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5412 Hits
Quake LAN parties in a 1930's bunker in Berlin, Germany (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 16:53 CDT, 9 August 2020 - iMsg
Hi Quake community,

I am hoping for someone in Germany to please help me better understand the fascinating location for the B1 LAN parties:

AFAIK from Google Maps, the 1930s-era bunker where the B1 LAN's was held is located on the corner of two busy streets in Berlin. Just a few of my endless questions about this:

Any idea what was this bunker was built to protect from? I could be wrong but I thought it said was built in 1931. Was it an aerial bombardment bunker? Or an artillery shell bunker? Was it was constructed because Berlin was under attack, or was it more like a safeguard for the future? How common is it for a 1930's bunker to have survived structurally to today? After the war ended, what were the common peace-time conversions for these structures? Are these bunkers ever so successfully converted that it's possible to forget the original war-time purpose for the building? And is there discourse in German society regarding the historical context of a bunker like this, and if so, would that be similar in any way to the conversation that we are having in the U.S. now regarding race and Civil War monuments?

Sorry for too many questions. Basically any info at all would please be greatly appreciated!
Edited by dondeq2 at 17:01 CDT, 9 August 2020 - 2369 Hits
Screenshots of Maric's maps. (8 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 15:55 CDT, 13 April 2020 - iMsg
One of the all-time greatest mappers, IMO. Here is an on-going collection of screenshots of Maric's maps for Quake 2
8202 Hits
Brian "EvilBastard" Collins' House of Models (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 23:54 CDT, 25 March 2019 - iMsg

Re-enter the House of Models by Brian "EvilBastard" Collins, one of the greatest 3D modelers of the Quake 2 era.
3934 Hits
SwissCon '97 photos (5 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 12:33 CDT, 20 March 2019 - iMsg
Check out photos and reports from what was, at the time, Switzerland's largest ever PC gaming gathering, "SwissCon '97," held in Basel, Switzerland, December 1997:
7083 Hits
QuakeCon '96 photos featuring Carmack and Romero (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 12:27 CDT, 20 March 2019 - iMsg
These photos are again seeing the light of day thanks to the powers of recovery granted by the Internet Archive. Check out Redwood's photos and reports of QuakeCon '96 (and '97):
3362 Hits
Spain's Campus Party: Quake tourneys to cultural phenomenon (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 03:42 CDT, 14 March 2019 - iMsg

Campus Party is an annual week-long, 24-hour-a-day technology festival and LAN party in Spain. Thousands of hackers, developers, gamers and geeks equipped with personal computers camp out in tents on-site for the conference and hackathon.

It was founded in 1997 as a gaming and demoscene event, with Quake tournaments. In 1998, Skuda was crowned the Quake champion of Spain. Skuda was awarded a boxed copy of Quake II signed by John Carmack and all the game's creators at id Software.

The first 3 years, the gathering was held in Málaga, Spain, and then in 2000 moved to The City of Arts and Sciences, in Valencia, Spain. Campus Party has since been run in Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, the US, Germany and Italy.
3515 Hits
Interview with Skuda "Ronaldo del Quake" (7 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 16:33 CST, 25 February 2019 - iMsg
Skuda was the Quake champion of Spain in 1998. That year Skuda won the Quake tournament at Campus Party to take the title of national champion. This interview was published online by QAS several months before.
Edited by dondeq2 at 16:34 CST, 25 February 2019 - 9132 Hits
GoldenEye 007 mod for Quake II (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 01:24 CST, 21 February 2019 - iMsg
Edited by dondeq2 at 01:25 CST, 21 February 2019 - 4329 Hits
Handgrenade Guide by The Doover of Eat Electric Death Clan (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 15:46 CST, 11 February 2019 - iMsg


"Everyone says how you use a rail gun properly, and the famous BFG triangle of death tutorials, but no-one ever pays such a hand sized, ball of TNT its dues. . . well, I do!" - The Doover
4634 Hits
Unreleased Quake 2 mod developed for 8-player arcade cabinet (3 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 00:19 CST, 24 January 2019 - iMsg

This video tells the story behind "Quake TV," the Quake 2 mod developed by Frank Cabanski and Peter Duke for Sega GameWorks' 8-player GameArc arcade cabinet. Imagine rocket jumping with a force-feedback seat and an 8-foot wraparound screen and discover that Steven Spielberg had this dream over 20 years ago. Thank you for watching!
Edited by dondeq2 at 00:35 CST, 24 January 2019 - 5485 Hits
Satan’s Proxies Guláš Párty June 16-18, 2000 [NSFW] (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 17:56 CST, 20 January 2019 - iMsg

