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Wolfcam 11.0 HELP (2 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 22:09 CDT, 21 March 2016 - iMsg
i'm having a lil trouble with wolfcam 11.0 i would really appreciate the help. so theres these boxes mostly everywhere
and whenever I take dmg this happens aswell
pls help?
1665 Hits
Morpheus - QL Frag Clip (3 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 02:04 CST, 7 March 2016 - iMsg
Taking a break from secrets and brought ya a clip ^.^

Frags in order: me - jdb - jdb - Festiveturtle
2407 Hits
Secrets - Teaser (2 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 11:21 CST, 26 February 2016 - iMsg
New frag movie and need help with frags. Will give credit!!!

1515 Hits
#IWG CONTEST - T3C Submission (QL CLIP) (12 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 04:37 CST, 1 February 2016 - iMsg
Watch in 60fps pls. Worked hard on this one leave a like.

Thanks to JDB - Rapha - Av3k - FestiveTurtle for frags

JDB and FestiveTurtle especially.

Edited by Lampz at 18:41 CST, 1 February 2016 - 3628 Hits
Envy Me - Quake Live Frag Clip (No comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 16:51 CST, 12 December 2015 - iMsg
Sup. What I've been working on. And Submitting to T10Edits and T3C Thanks for the support from my last couple vids. u really motivate me :)
1259 Hits
Quake Live on T10Edits and T3C (9 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 19:13 CST, 21 November 2015 - iMsg
Well. I'm currently working on a frag clip so i can send it to and T3C - For a kinda Promotion for my channel and for Quake Live. I've been working really hard. And I'm about 16 seconds in with the clip. (avg length is about 30-50 secs.) if.... IF i manage to actually get published on these channels more and more people with know that QL isn't dead and that's my main Goal... Considering all the videos that get published are COD and CS:GO
I wont send it if its bad so stay on the look out cuz ill link my work so u can see my progression. and maybe you guys can help me get some ideas lol. And if it doesnt get pubed i will still try more and more until it does. so yea QL FOR LIFE!!!
Edited by Lampz at 21:47 CST, 21 November 2015 - 866 Hits
No Words - (FRAG CLIP) (5 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 04:43 CDT, 24 October 2015 - iMsg
Pretty bored something serious maybe later lol. but this was just for laughs and I find it funny asl. Sub if u want d:

(link fixed)
Edited by Lampz at 12:15 CDT, 24 October 2015 - 2142 Hits
New Frag Movie - Artistry (Unfinished) (9 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 18:08 CDT, 19 September 2015 - iMsg
Hey guys, so recently i found out i had some sort of error in Sony
Vegas so i cant complete this frag movie unfortunately but it was good while it lasted. ill work on more things too so yea R.I.P my work :(
2864 Hits
Hitboxes ql srly (8 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 23:20 CDT, 31 August 2015 - iMsg
3049 Hits
My Clips and Channel (9 comments)
Posted by Lampz @ 18:06 CDT, 11 August 2015 - iMsg
Hey, Just wanted to share some clips and my channel to yall. been editing more lately and about to release a Frag Movie in a few. Having fun with this youtube stuff lol. Subby dub dub if you want. Ganna be some cool stuff in the near future :p
2966 Hits
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