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What do you do? (123 comments)
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 01:44 CST, 8 February 2007 - iMsg
It is that time of the year again to have that performance evaluation discussion with the boss. It is time to dig up all those miraculous acts of heroism you have been able to accomplish during last year and set new targets for this year. Perhaps a slight increase in salary too.

Finland is considered a high GDP country, we have a pretty high tax rate ( basically almost up to 50% depending on income ) and we pay VAT 22% on almost everything. I have a feeling we earn quite a bit less then our brothers in europe eventho we get to pay wonderful amounts of taxes.

I myself have a degree in industrial management and engineering (Bsc) and I work in Customer Services/Sales in a global industrial company.

I earned 33600 EUR before taxes, not including any bonuses or benefits. The avg salary for an engineer in Finland is 40800 EUR and the median salary is 37800 eur. With this cash I could buy a basic car, nothing fancy tho.

The best way to get your salary up has traditionally been switching jobs every 2-4 years.

So, what do you do as living and how much do you earn from that?
Edited by eBo\lac\ at 02:21 CST, 8 February 2007 - 35307 Hits
69 (14 comments)
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 15:20 CST, 26 December 2006 - iMsg
post 69...hurra hurra.
5583 Hits
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 16:34 CDT, 27 October 2006 - iMsg
Edited by eBo-lac at 03:50 CDT, 28 October 2006 - 6798 Hits
The end of the internet (5 comments)
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 15:43 CDT, 1 October 2006 - iMsg
Today I have reached the end of the internet. I have seen and surfed through all pages in the entire net. There is nothing new there to be seen. The circle did not complete, the shit did not hit the fan, all hell didnt break just ended!

Thats it folks, time to go home.
2816 Hits
What's the fracking point? (263 comments)
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 16:40 CDT, 29 August 2006 - iMsg
Time for a question again

What is the point of being here and trying to make a living? Why not give up and live like bum, social welfare or something?

Sure, the standards of living are crappy but then again, bumming is so much easyer but much much more uncomfortable. It may vary, but basically you sleep 1/3 of the day, work 1/3 then travel to work etc leaving you a crappy 4-6 hours of time to express yourself during the week. Are the accommodities you benefit from work better then if you would not work? Again a difficult question as the system is very different in each country. In some of our countries f.ex an internet connection is provided by the welfare system to not to make the people "drift" appart from the community!?! What else is there? TV, perhaps sponsored hobbies, food, perhaps you have to attend to a few unemployment meetings once a week or so? I dont know...but I do know I will not be getting a government pension like the generation before me.

Again, you would have to face the negative aspects, like feeling like a utter useless crap who nobody would appreciate since you are not chipping in....but so what? Do I feel better that I work at an good or a not so good job, who decides what is good? Or is it that one must inherit or win the lottery to have to not to do this 9 to 5 thing?

Ah well guess I would need more time to think of it, better get to bed...wouldn't want to miss the flight in the morning.

Humour me.
79756 Hits
Chimay Blue - Grand Reserve + vacation (4 comments)
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 15:43 CDT, 13 July 2006 - iMsg
Ok, one of the finer dark Trappist beers, excelent strong aroma.

The alc. volume is 9% which is quite high for a beer so this is not your regular light beer. Eventho this beer has a very high alc. % the taste is smooth and balanced and has a nice sparking, sweet round flavour.

The color is a clear syrup resembling color yet still transparent which tells of successfull aging.

So what more can a man hope to have then Chimay and long a summer vacation that starts tomorrow. Cheers!
Edited by eBo-lac at 15:45 CDT, 13 July 2006 - 2743 Hits
Shaved or unshaved? (5 comments)
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 03:51 CDT, 30 June 2006 - iMsg
2385 Hits
Posted by eBo\lac\ @ 06:52 CDT, 22 June 2006 - iMsg
6151 Hits
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