Czech LAN party in a cabin in the Slovakian woods [NSFW].
Edited by dondeq2 at 18:13 CST, 20 January 2019 - 4378 Hits
Czech Quake 2 clan Sapropel (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 10:56 CST, 19 January 2019 - iMsg
"Czech" out this badass Quake 2 squad!
Edited by dondeq2 at 01:08 CST, 20 January 2019 - 2563 Hits
The Quake Movies of Dr. Nemesis (3 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 00:38 CST, 14 December 2018 - iMsg

Take a trip back in time to re-visit the films of Leo Lucien-Bay, aka Dr. Nemesis, one of the first prominent machinima directors. Mr. Lucien-Bay pushed the Quake II engine to its limit, in a career that spans PlanetQuake,, his own production company Binary Picture Show, and more recently, at Bioware, animating for Mass Effect 2 and 3 and beyond.
4451 Hits
Web comics, PAX and nerdcore (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 14:30 CST, 21 November 2018 - iMsg

The first web comic strips reflected the office cubicles and Quake deathmatches of the late 90's. These comic strips moved gaming culture from society's fringe into the mainstream, and made it cool to be a nerd.
2209 Hits
Quake as the Medium: Yes, But Is It Art? (6 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 15:30 CST, 17 November 2018 - iMsg

This video explores how the open code 3D engines of the Quake videogames became a new medium for artists.
8078 Hits
Quakecast - Thursday, October 2, 1997 (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 15:26 CST, 17 November 2018 - iMsg

Listen to the full episode! Thank you Quaddicted for saving the mp3 file, and Wendigo for the awesome photos. And check out the badass NEW Quakecast podcast by dumptruck_ds and Arrrcee!
Edited by dondeq2 at 15:27 CST, 17 November 2018 - 3561 Hits
Augmented Reality Quake (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 18:32 CDT, 15 October 2018 - iMsg

This video takes a look back at ARQuake, an augmented reality version of Quake made by researchers at the University of South Australia.
3401 Hits
Cicatrix had a fan club? (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 17:23 CDT, 11 October 2018 - iMsg

I guess so! Funniest part of the Fan Club interview with Cicatrix member Warlock comes at the end...

Fan Club: which question did you expect to be asked?

Warlock: If I have a girlfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!

Fan Club: And what is the answer?

Warlock: No [HINT] (a man has to think about his existence).

Fan Club: thanx Warlock and success with finding a girl. Hopefully you will win the cup.
2870 Hits
MiB Clan and 3 LAN Parties from Germany 1999 (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:39 CDT, 25 September 2018 - iMsg

MIB-clan. The Men in Black, one of Germany’s best Quake II clans.

Check out the incredible found footage video diary that TeddysJam recorded at the Pironet LAN party in 1999, with his good buddy Xtra Large and their close group of friends. Even for a non German speaker such as myself, this is a fun, intimate window into Germany PC gaming scene of the late 90’s.

The medium sized "Deathmatch Showdown 3" and the huge "DarkBreed 99" German LAN parties are also explored thru archival photos and videos.

Thank you for checking out this blast from the past!
2145 Hits
Tour the Quake II maps of IROQ clan [video] (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 14:52 CDT, 15 September 2018 - iMsg

Take a look back at the creative, fun maps that IROQ Clan custom made for Quake 2.

"IROQ Clan was formed on September 19, 2000 by Terry and Robin Emerson (A.K.A IROQ_Venom and IROQ_Vixen_). IROQ was created based on the simple idea of bringing a group of people together online who shared the same love for the game as we did, and who were looking for that special ingredient that a lot of other Quake 2 clans fail to offer.

We are not just an average Quake 2 clan. We are a group of close friends who have formed a very tight knit family, and Robin and I are very proud to say that we are part of such an excellent organization. IROQ is not just about skills, but ATTITUDE as well. Remember if you are not having fun playing this game, then you are definitely doing something wrong."

