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DM17/Longest Yard Duel 2016 Cup (68 comments)
Posted by x0rnn @ 05:48 CDT, 3 August 2016 - iMsg
DM17/Longest Yard Duel 2016 Cup

1st prize: 20€ (further donations welcome)
Date and time: Saturday, August 13th, 15:00 CEST (or later, as people might be on holidays) Postponed to Saturday, August 20th, 15:00 CEST
Number of entrants: 16 (or more)
Sign-up: in this thread, link to your profile
IRC channel: #dm17
Structure: Group Stage, Cup Stage Changed to:
Server hosts: 1 at the moment (Frankfurt, Germany), PM me if you can host too.

Top, high, mid and low seeds will be determined by glicko. The seeds will then be randomly distributed into the 4 Group Stage groups.

Group Stage:
Four groups of four players each. All vs all in best of one. The two best of each group go to the quarter in the Cup Stage.
Maps played:
- q3dm17/longestyard cointoss unless both players agree to the same map

Cup Stage:
Bo3 in quarter/semi/final with Bo1 for 3rd place between semifinal losers
Maps played:
- q3dm17
- longestyard
- longestyard with q3dm17 MG ammo position

Custom server settings:
- Shotgun & railgun disabled:
put dm17cup.pk3 inside steamcmd/steamapps/common/qlds/baseq3 folder, set sv_altEntDir "no_sg_rg" - this will remove SG/RG & SG/RG ammo on q3dm17/longestyard. This pk3 is also necessary to change the MG ammo position in longestyard via (cv oldmg on/off).

- Minimum respawn delay on /kill 1.8s:
via the same minqlx plugin above, useful when falling into the abyss (default Q3 delay instead of 3s in QL).

Practice servers: - q3dm17 1v1 only (Frankfurt, Germany) - Virtual Cattleground - (Germany)

1. x0rnn
2. Smofo
3. s7ry
4. drejk
5. mira
6. dazz
7. W1co
8. feeder
9. sno
10. Hagge
11. oper_ru

inb4 "just give the money to Maximzr"
Edited by x0rnn at 10:14 CDT, 20 August 2016 - 40532 Hits
Custom callvote plugin (LG damage, etc.) (41 comments)
Posted by x0rnn @ 08:20 CST, 5 January 2016 - iMsg
Updated: 2016/01/12

You can do the following /cv commands:

mode <vql/pql>: change between VQL/Classic and PQL/Turbo mode without the use of custom factories

weaponrespawn <5/10/15>: set weapon respawn time in seconds (5 is only allowed in VQL mode), 10 is default in PQL

thrufloors <on/off>: set damage through floors off (default) or on

footsteps <on/off>: set footsteps on or off (cannot be changed in PQL)

overtime <0/120>: set overtime to 0 (sudden death) or 120 seconds (default)

lgdamage <6/7>: set LG damage to either 6 (QL nerf) or 7 (QL pre-nerf) and LG knockback to 1.75 & 1.50 accordingly

mgdamage <5/7>: set MG damage to either 5 (QL default) or 7 (Q3 default)

rgdamage <80/100>: set RG damage to either 80 (QL default) or 100 (Q3 default)

rlvelocity <900/1000>: set RL velocity to either 900 (Q3 default) or 1000 (QL default)

reset <vql/pql>: reset all custom votes to default VQL/PQL settings

spec <id>: move a player to spectators

mute <id>: mute a player for 10 minutes

midair <on/off>: enable or disable rockets-only midair mode

rocketinstagib: enable or disable rocket instagib for midair mode

instagib <on/off>: enable or disable railgun instagib mode

crouchslide <on/off>: enable or disable crouchslide (Q4) mode

They don't show in the menu when you type /callvote, but there is a !votemenu command which lists them, so give a mention to it in the MOTD. If any of the settings are changed, like LG damage, a player is notified of the change when he connects to the server.

Anyone can freely edit the script and add or remove things they don't want.

A server in Germany running the plugin (with some features removed): (VQL/PQL ranked duel (QL + custom duel maps))

And a server in Germany running a custom midair plugin with kill distance rankings and custom midair maps: (Midair FFA/1v1 [DE]) (midair plugin:

Also, here is a referee plugin:

You can /cv referee/unreferee someone, or use a ref password. speclock, specunlock, specinvite aren't possible yet.
Edited by x0rnn at 15:40 CST, 18 January 2016 - 9694 Hits
Quake Live Extra Duel Maps (25 comments)
Posted by x0rnn @ 07:39 CST, 20 December 2015 - iMsg

pukka3dm1 (by the author of Toxicity)
pukka3tourney3 (by the author of Toxicity)
pukka3tourney4 (by the author of Toxicity)
pukka3tourney5 (by the author of Toxicity)

Running a server in Germany now with the maps and both VQL/PQL duel enabled: - "VQL/PQL ranked duel (QL + custom maps)"
Edited by x0rnn at 11:10 CST, 12 January 2016 - 8758 Hits
3330 Hits
g_startingAmmo_ doesn't work in Race (4 comments)
Posted by x0rnn @ 04:01 CST, 28 November 2015 - iMsg
g_startingWeapons 3 - doesn't work
g_startingAmmo_rl 0 - doesn't work
g_loadout 0 - useless but tried anyway

You still spawn with a RL if there is a RL placed anywhere in the map. How do you disable this? A lot of defrag/race maps only have those weapons in certain locations with limited ammo, but in QL you spawn with them and have more ammo...

To add more info, I compiled a map by adding "gametype: race" to weapon_rocketlauncher, because otherwise it didn't spawn in-map at all, but now you spawn with it as well.

To add even more info, I'm using a custom race factory with "g_startingWeapons 3" that works if there are no weapons placed in the map (with "gametype: race" in GtkRadiant), but if there are, you automatically spawn with them. This is obviously a bug...
Edited by x0rnn at 05:19 CST, 28 November 2015 - 2127 Hits
QL DeFRaG maps (28 comments)
Posted by x0rnn @ 16:00 CST, 25 November 2015 - iMsg
I've ported some, added race flags, etc. Hopefully others will follow suit and even start making new maps:
Edited by x0rnn at 14:12 CST, 29 November 2015 - 11362 Hits
Spawn powerups on map/round start? (14 comments)
Posted by x0rnn @ 18:00 CST, 23 November 2015 - iMsg
So I'm porting a defrag map to QL, and it has a battlesuit and haste spawned on start, but in QL, they spawn only after 35 seconds.

This is completely useless and limiting, you can't possibly expect anyone to wait 35 seconds to start the run/race just to pick the powerups. Is there a way via a server command to spawn powerups on map/round start?

If not, please push a tiny update that changes this for the race gametype, otherwise there can't be a big variety in custom race/defrag maps for QL...
3575 Hits
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