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Another interview with Cypher from Mediamarkt Lan (1 comment)
Posted by casper_kk @ 00:36 CDT, 7 August 2017 - iMsg
Hi all, here is another translation of interview with Cypher taken at MediaMarkt LAN in Moscow.

The video with interview is here

- Can you describe your impressions of the new Quake. What are differences, what's good and what's bad?

- Well, the game is very raw, lets start with this, so I wont be talking about the bad things yet. The good is - new champion system, abilities system, it brought some interesting new additions to the game, well, modernizing Quake to catch up with current games.

- How long do you play Quake?

- Well, I started with Quake 3 in the beginning, I was 10 or 11, my brother was Belarusian Quake Champion so I started to play looking at him. And i was inspired to win tournaments and to the age of 15 I played really hard and started playing professional at 16. Now I'm 27, so it's more than ten years already.

- It comes out that you're one of those guys who remember that most popular Quake that was massively played at computer clubs...

- Yeah, sure

- And you don't mind they trying to make hero-shooter of arena-shooter?

- If it makes Quake popular, I'm not against anything

- Which of the old mechanics are still in the game? Is the speed the same as it was, how are weapons feel?

- In that case they decided to unite all the dynamics and physics of all previous Quakes, so if you want, you can choose different characters with different physics, some faster, some slower, having more HP but less speed etc. Well they trying to balance the champions, so those aspects are all positive.

= What can you say about maps?

- We have two old maps and two new ones in duel, i hope that only new maps will be played and the old ones would be left in archive.

- Now the question about Virtus Pro. Tell your impressions, how did you come to the game, what are you expecting from your cooperation, what plans do you have?

- Well, new Quake was announced as well as 1 million dollar tournament in august at QuakeCon, the players and organisations new that already, but the official announcment was needed. I had conversations with american teams, they were first to contact me, then general manager of Virtus Pro and we both came to agreement that i need to sign them. So from that point I'm on positive wave. I was the member of many teams, and now I'm in VP and i see how people here are obsessed with it, very strong organisation, strong inside.

- If it's not a secret, why did you choose russian team over american?

- Well, maybe 5 years ago I would 100% choose some foreign organisation, but looking at things VP do, how they develop e-sports in CIS an in the world, I want to be part of it and develop the thing here in CIS, and not in America.

- What's your favorite hero now?

- I think Slash

- Blitz. Mega or Red Armor?

- Depends on hero.

- DM6 or ZTN3DM1?

- DM6

- Rocket or Rail?

- Rocket
1161 Hits
Another interview with Cooller from Mediamarkt Lan (7 comments)
Posted by casper_kk @ 11:01 CDT, 3 August 2017 - iMsg
You can watch it here:

- How did you get to NaVi, did you have any other variants?

- I got there as usual, by conversation with NaVi. I considered some proposals from different teams, wont name them now, many of them, but NaVi for me is the best choice not only because of their terms, thogh they were good, but because the team is closer to me.

- Cheering for them?

- Well I often coomunicate with the team from the time of their founding. Considering they repsresent CIS region, it suits me best.

- Did doreign teams also tried to contract you?

- Yeah, sure.

- Can you tell about Quake Champions, you impressions from the point of huge expirience. Whaat did they try to save, what new things they brought, what good and what not good yet?

- Well, i think that idea of creating variety of characters with dofferent abilities is 100% actual and promising. Duel mode will be one of the most popular, I think. I'm not pleased with development as a whole, because it's too slow. I have some expirience in gamedev, and I have some clue how that must be done, the speed of updates, upgrade of the game, and now im not seeing the level wich I would like to see. That's my only concern today.

- Any plusses?

- I said already - characters, duel mode, many severs, different settings which allow every player to set up their gaming profile individually, for me it's essential. The game is demanding enough for the hardware, you need to upgrade your rig, or you need to have a descent one already. Also i would like to admit that the game is free, it's not critical, but it's a definitely plus. Potential players dont need to spend a coin for the game, in comparison to Overwatch, which costs 2000 roubles, for CIS region its significant amount of money for players of lower age.

- Have you any favourite hero already?

- Well, I can't pick one, usually all the pros have some pool of heroes they prefer not in terms of "like" or "don't like", but how it technically suit thir style of play. My pool is Nyx, Ranger, Visor, Clutch, Scalebearer, that's all. I prefer characters with mechanics from standard Quake (means Q3), I don't like Anarki, Sorlag, which both use CPMA physics. But Clutch is not typical, i had to learn how to play him, because he's currntly actual. He is very strong, his ability and speed combined make him a top tier in comparison with others, so i have and I will to play him.

- It sounds like you dont want to play him.