Dedicated to IROQ_Vixen and the Immortal Rulers of Quake.
3162 Hits
QuakeCon 2018 Video Journal (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 22:50 CDT, 20 August 2018 - iMsg
Edited by dondeq2 at 22:51 CDT, 20 August 2018 - 2478 Hits
Quake Champions CTF... bring it on! (3 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 19:25 CDT, 1 August 2018 - iMsg

Here is a video I made in anticipation. Man it would be amazing to see Outlands or Stronghold Opposition CTF maps in Quake Champions. Music is Bruce Springsteen "Wrecking Ball" live in 2009.
Edited by dondeq2 at 19:38 CDT, 1 August 2018 - 2693 Hits
TBT: German Quake scene in 1999 (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 08:35 CDT, 26 July 2018 - iMsg

German Quake 2 scene in 1999 is explored, starting with the Voodoo People LAN Party, held at at VP-Nightmare's house in Fürth, July 16 - 18, 1999. Then we look at the Hude LAN Party and the GXP LAN Party, in Hagen. That was Europe's largest LAN party in 1999.

Thank you to MFG-Rush for the excellent PC Games CD Rom and Mag review of the GXP LAN. Thank you to for producing the Hude LAN Party segments. And the biggest thank you to Nightmare for his amazing archive of the Voodoo People Quake 2 clan.

Thank you for watching!
2488 Hits
Super-Soaker Rocket Launcher Summer LAN Party (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 19:00 CDT, 20 July 2018 - iMsg

Bonfire, check. Super-soaker turned into a rocket launcher, check. Foot pedal for Lithium II mod, check. Hope you guys are having an awesome summer so far... here is Quake clan "Gods of Mortality" at their summer LAN party in Monroe, Michigan, back in the day.

Thank you for watching and enjoy!
2169 Hits
Dear Mynx: Casual Sex at QuakeCon? (3 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 21:30 CDT, 8 July 2018 - iMsg

Mildly NSFW.

PlanetQuake's weekly advice column, "Dear Mynx," stripped away the hardware to take a peek at the personal lives of the people behind the game. Think of it as "Dear Abby" meets "Jenny Jones" meets "Quake II."

The "Dear Mynx," column featured in this video was originally published on the PlanetQuake website August 5th, 1999.

"QuakeCon. Casual sex at QuakeCon. Some chick in love with a geek at QuakeCon. A QuakeCon virgin afraid to go, a QuakeCon id stalker wants to meet the men behind the game, QuakeCon and drunken freaks, wanking at QuakeCon? QuakeCon. Hallelujah!"

Excited for QuakeCon 2018! (But not like that.)
Edited by dondeq2 at 21:43 CDT, 8 July 2018 - 4101 Hits
Anybody ever play Quake with one of these? (17 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 23:18 CDT, 28 June 2018 - iMsg

Back in the late 90's, Madcatz released the trackball / joystick combo controller called the Panther XL, for first person shooter games like Quake. I made a video from all the archival material I could find and would be interested in any gaming stories may have about playing Quake with the Panther XL. Absolute unit, from the looks of it.
Edited by dondeq2 at 23:18 CDT, 28 June 2018 - 12191 Hits
Wireplay Invades Brisbane! [19 min vid] (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 16:08 CDT, 20 June 2018 - iMsg

To celebrate the opening of Wireplay in Brisbane: 'Wireplay Invades Brisbane' Quake and Quake 2 Free For All competition in 1998. Do you have what it takes to frag your way through grueling heats and the final to be Australia's Quake champion?
Edited by dondeq2 at 16:11 CDT, 20 June 2018 - 1474 Hits
The skin artist Rorshach is featured [30 min vid] (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 21:22 CDT, 14 June 2018 - iMsg

The story of video game artist Kevin "Rorshach" Johnstone, from Stranraer, Scotland, who has become a legend of the Quake skins community.
3499 Hits
"The Zen of Frag," deathmatch tips from the PC Gamer Editors (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 07:48 CDT, 8 June 2018 - iMsg

24 minute video featuring deathmatch tips from the staff of PC Gamer Online in 1998. Gary Whitta, Editor-in-Chief (writer of Star Wars: Rogue One), Joel Durham, Technical Editor, Michael Luton, Webmaster, Mike Wolf, Disc Editor, Bill Harms, Assistant Disc Editor, Dan Bennett, Editor, and Rob Smolka, Assistant Editor.
721 Hits
Explore the role of art in Quake movie making (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 08:30 CDT, 1 June 2018 - iMsg

DondeQ2 presents a gaming history video about the Brazilian Quake II moviemaker Donnovan. Featuring a 31 minute "Director's Cut" of the Donnovan Quake II machinima film, "A Warrior's Life."

