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Nov '18 Bridge to Rail: All Champions | 1440p60 (No comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 14:11 CST, 25 November 2018 - iMsg

Just to illustrate the state of the movement mechanics of Quake Champions in November 2018, here are all 16 champions doing the circlejump plus strafejump combination from the bridge to the railgun on the map Blood Covenant. Keypresses and speeds are made clearly visible all the time. All jumps were done and recorded in the live build of Quake Champions on 23 November 2018.
1928 Hits
Moments in the Arena | Quake Champions | 1440p60 (1 comment)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 12:27 CST, 20 November 2018 - iMsg

Some funny moments and frags made into a montage. Basically just things that happened in game I found entertaining, including Pineapple, Rope Trick, Choo-Choo, Disintegrator, Mein Leben, Berserk, Double Whammies, and chained Die Hards, orchestrated to, imho catchy music :)
1824 Hits
Finally: The Plasma Gun | Quake Champions | 1440p60 (5 comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 18:11 CDT, 25 September 2018 - iMsg
My take on duplicates in loot boxes, garnished with some trickjumps with the elusive plasma gun, a skin for the super nail gun.

3763 Hits
Winter Patch Movement Changes in 1440p60 (11 comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 09:17 CST, 21 February 2018 - iMsg

Grenadejumping with Keel, crouchjumping with Galena and Sorlag, forward and bunnyhopping acceleration, strafejumping, speedcaps, and all. Showing and discussing the consequences the updates of December '17 and January '18 have for the movement of all champions. Speeds and keypresses are visible at all times, slow motion and freeze frames are employed where necessary.
5119 Hits
Clutch trickjumps the Burial Chamber in 1440p60 (24 comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 14:35 CST, 5 February 2018 - iMsg

Clutch going from zero to 2.9k+ ups in 0.3 seconds, and many more stunts in the map Burial Chamber. Since the winter patch our robot now is the undisputed champion of moving around fast. With speeds and keypresses visible the techniques are shown and explained, employing slow motion and freeze frames. Especially stairs dashing simply is hilarious, but ... is it a bug, or a feature?
11200 Hits
Doom Slayer: Jumping Hell in 1440p60 (7 comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 20:57 CST, 12 November 2017 - iMsg

The Doom Slayer's ability to double jump makes navigating maps a lot easier. Jumps are shown with keypresses and speed visible, and explained with slow motion and freeze frames. However, involuntarily initiating a double jump, due to surface geometry, can cause problems. Using autohopping maybe the solution. But then again it appears to be a somewhat "unclean" practice. Apart from that there is a bit of gaming history contained in the video. Namely the origin of the double jump.
3899 Hits

A crouchsliding tutorial with keypresses visible, slow motion, freeze frames, and explanation in voiceover. The tutorial aims at conveying an understanding of the basic principles, and suggests ways to start. Step-by-step instructions are given, and quite some opportunities of where to practice the techniques are shown.
3862 Hits
Mega to Heavy in a sec and more pot and Dire Orb tricks (44 comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 17:11 CDT, 13 August 2017 - iMsg

From Megahealth to Heavy Armor in a second or so, and more exploits of the strange qualities of the pots combined with Ranger's Dire Orb. Going out of map and back, into closed areas, and instant teleports across whole maps.
17947 Hits
Circlejumps with Anarki in 1440p60 (6 comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 17:13 CDT, 25 July 2017 - iMsg

Just a small collection of what Anarki can do with a circlejump ... now with lead guitar! :D
Edited by zephyrin_xirdal at 18:05 CDT, 25 July 2017 - 6286 Hits

The Bridge to Rail jump done backward and forward with all champions, without using their respective special abilities. Plus a tutorial on how to do it – with keypresses and speed visible, slow motion, and an explanation of the circlejump and strafejumping (for all those new to Quake). In between a little reminiscence of Bridge to Rail in Quake Live and Quake 3 Arena.
6802 Hits

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With all ten champions I did Tri-Bolt and Nailclimbing experiments, and here are the results, self-damage, angles etc. A lot of tricking seems possible, but the champions' different physics, speedcaps, and collision models do cause problems. I sincerely hope that on release there will be a mode with equal physics and without speedcaps, and mod-support for custom maps, so that the trickjumping and DeFRaGgery can go wild :)
5011 Hits
At Hell's Gate - 2017 FFA mayhem in 4K with commentary (No comments)
Posted by zephyrin_xirdal @ 07:39 CDT, 28 March 2017 - iMsg

Ten minutes of classic "Quake Live" Free for All deathmatch madness on the map "Hell's Gate" (formerly Q3TOURNEY3). Featuring a nice comeback with some quite funny and/or epic moments in-between – my opinion. Before that not having played any Quake for ages quite shows. Disorientation, poor movement, no positioning, miserable aim, and general overstrain. But then I somehow get a tiny bit into it again … hope you like the editing, quality, and ... ah, just hope you'll enjoy it :)
1109 Hits
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