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CONFIRMED: QC game design inspired by Chrono Trigger (6 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 12:09 CDT, 10 April 2017 - iMsg
7420 Hits
3808 Hits
potential beta timeline spoiler? (28 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 19:12 CST, 8 January 2017 - iMsg
Ranger - Yesterday at 3:11 PM
I wonder what would make me more impatient waiting for QC, never knowing the open beta date or knowing it.

Anhedonic - Yesterday at 3:26 PM
mid march

sponge - Yesterday at 3:29 PM
i'm sure we just won't like spring the open beta time out of nowhere so there will be plenty of time for both
6927 Hits
this is apparently impressive? (29 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 19:22 CDT, 13 October 2016 - iMsg

i genuinely thought this was some troll video but apparently not?

god that's embarrasing
17351 Hits
who's from texas (13 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 19:08 CDT, 21 April 2016 - iMsg

sum1 confirm if quak V exist pls
5074 Hits
new new mouse kickstarter! (95 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 13:53 CDT, 10 April 2015 - iMsg

previous thread :

i've been hella busy but i'll try to answer any questions if possible, help make this a reality!
29295 Hits
what color would you noobs prefer (33 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 22:28 CDT, 11 March 2015 - iMsg
referencing this:

minimum order quantity is 1000 per color, so i'm assuming people would prefer a rubberized black over a glossy white...any opposition

feel free to vote here or just let me know via a post
6085 Hits
new new mouse development (part 1) (60 comments)
Posted by phaZon @ 16:36 CST, 3 February 2015 - iMsg
sensei clone shell, avago 3310, 400/800/1600/3200 dpi steps driverless


next wave of prototypes will fix the dogshit mouse feet, add mechanical side buttons, add logo

the white one uses a different material for the base and it's MUCH lighter. no scale on hand, but the black and red feel ~ 5g heavier than the sensei raw while the white one is in the weight realm of the salmosa, incredibly light

in the hand, it's as large as the sensei but skinnier; it's dimensionally similar to the wmo but large like the sensei, i honestly love it

red and white have glossy tops; black has a ruberized top

red and black have a thick plastic side, white has a ruberized side

expect kickstarter in march/april, will see if manufacturer can lighten the other colors. will probably stick to white/black as options.

EDIT: Kickstarter will probably happen in may, gonna be a significant delay for revision 2 because of chinese new year

comparison pics w/ sensei raw by request :
Edited by phaZon at 21:53 CST, 8 February 2015 - 30912 Hits
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