Big thank you to everybody supporting the weekly release of Quake II gaming history videos, from everybody that is watching to those lending financial support at Thank you guys!
Edited by dondeq2 at 09:46 CDT, 1 June 2018 - 1632 Hits
Psycho Men Slayers - The Queens of Quake (10 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 12:48 CDT, 25 May 2018 - iMsg

"Under every floral print dress lies a lady wearing black garters, carrying a big f*cking gun!" Clan PMS, the first all-female Quake clan, founded in 1996, is featured in the latest Donde Quake 2? gaming history video [approx. 30 minute length].

Clan PMS were trailblazers who held the first all-female Quake tournament, started the first website for women gamers ( as well as the original podcast for female gamers, by female gamers ("Lilith and Eve"), helping to beat John Romero at his own game along the way. As you will see, Clan PMS far exceeded their goal of making people stop and say, "Yeah, girls CAN play Quake too."

Thank you Kate and Peter, Kristina, Nick aka Beaver and Quake God Ray for supporting the preservation of gaming history - one Quake 2 story at a time! If you are interested in helping to fund these weekly deep dives in Quake gaming history, please visit
Edited by dondeq2 at 12:49 CDT, 25 May 2018 - 4391 Hits
The original VR Quake experience (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 11:13 CDT, 18 May 2018 - iMsg

Most of us gamers have heard about the Quake experience in VR on the Oculus Rift. Here is my latest Quake gaming history video [23 minutes length] about the less well known, very first Quake experience in virtual reality.

CAVE QUAKE II is an adaptation of the popular PC game Quake 2 for the CAVE, the world’s first immersive virtual reality platform! The demo by Paul Rajlich is fully playable in single player and multiplayer deathmatch, and shows how compelling a game becomes with life-sized stereo graphics!

Thank you to the ESReality community for the feedback and encouragement on these Quake gaming history videos. In a meta sense, I entered my own Fear Cave on this one, and narrated. Joseph Campbell has been ascribed to have said, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."

Enjoy your trip inside Cave Quake II!
3830 Hits
What map / mod is this?! (3 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 16:37 CDT, 14 May 2018 - iMsg

Here are all the clues I have...

The screenshots are credited to 1998, from a United Recammers video by The Immortal, made for Dukemedia / QuakeTV.

Dukemedia was partnered with Sega Gameworks at the time making the tech for e-sports competitions at local gaming clubs. Was this part of a competition mod?

In the video, the players are fighting for a single flag, which generates on the lower level, and then it’s taken and carried to the upper platforms, presumably to score points.

The level is later shown configured differently, apparently for deathmatch, with a rocket launcher and 2 rocket ammo packs on the platform where the flag had regenerated.

The players are never shown with a weapon less than shotgun, maybe that’s the default weapon in this mod. The players have to collect ammo and weapons. When killed, the weapon you are carrying is left on the map to be picked up.

The advertisements! In this level there are in-game, professional looking ads for Activision, Creative Labs, Logitech, Skittles, Mountain Dew, ID Software.

At a LAN party in Rochester, in 2015, the original server admin for Lasermine CTF put this map on for us and it was fun to play. Unfortunately, only the one smoking MASSIVE amounts of MJ (me) has any memory whatsoever of this.

What I DO remember, hazily, is that this may have been part of a larger download, or included in a pak file. The level itself MAY have a generic name (for an example, but not a serious guess, I would give a common name like “base” and say maybe it was overwritten by a later map named base, and that’s why nobody remembers this now.)

The Olympics theme and Vince M commentary used in The Immortal’s recam seem to point to the competitive nature of the mod / map in question.

How could I almost forget... the Scoreboard! This mod / map has a unique in-level dynamic scoreboard that shows all players in the map the Team Score and Game Time. If this was an episode of Antiques Roadshow, the working in-level scoreboard would be pointed out as being a unique feature adding a lot of value to this piece.

Just about the only Quake 2 mod I have seen with an in-level dynamic scoreboard is the Kick Mod. This is more complex than that.

The advertisements for FX Sports (started in 1997) and Casio Time point towards the year 1998 being an accurate date. The presence of so many company logos makes me think this was an official mod release, maybe from one of the expansion discs.

The Scoreboard would be perfect for Spectators, adding weight to the theory that this map / mod was built for e-sports competition.

I really want to move on with my life but I have a touch of the OCD and it bothers me that this piece of Quake gaming history may be left by the wayside. On another level (figuratively but NOT literally - i’m still talking about the same level) I want to play these ramps with the laser hook and my friend Mary Jane.

