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INSIGHT is live on Kickstarter (15 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 21:06 CDT, 20 August 2017 - iMsg
I've had some good feedback from this forum about an arena FPS I've been developing. I have just launched on Kickstarter:

Thanks for checking it out.
4568 Hits
INSIGHT Crowdfunding date announced (12 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 18:48 CDT, 9 August 2017 - iMsg

The crowdfunding campaign will launch on August 20th. There has been some good feedback from previous videos posted here about the project, let me know what you think. This is a solo development project and I'm hoping that with successful funding I will be able to bring in a team to develop it into a release quality game.

It will be released via Steam, for Windows and Linux, and is being developed in Unreal Engine 4.
5076 Hits
FPS Showdown (5 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 17:38 CST, 22 January 2017 - iMsg
I'm running a frag contest ($150 total prize money) as a promotion for a game I'm working on (INSIGHT). I'm looking to get a variety of submissions from different games that have influenced and inspired the development (eg. primarily arena FPSs) so that I can turn it into a frag compilation video (including the winners).

*Note: I was told I posted this in the wrong subforum, so I have deleted and re-submitted here*

This is a "best frag scene" contest, with $150 prize money split between the top 3 entries.

There have been a lot of CSGO entries so far, and I would like to see some more arena entries (quake, reflex, xonotic, etc). The minimum number of entries has now been reached so the full prize money will be given out.

There's no entry cost, all you need to do is submit a youtube URL of your frag with the settings mentioned in the contest description.

It's being independently judged by the mods of r/arenafps, and simply based on subjectively the best / most entertaining frag scene.

Here's the promo vid:

And a link to the contest page with rules and submission form:

FPS Showdown

Looking forward to any submissions!
Edited by insightFPS at 17:38 CST, 22 January 2017 - 3647 Hits
INSIGHT - Arena FPS game on Greenlight (28 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 20:56 CDT, 30 June 2016 - iMsg
Here is the Greenlight campaign and trailer for a game I've been working on by myself for over a year. (steam)

This isn't simply another Quake remake, it is an arena FPS that has been built from scratch with an original concept. There are many influences from games such as Q3, HL, CS, but the unique gameplay is something new.

My goal is to get this greenlit and backed on Kickstarter soon, so that the game can be further developed with other people helping out to improve the overall quality of the game.

There has been a large focus on making sure the game and concept is fit for competitive gaming, so I thought it may interest some of you. And while there will be fun / easy / casual game modes to play around on, the game is a competitive arena FPS at its core.

If you have a Steam account, please log in and vote YES if you might be interested in playing the game when it's released.
Edited by Badb0y at 10:32 CDT, 5 July 2016 - 12753 Hits
INSIGHT - Arena FPS game on Greenlight (13 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 20:07 CDT, 30 June 2016 - iMsg
Here is the Greenlight campaign and trailer for a game I've been working on by myself for over a year:

This isn't simply another Quake remake, it is an arena FPS that has been built from scratch with an original concept. There are many influences from games such as Q3, HL, CS, but the unique gameplay is something new.

My goal is to get this greenlit and backed on Kickstarter soon, so that the game can be further developed with other people helping out to improve the overall quality of the game.

There has been a large focus on making sure the game and concept is fit for competitive gaming, so I thought it may interest some of you. And while there will be fun / easy / casual game modes to play around on, the game is a competitive arena FPS at its core.

If you have a Steam account, please log in and vote YES if you might be interested in playing the game when it's released.
3845 Hits
What is INSIGHT? (5 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 09:27 CST, 11 December 2015 - iMsg

This is a summary and update on a competitive FPS project I've been working on for over a year.
2649 Hits
INSIGHT 60fps HQ capture & replays (10 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 11:01 CDT, 4 September 2015 - iMsg

Short video showing the movement around a placeholder map, and the rocket launcher and its alt fire mode. First test using a custom made demo replay system (recording server side demos and translating them into POV demos including clientside events/effects).

Now I've got the replay system working it means I can capture high quality ingame footage, previously I was having to record in realtime using fraps/shadowplay, so I've been avoiding showing too much ingame stuff.

If you want to try the beta, sign up to the newsletter at and you'll be emailed with details when open alphas/betas become available, as well links to non public / unreleased videos of the project.

Thanks for any comments / criticism!
2281 Hits
INSIGHT - Competitive Arena FPS (7 comments)
Posted by insightFPS @ 15:18 CDT, 26 July 2015 - iMsg
Previously developed under the name "chams", the new name and website has been announced, including a new teaser trailer:

I've been a bit quiet lately with the development, as I was re-creating the movement system from scratch as well as learning 3d modeling / animation for the player models. I've kept videos/trailers purposefully vague for now but over the next few weeks I should start posting more gameplay videos and showing the weapons / features that have been implemented so far.

Looking forward to any input / criticism, and any questions not covered in the FAQ on the site.
Edited by insightFPS at 18:23 CDT, 26 July 2015 - 2555 Hits
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