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April 6th, Mark Your Calendar. (14 comments)
Posted by s3_en @ 10:33 CDT, 30 March 2017 - iMsg
6638 Hits
6800 Hits
Need Help Identifying Map (6 comments)
Posted by s3_en @ 01:50 CDT, 15 March 2017 - iMsg
So below are every image released of the new map. Tim Willits has been quoted as saying its a "classic duel map". As someone who rarely duels, I wanted to know what you guys thought it could be.

Of note: every image is indeed the same map, you can tell by the ash falling from the sky / same textures / themes of doorways / lava / ribs in the sky.

Also of note: the map might be altered like DM6 was. So i imagine they will have flattened it a bit, and added extra hallways to get from a to b.

3509 Hits
[poll] Opinions of Quake Champions (27 comments)
Posted by s3_en @ 16:04 CST, 26 January 2017 - iMsg

Please vote, even if you voted on other site polls.
5881 Hits
Haitus From Quake (22 comments)
Posted by s3_en @ 22:53 CST, 12 January 2016 - iMsg
I'm not one of these "FUCK IT, IM OUT" "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA MISS ME" types, but I feel I should at least say something...

Recently my game has been getting worse and worse, no clue why seeing as how I played more than I have in the past couple of months. I went from 1900 elo matches in CA (NA) to now being defeated by 1600 elo players... This was especially enraging when, in a relatively fun game on Overkill, i ran into two very rude players known as Pie! and Toots or some name like those, these guys were walking around like T1 newbies and had PERFECT 45 LG no matter what, I called bull shit as soon as I saw their LG.

Turns out they have 4k + hours in TF2 and were shit talking me, talking about how aim is the same in source as it is in Quake, which to anybody who has played both, knows is false, you can't just jump into Quake and get 45 LG, people know dodges and you need to learn leaning on shots. To my knowledge there is no LG equivalent in TF2...

This however caused me very much angst and so I rage quit, and I now realize that all this time I put into trying to be a better player, I'll never be better than some idiot who came from TF2 and his buddy. I see now that competitive players have to be cut out, and not formed as i once believed. And to think I was talking about going to compete at QuakeCon, and thinking i would stand a chance...

All this backstory is for this one realization: I'm shit at Quake, and always will be.

Nonetheless I met some really nice people on here, and if you want to know what I will be playing its CS:GO and SW:ToR.

*heres to hoping Quake never dies.
5653 Hits
Made A Sweet Airrox, Music Went With It (30 comments)
Posted by s3_en @ 12:56 CST, 9 January 2016 - iMsg

Hope you guys like it!
11545 Hits
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