Any and all info, clues, context, guesses, random comments, would be greatly appreciated.
5292 Hits
Fragapalooza the first Canadian Quake champions (9 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 08:21 CDT, 9 May 2018 - iMsg

Let's go back in time to the summers of 1997 and 1998, in Edmonton, Alberta, where inside an airplane hangar we find the flowering of Canada's e-sports scene: Fragapalooza, the biggest LAN gaming competitions in Canada, where the first Canadian Quake champions were crowned.

DondeQ2 presents... Fragapalooza 97: The beauty and poetry of geekdom in full bloom! Big thank you Gil "Strat" Amores and all the organizers who continue to host awesome gaming tournaments. Sign up for Fragapalooza 2018 at

For more Quake 2 gaming history, thanks to the Internet Archive, please visit
5453 Hits
SPIN mag interesting perspective on Quake tourneys (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 14:05 CDT, 24 March 2018 - iMsg
Here is a throwback for your weekend reading pleasure. From July 1999, this is Dennis Cass' "outsiders perspective" on Quake tourneys, LAN parties, and the California gaming scene back in the day. The original description gives a good idea at what's being featured... "Vaginal Love Beads, The Loser Rack, and a Shirt That Chicks Dig: A Three-Day LAN Party is Much, Much More than 4,320 Continuous Minutes of Quake." Enjoy!

GRAZING AT THE SERVER FARM by Dennis Cass. PHOTOS by Jeff Minton. SPIN Magazine, July 1999.
1489 Hits
Professional Gamers League, official updates, 1997 & 1998 (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 19:43 CDT, 19 March 2018 - iMsg
Here are the official news updates from one of the very first pro e-sports leagues, The PGL. AMD published the “Official PGL News Updates” in Computer Gaming World magazine every month throughout 1998. Thank you to CGW Museum for the awesome archive from which these were found. Hope you all enjoy this look back at what was billed in the late 90's as, "The first online pro sport for the computer gaming crowd."

"Sponsored by AMD, hosted by Ten Entertainment Network, and driven by popular demand, the PGL will do for computer games what the NBA did for two peach baskets and a medicine ball. We’re talking serious revolution. How serious? How about $250,000 in cash and prizes in the first year? How about 'quit your day job and start honing your deathmatch skills' serious? Okay – now that we’ve got your attention, read on…"
4678 Hits
Clan of the Burning Dog LAN Party, July 1999 (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 19:36 CDT, 19 March 2018 - iMsg
Here we have the intersection of Cleveland, OH, Quake 2, the Clan of the Burning Dog, a strip club, and Doc Johnson's Marital Aids, along with at least 2 glorious long haired looks for men, all in the steamy summer of 1999. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. -Donde

"The CBD Lan Party in Cleveland rocked! We had a ton of fun, and are already scheduling the next one for this coming weekend. We had 12 CBDs there I believe, and we had a blast, playing games, abusing the T1, eating out, and going to strip clubs ;-) We also consumed a fair amount of what we will only call "substance" ;-) So here are a few pix, wish we would have taken more, but we were having so much fun we didn't think of it ;-) I just want to know why there are so many damn pix of 70th guess we wanted to make sure everyone knew how much of a m0m0 he is. ;-)"
4011 Hits
CHAOS Quake 2 Maps (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 04:46 CDT, 19 March 2018 - iMsg
"What would be CHAOS without a nice set of maps specially designed for it? (Of course CHAOS runs with every Deathmatch and CTF map out there in the net… …but playing in maps done for our mod gives that special extra thrill =)

Here you can find screenshots from all official CHAOS maps… a short description… (… and maybe also an inspiration ….for making own CHAOS maps =) Because we also show user-made maps here which aren’t yet in one of our map packs…"

