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imsg (20 comments)
Posted by ir0n @ 05:57 CDT, 2 October 2014 - iMsg
why can't I send a imsg?According to the website I don't have the acces to send an imsg.Why?
10009 Hits
question about pro players (41 comments)
Posted by ir0n @ 08:00 CDT, 1 October 2014 - iMsg
How do pro players..ehm survive?I mean, talking about europe the 125 fps cup gives you 900-1000$ every month..if you get first ofcourse, and there is quakecon and dreamhack, but I don't know if 2 big lan events a year are enough.Players like evil/cypher might be able to live only with quake, but what about the other players?Those who are good, but usually don't get to the finals/win?
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