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How can anyone like QC? (132 comments)
Posted by SllerroS @ 17:28 CDT, 13 April 2017 - iMsg
I mean honestly everything about it besides the graphics are completely and utterly disgraceful in my opinion. There are literally no current redeeming factors.

I can't get the game to run over 40-60 FPS (GTX 770, AMD FX8350)

LG and RG feel like they don't register for shit. RG feels delayed.

Classes exist.. With different health values, base speeds and fucking hitboxes..

RL is delayed and clunky as fuck..

Movement feels smooth at times and clunky at times..

Some classes are extremely gimmicky, oh yeah and classes exist..

The game just feels horrible in general.

Feels like you die to random bullshit and clusterfucketry just like OW all the time.

Too many particles to see what you're fucking aiming at. I left my glasses in another state but not that it'd help because the problem is so bad it's absurd..


Wall Hax


People skip around and lag like crazy, networking masterpiece.

You start with basically a weak and super inaccurate LMG, shotgun or PG..


Just play old Quake games? Oh, you mean the dead games that'll be 4x as dead because of QC?

This is honestly the worst FPS I've ever played, no lie. It's obviously an uninspired cash cow aimed at mainstream normies who're going to default to LoL, OW, CoD, CS:GO and BF1 anyway.


40026 Hits
Routing/Networking Question.. (40 comments)
Posted by SllerroS @ 01:06 CST, 20 January 2017 - iMsg
So I ran a tracert to a few Quake Live servers to try and figure out why my ping is so high even to servers ~100 miles away and found this trend.

Ping Router (0ms) > Modem (1ms) > Local Router/Hub (26ms, only 1 mile away.)

Is this normal?

In virtually every game now to Dallas servers (Roughly 80 miles away) I ping 33-40. Used to ping 15-17 to Dallas in all games.

I think the local hub is over stressed now because I live in a rural area and got a lot of new neighbors with kids who bought land/built homes here now.
10130 Hits
Help With Network Settings and Practice (10 comments)
Posted by SllerroS @ 05:35 CST, 27 December 2016 - iMsg
I'm somewhat new to Quake and mostly play PQL CA because it's what I enjoy.

Facts: I almost always play at 45 or 60 ping. I care about consistency/responsiveness the most. Lowest possible input delay and highest possible registration consistency. Also on 144hz so it's not 60hz and PQL physics causing jittering/warping.

To the point I want to know if there are any known best or standard network settings for things like cl_timenudge etc..? I was running -20tn, but went to -10 to see if it's fix the warping/jittering.

There are quite a few players who are more warpy/jittery than the rest and often registry of shots is inconsistent feeling. So if anyone could recommend settings to try that's be great.


Aim practice methods that preferably don't require players as I can't find anyone who'll practice LG or something for 1 game, much less an hour or so at a time.

So how much could bots help and what settings/bot is best to use/has the most extreme movement. Also is there a command to change the game movement speed/physics to mimic PQL?

I tried using god;g_infiniteammo;g_startinghealth 999;g_knockback 0 and using nightmare Keel with thinktime 0 on Drunken Mumnmy. If I sit in a corner I average 58-61% LG doing this with just mouse aim.


My current .cfg I came up with:

Sens: Using 400DPI @ 3.75 sens ingame and 0 accel nets 30cm/360 with in_mouse default.

Thanks for anyone who takes time to help. I've looked into most of these questions but didn't really find what I was looking for.
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