Chaotic Dreams: The Maps of CHAOS Quake 2

Anybody out there that has played Chaos for Quake 2 and would be able to describe it a little, please do, that would be great! The inherently chaotic nature of the mod itself seems to make it hard for me to understand... For example, in the process of posting this archive, I found myself returning again and again to the same existential pondering: "What's up with the crossbow?"
4144 Hits
South African LAN parties and a Quake 2 wedding (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:08 CST, 9 March 2018 - iMsg
The South African Quake scene in the early 2000's is broadly featured with a special focus on the Valentine's Day 2000 "first of its kind" Wedding on a GameZone Quake 2 server between BadBoyBubba and db_High. South Africa LANgames website is included in the archive, with many photos of South African Quake gamers who attended LAN parties in 2001 and 2002. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the deep dive! -Donde
4103 Hits
"Un Argentino en Dallas" (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 18:50 CST, 9 February 2018 - iMsg
Hi everybody, I have posted the website archives from some Argentine Quake clans, including 2 from the city of Buenos Aires: Villa de Mayo (VDM) and Los Mamones (LM). Jackson of Clan VDM visited Dallas in 1999 as the Quake champion of Argentina, for a CPL tourney. That's just one of the interesting . Please have a look and feel free to share stories of or knowledge about the Argentine Q2 scene in the comments: that would be awesome.

As a personal note, as an America, when I close my eyes and think of Argentina, my whole mind's eye is overtaken with Manu Ginobili's face, maybe he is draining an off balance falling-out-of-bounds tres, and Charles Barkley's hollering, "Ginoobiliiii!" If I happen to be of a particularly calm frame of mind, and I can think deeper on Argentina, maybe I catch a glimpse of people eating lots of meat. In the process of posting these archives, I started to learn a little more about our neighbors to the South, and I got pulled into reading a little about the interesting history and awesome culture of Argentina. I was self educating, and it felt good. Well, I googled up from street view to see where I was in Buenos Aires, and actually audibly WTF'ed: I had no idea Argentina was on the bottom of the Earth.

To paraphrase Mary Oliver, "Instructions for archiving Quake 2 history. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." Thank you all for reading and take it easy.


Clan Villa de Mayo y Un Argentino en Dallas

Los Mamones y El Campeonato de Quake II 1999

Clan Argentino de Quake II: K.E.P.D. Power Overwhelming

La Lenta y Pesada Agonia de Quake: presente, pasado y futuro, por Eyehawk

OK PC Gamer: A FONDO Quake II, Diciembre 1997

Charles Barkely yelling, "Ginobili!"
1482 Hits
History of MACTF (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 18:30 CST, 5 February 2018 - iMsg

"Basically, The Mercenaries is not about playing wars, but about playing good old plain CTF as it was meant to be: fun & teamplay at a highly skilled level, without laming, newbies and BFG’s, and without unfair teams."
4028 Hits
Magonect and the Q2 scene in Rio De Janeiro (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 02:44 CST, 30 January 2018 - iMsg

Early 2000's skins, maps, models, sounds and mod from Magonect in Brazil.
3667 Hits
3 Quake tattoos and a summer picnic in Germany (26 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 03:34 CST, 20 January 2018 - iMsg
They called it the Nightmare in Fürth; I am calling it the most glorious Quake-related hairstyle I have ever seen. To those of us feeling the winter chill this January, I recommend taking a look back at German Voodoo People's July 1999 summer picnic LAN party. At the very least, it's gonna warm the heart.
7438 Hits
The Pit for CTF, by Maric (4 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 23:37 CST, 17 January 2018 - iMsg

Here is a frag video for 2K18 featuring Maric's awesome CTF map, The Pit.
5814 Hits
Pubs for gaming? (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:31 CST, 4 January 2018 - iMsg
Hi everybody. I just recently posted all the material I could find about London's gaming pub, "The Playing Fields." In the making of the archive, I had a lot of learning to do. I have never been to a gaming pub and I did not realize at all the extent that establishments such as this played a role in Quake culture. The Playing Fields hosted early e-sports such CPL events and EuroQuake, as well as clan matches, LAN parties. The interior of the basement gaming bar with monitor built-in's and cave-like curved ceilings became recurring backdrop to Quake in the media, whether pro gamers being interviewed there at the event, or pieces about how gaming pubs were either a sign of the times, or a harbinger of the future. From where I'm sitting (Chicago - Al Capone ran all the gaming pubs in Chicago) The Playing Fields seemed to be a subterranean Seinfeld coffee diner of the Quake and progaming scene. Having just come across this and therefore being a total noob like a child at an R rated film, let me ask this community, especially those from countries with a stronger and more responsible social structure than the US where the Second Amendment itself, nevermind binge drinking as a common introduction to alcohol, would seem to preclude the business plan of a Quake bar ever being considered as a good idea - for your thoughts and feedback on the whole gaming pubs thing. Please share your stories. What are some other gaming pubs - and what distinguishes the great ones? What role do you ascribe the lowely gaming pub in the den of Quake lore?

