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Quake Champions Speed Limit? (53 comments)
Posted by p0ffer @ 14:24 CST, 10 March 2017 - iMsg

I have been checking the game since the announcement and it looks pretty good.
However, recently I checked the nyx page and I saw that there is a speed limit of 800 ups to all champions and her walking speed seems around 320~ and her max 750~ as shown by the white and red bars.

I seriously hope this is not true and there is no cap in strafing speed, if yes its a major letdown for me and I bet for most people who can strafe properly or move well around the map.

Key points to consider this as a failure mechanic if its implemented:
1) a cj and 3 jumps will reach u near 800~ ups in VQL
2) a cj alone can give you more than 600~ ups in PQL
3)One rocket jump alone can give you more than 850~ ups

So, as you can see it makes no sense at all, I hope it is just a confusion or misunderstanding. Thanks.

*Here is the picture with nyx's stats I was talking about:
30046 Hits
Question about QL/Q3 physics (VQL,PQL) (10 comments)
Posted by p0ffer @ 16:56 CDT, 2 September 2016 - iMsg

I am a Quake Live player and I am currently having a blast since summer. Anyway I would like to ask you the following:

About QL racing, I noticed that some tricks are impossible in QL but possible to complete in QIII Arena.
I would like to know whats changed in the movement physics (commands etc) - even some strafe pads are not possible in QL although they ain't so hard in QIII (for exampe cos1_beta7b strafe pads are doable till Red I in QL). I've also noticed some wierd things happening with ramps and jump pads.
Is there anyway to replicate the same physics of QIII to QL in custom games?

Thanks a lot.

*Bonus question: are there any plans for racing in QC?
5974 Hits
Quake Champs Tim Willits interview (new) (291 comments)
Posted by p0ffer @ 11:03 CDT, 16 June 2016 - iMsg
New interview with Tim Willits:

Quite of useful new information from this one, like:

a)All classic quake modes including 1vs1
b)Picking up all weapons
c)Timing all items
d)Maybe more focused on Team vs Team for e-sports
e)No way its gonna get released for consoles - maximum performance and capabilities
f)Taking opinions from veteran/pro quake players, some testing it themselves (quake lab)
g)120hz unlocked fps- strafe/rocket jumping and air control (already known)
h)Classic arena style quake game with the addition of champions

Bonus: They aint f@cking it up cause they hear what the community needs

And maybe some more that I forgot.
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