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Error: You do not have access to send iM (19 comments)
Posted by bamze @ 18:01 CST, 5 November 2014 - iMsg
The fuck u waste my time ....
cant u set up your program proberly and inform me BEFORE i write??? OMG

And anyway WHY ?? its like those stupid quake live players, whining about this 100 player in their playerbase BUT KICKING and FRONTING everyone LOL ...

you guys deserve ID .. ID SOFTWARE .. retards like you are .. married forever ..

anyway .. this was for SIETSE.. was writing it twice and now wasted 30 minutes .. only because you'r scared of spammers and still using software wich was made in '99......
in this time i could easly copy esr and give it an 2014/15 like design ....

im just kidding, i know u do it on purpose.... like here is everything like it was back in '99 ...


i was replying on your msg but now they tell me i dont have access to send an imsg? wtf ..

im not sure. and this msg wont come trough most likely, but anyway .. the site will be back online wihin 24hours. thanks for using it ;-)

have a good one
9558 Hits
Quake Live Matchmaking Demo (115 comments)
Posted by bamze @ 12:49 CDT, 20 August 2014 - iMsg
Hi guys,

i was reading a lot about the upcomming changes and was thinking a lot and i dislike them a lot as well.

I was wondering how hard can it be to programm an working match-making system and why they dont put effort into it? So i was sitting down here like 3 hours and made this:

Its using qlranks ELO to find the best possible match for you.

Check it out, ofc it sucks because its 3rd party and u cant directly join a server per click. BUT i think if they would display something like his in their offical serverbrowser it would be a lot easier to find balanced matches. And if I can do this in 3 hours, they could do as well. They could even use some more hours and put their own elo counter into it to be independent.

ofc Match Making for Teammodes is a bit harder, but why cant they just make it work. I mean they code this new shit since 2 month and dont have 2 days time to programm an match making system - which definitely would help to grow the playerbase a lot more than just simplify the game and piss off most of its existing playerbase.

What do you think?

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