Here is a link to the post about London's "The Playing Fields" gaming pub:
2036 Hits
Joystick for Quake movement? (17 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 21:25 CST, 28 December 2017 - iMsg
I just recently learned about the PantherXL joystick controller from MadCatz. Joystick controllers are probably not the preferred control mechanism for Quake or I would have read about them before. However the PantherXL is a sexy beast and I want to believe that some player out there is able to harness all that (joy) stick and ball (mouse) goodness for Quake ownage.

Is this still a thing and I have just totally missed it? Are there any known plans or even any appetite for a joystick controller compatible with Quake Champions? Please reply in this thread if you play or have played Quake with a joystick controller - any information on this (to me) compelling hardcore niche would be greatly appreciated. Here is a look at the MadCatz PantherXL and how to completely void the warrantee by modding it:
10926 Hits
Memoirs of a failed quake god (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:53 CST, 24 December 2017 - iMsg
Memoirs of a failed quake god - by Nanzinjal

"I remember going with Cerberus to buy Quake from Virgin in Bristol on 23 August 1996, the day before it officially came out - and I still have the free T shirt to prove it! Quake undoubtedly changed my life, and I do not regret the time I have devoted to it, while failing miserably to achieve the status of Quake God. I have made many good friends over the years with quake, and have rubbed shoulders and even played alongside some who certainly deserve their status as Quake legends - players such as Fragga, Coerj and Dark Raven.

It occurred to me a while back that it really might be a good idea to record some of that history before it all gets lost."
8358 Hits
Sir Luscious Dusty Railgun (3 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 02:49 CST, 18 December 2017 - iMsg
Sir Luscious Dusty Railgun is the newest Railwarz movie for your viewing pleasure please watch in 720HD or whatever you are able to select for high YouTube quality. And / or just get high.
4289 Hits
Capture the Briefcase - Action Quake 2 mod (4 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 13:51 CST, 16 December 2017 - iMsg
Action Quake Developers Team presents... Capture the Briefcase. Got package?
4432 Hits
Sujoy humor tribute (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:03 CST, 8 December 2017 - iMsg
Here are some posts of Sujoy and friends' hilarious late 90's satire:

Bob Dole to announce his own Quake Clan

Everybody Knows Chthon is a Chicken

Disturbing effect of item scares Quake Players!

Quake 2 to have Box!

Quakey, Breaky Heart

If a jokes makes you laugh 20 years after you tell it that you got something. These guys were good.
2175 Hits
2nd oldest Quake Clan in the UK? (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 17:58 CST, 4 December 2017 - iMsg
Minos Academy:

Does anybody remember them --- or are they just too old? :-)
2591 Hits
Rorshach's Q2 Skinworld (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 19:32 CST, 27 November 2017 - iMsg

Bravo to Kevin "Rorshach" Johnstone making so much truly great Quake 2 artwork.
3906 Hits
New RailwarZ website (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:28 CST, 20 November 2017 - iMsg
Due to complications arising from, I'm just guessing, most of us Quake 2 Railwarz players being potheads, is out of action for the time being. We invite you all to come check out new website for Quake 2 Railwarz at and of course to play on the servers nightly.
4039 Hits
The Infamous Strogg Deep (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 14:16 CST, 5 November 2017 - iMsg

Quake 2 frag movie, November 2017.

Gameplay highlights from Quake 2 Railwarz instagib CTF. Bobb Deep mixtape by DJ Swindle: Stir It Up (Quiet Storm,) Gangstaz Roll, Shook Ones Pt 2, Drop A Gem on Them, Survival of the Fittest. Gravel Pit blend by DJ Skratch Bastid. Quake 2 machinima clips by Zarathustra Studios: War, Father Frags Best, Gibs commerical.
3646 Hits
90's theme costume party (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 04:37 CDT, 27 October 2017 - iMsg

Happy halloween!
3444 Hits
Journey back to 1998 (5 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 17:05 CDT, 20 October 2017 - iMsg
Beyond the internet bubble and nineties culture, this period saw the first championships in pro gaming, women gamers becoming a phenomenom, groups of amateur modders collaborating on 3D art, the rise of the clans, and more. As we approach and surpass December 9, the 20 year mark of the initial release date for Quake II in 1997, I'm inviting you guys to take a trip back with me and collectively remember (thank you internet archive) the glory days.

Plz check out my 500+ post late 90's mostly Quake 2 gaming history blog. Thank you for having me as part of this awesome community.