- Well, at the start i didn't want to, I didn't like him. He is big, has huge hitbox, he catches every shot fired, do he recieves much damage, and it's hard to play when every shot hits you. But when he was fixed and boosted movement-wise, having fast charging shiekd ability which blocks incoming damage, after that he becamr pretty descent character.

- I got it. In the end three short questions. Mega or red Armor?

- It's situational, but i prefer armor.

- DM6 or ZTN?

- DM6 for now.

- Rocket or Rail?

- Rocket.
2276 Hits
Cooler's interview after winning MediaMarkt Cup yesterday (15 comments)
Posted by casper_kk @ 03:32 CDT, 30 July 2017 - iMsg
Hi all, I thought that maybe someone would be interested in this translation, because there was no English stream, and also no translation from Russian, so I did my best, hope you like it, sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language, I just learnt it from games, movies and books, lol :)

you can watch interview here (starts at 4:22:40)

Poloastiy (P) talks with Cooller (C) after final match which, unfortunately, was played BO1, because the mall where tournament took place was closing and they didn't have time to play full BO3 Grand Final.

P - Cooller, congratulations

C - Hi all again (he said hi already when commented Nitrino - evil match with base)

P - Well…

C - Well, what?

P - Congrats with another championship (shakes Cooller's hand). Agree that after first map of WB finals and first two rounds on ZTN, I don’t know…

C - A miracle happened! I don't know… (Polos indicates to look at webcam) Where?

P - Look at the webcam

C - (looks where he was told to) I said already, that match with Cypher in costs of my powers is comparable with that Qcon'11 match, when we played at finals and the game was super intense and I lost it, well now we played something like that in WB finals. The thing is, me and Cypher didn't meet each other on tournaments before (QC-wise, I think), and the game was first and it was matter of principle, as said "who has the longest…" (dick)


C - So we both were sweating hardly just to prove everyone and ourselves, who is the best. Definitely, the game was close, agree? Cyphers skill is off scale, I was not bad too. Well, the main thing I got from this that both me and Cypher are trending now . It’s important for us - to understand that we can, that we are oldschool, but at the same time we are trendsetters.

P - Well, you are more oldschool…

C - I am that… how to say… that old guy with glasses modeller…

P - fazz?

C - No, modeller (laughs)

P - I don’t know…

*Cooller being congratulated and shakes hands*

P - I'm interested, what did you feel at ZTN after two lost rounds and Cypher typing GG in chat? You answered him something, right?

C - What to say… I had a thought "Hey, dude, don’t be too quick! I am in deep shit right now, but as they say "the chicken is in the nest"". And the chicken came out of nest and left an egg. You know when someone rubs his hands already and relaxes, usually it comes to Murphy's law, destiny plays bad tricks at him when he at the hair's width from victory, he thinks "I win", and it's a mistake. Well, technically I tried to play my game and at some point I've got second breath and I started to shoot well. You know, I had long breaks between games

P - Yeah

C - And I wasn’t in my shape in shooting, jumping, etc. Definitely, only at the end of ZTN I started to show my true skill… Any more questions?

P - I think no, it was very hard day

C - Also, taking this opportunity, I want to say… First, where all that smart asses who call me pensioner, an old man? That's first… well, and thatt's a second also.

P - Yeah, Anton. Well, really for me…

C - What about my reactions? I don’t know, I think when I will be fifty, I will be playing hard. I have some sort of mission - to prove some point to people. We have Zeus, who is 29 and plays really cool, we have CS team where everyone near their thirties and the are trendsetters. They not just playing on the same level with young guys, the are teaching them, show them how to play, like "Guys, if you use our play, work it somehow, some micro moments, you can get an advantage"

P - I remember first 125 FPS CUP, when you played Toxic and it was really…

C - Oh, yeah, want a joke? I am pensioner, but fuck, I get paid twenty fucking times more than some ordinary pensioner

P - Well, I think we can stop at this… Grats, it was a hard day..

C - Thank you, Polos. By the way, guys, huge respect to Polos, he was streaming this thing all day long SOLO for you!

P - Someone wrote in comments during finals "what a dull commentator"

C - I often watch streams, and that people who say shit to Polos, like he is bad commentator, call 4CE, or Shadich, guys, that’s not how things done… He works format he comfortable with, and he works for you first of all, so pay some respect for his hard work, please. It doesn’t matter how good he is, how he choses his words etc., just respect what you have, that’s all.

P - Yeah, thanks all…

C - Wish everyone happiness and health…

P - Prizepool of 300k rubles… Nitrino, say hi everybody

Nitrino - HI EVERYBODY! Sorry I wasn’t in frame for long

P - It was a hard day. *Cooller fills the screen with his jacket's NaVi logo* Anton… Well, I'm off, that was cool.
Edited by casper_kk at 04:32 CDT, 30 July 2017 - 6700 Hits
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