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Just for fun. (1 comment)
Posted by WunderKind @ 18:09 CST, 4 January 2019 - iMsg
3288 Hits
Lirik challenges DrDisrespect to a $1000 Quake game. (26 comments)
Posted by WunderKind @ 16:26 CDT, 20 June 2018 - iMsg
In full: Lirik challenges DrDisrespect to a $1000 Quake game after Doc rant.

Watch the clips linked in reddit thread... looks like acting to me, might be an actually effective marketing move by ID/Beth(/Tim)
12486 Hits
LoL? (4 comments)
Posted by WunderKind @ 15:38 CST, 15 November 2017 - iMsg
2625 Hits
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