection

is that what ID wants ?

Why not pay the server for us with high quality?

We already hardly pay a quantity, making it higher for get quality will be risky..

Seriously, you win something with Steam, the players
But if i am new, i would be sad with this servers, is our fault or id fault ?

Sorry for english, i try my best
Its a really shame south america without LOVE.
8449 Hits
Hud custom crosshairs, where ? =( (5 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 11:17 CDT, 2 September 2014 - iMsg
I want a dot with outline...
dont want the X-ray vision xhairs i always find in all huds..

Something smooth 16:9.. is hard..

can someone share experience and xhairs with dl link?

I currently browsing with random and trying to figure/find crosshairs.. and i improve my hud the whole week.. but crosshairs still a problem

I just want a perfect dot outline for drawcrosshair in my rocket launcher/rail,.. idk will try later

But i always used dot with outline in other games, like Tf2

help guys? I give a big +rep
7384 Hits
Beta acess for SA community (19 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 10:33 CDT, 14 August 2014 - iMsg
I have experience in making videos,
our community is wanting so much to taste this game
Is it possible to give acess to people like me, who wanna show my community this game preview?

I think is a good move, for few people have acess
I can name two wonderfull fps players like me in my country, who wants to make videos and show the preview to the people..
They can also represent south america..
btw im from Brazil..

we are a good community, we take donations from players to make quakelive have server in BR..

Please :x we want reFLeX!
4240 Hits
mionix avior 7000? (1 comment)
Posted by thizito @ 15:07 CDT, 30 July 2014 - iMsg
why it isnt listed in mice using flawless sensor ?
isnt 3311 with omron switches?

It is just expensive and not lightweight..

any type of "fix" for weight?
Is there any bugs on this mice ?

Im mice collector, i think ill buy that one.. i have like 15 :(
1977 Hits
3310 on sacrifice WMO shell (12 comments)
Posted by thizito @ 10:26 CDT, 22 July 2014 - iMsg
I dont care about scrolling, if scroll doesnt work its fine.

Is there a way to put, the WHOLE sensor+pcb+cable on a "wmo" shell? like, ill not make changes in the sensor and pcb, only in the wmo shell

I think ill risk it.. i actually bought zowie fk1 and will use it.
But i want the "oldschool" to be on my hands and no matter how
6596 Hits
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