9177 Hits
'97 Mentality - The Best Quake 2 Frag Movie (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 18:12 CDT, 13 October 2017 - iMsg
From the "Fingers" creating the universe to Cappadonna and Ghostface Killah, this is dondeQ2's "'97 Mentality," narrated by William Shatner. And we may be suffering from a '97 mentality but we have to say it anyway: this is the best Quake 2 RailwarZ CTF frag movie... maybe of 2017 so far, maybe ever.

3306 Hits
Big Space Gunz 22 minute Q2 reggae fragmovie (2 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 12:50 CDT, 4 October 2017 - iMsg

Check out my latest Quake 2 railwarz masterpiece theater... coming in hot and hopefully 420 friendly... here is a compilation of the greatest hits, rails and captures from the past few weeks. Inspired by the "Big Space Gun" maps by David M. Pochron, and Mary Jane, da real mvp.
3780 Hits
Action Quake 2 new maps preview (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 15:57 CDT, 28 September 2017 - iMsg

A preview of several new(ish) AQ2 maps, played on instagib capture the flag RailwarZ server for the first time.

The maps are:
Facing Worlds by Teddie Tapawan
Rebirth by WizardExt
Diztruction 2032 : The Awakening
Hyrule Castle SMB by
Enter the Ewok by Ray Yeung (INTERVAL)

These maps and many more please visit

The song is, "De otro planeta (Karim & Tropikore Remix) by Sol Pereyra, available on Soundcloud.
5768 Hits
Fort Supreme by Lil' Goner (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 13:59 CDT, 25 September 2017 - iMsg

Monsterkill Quake 2 instagib capture the flag highlights from Lil' Goner's map, "Fort Supreme," aka fortsup.bsp.

Music from Mikkim & Spee - We Come Again (Chong X remix) and El Retumbón ft. Tiger Blood by Andres Digital.
3026 Hits
Mines of Hell by HellF1re (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 13:57 CDT, 25 September 2017 - iMsg

7v7 big game of Quake 2 Railwarz Insta-CTF on lfctf6.bsp "Mines of Hell" by Hellf1re one of the L-Fire CTF maps.
3169 Hits
Versus by Nataq (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 13:55 CDT, 25 September 2017 - iMsg

Fun game of insta-ctf (read: we lost) that we may have not won, but we had a lot of fun playing Quake 2 Railwarz on lmctf42.bsp, Versus by Nataq, a map originally designed for Q2 LMCTF. Check out the fun highlights, set to music: "Cumbia Up Your Yaz(oo)"
3104 Hits
Waterfronts of Disturbance by BubkeZ (13 comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 14:11 CDT, 14 September 2017 - iMsg

Highlight video featuring Swedish (thanks for the heads up David - I had originally, in error, thought it was Polish) Q2CTF map, "Waterfronts of Disturbance," by BubkeZ, bubctf1b.bsp. We are having a lot of fun playing these newly discovered maps (for us anyway) in Q2 insta-CTF. if you have in your possession any fun, rare q2ctf maps please send them to dondeq2 at gmail dot com.
Edited by dondeq2 at 02:11 CDT, 15 September 2017 - 8824 Hits
Interview with Maric Quake 2 mapper (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 20:24 CDT, 8 September 2017 - iMsg

I made this video with part of Jehar's 2009 interview with famed Q2 mapper Maric. Here is a link to their full audio interview:
3308 Hits
UnderLORDespacito Frag Movie (1 comment)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 18:19 CDT, 7 September 2017 - iMsg

In the latest Quake 2 Railwarz frag movie, we have one of the great flukes of all time, next to Orca in the 80's, Free Willy in the 90's and a can of Bumblebee tuna every day of the week, and twice on the Sunday. Underlord and donde on a lucky run, win the game 10-7 (spoilers, crap too late) against "The Champ" ksoul (Canadian) and og railgod moneydukes. We documented this one in a million chance with the song of the summer, 2017, despacito, slowed down to match the gameplay (420 required).
3186 Hits
Q2 Chill Rail Movie (No comments)
Posted by dondeq2 @ 02:47 CDT, 31 August 2017 - iMsg

Title: The Secret is the Hook Snap

Game: Quake 2 RailwarZ

Gamers: 2017 RailwarZ community, big games every night

Music: VICEROY's Jet Life remix series, available on Soundcloud
Edited by dondeq2 at 04:32 CDT, 4 September 2017 - 3128 Hits
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