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RAGE2 100% discount (10 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 02:57 CST, 21 February 2021 - iMsg
RAGE2 100% discount

ends 2/26/2021 at 2:30 AM

Just posting for anybody who would get it but didn't know, also being an id software game and not all that old yet.
6479 Hits
Free GTA 5 - epic launcher (19 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 14:28 CDT, 14 May 2020 - iMsg
GTA 5 on Epic Launcher. Keep forever but must claim before May 21.

Epic's servers basically being ddosed right now so try later.
10794 Hits
ESR CLOUD BACKUP (25 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 09:07 CST, 18 February 2020 - iMsg
Just incase I ever lose it.

seta r_mode -1
seta r_displayrefresh 144
seta r_customwidth 1920
seta r_customheight 1080

seta com_maxfps 126

seta m_filter "0"
bind k "+acc"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta cg_switchToEmpty "1"
seta cg_zoomtoggle "0"
seta m_cpi "0"
//seta cg_zoomSensitivity "1"
bind mwheelup "weapon 6"
bind mwheeldown "weapon 8"
bind mouse4 "weapon 5"

seta cg_crosshairsize "24"
seta r_texturebits "16"
seta r_gamma "1"
seta cg_atmosphericEffects "1"
seta r_enablePostProcess "0"
seta cg_zoomscaling "0"
seta cg_drawgun "0"
seta cg_trueLightning "1"
seta cg_lightningImpact "1"
seta cg_lightningStyle "1"
seta cg_buzzerSound "0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "13"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "3"
seta cg_railStyle "1"
seta r_picmip "1"
seta cg_forcemodel 1
seta cg_forceenemymodel keel/bright
seta cg_teamChatBeep "1"
seta s_doppler 1
seta cg_predictlocalrailshots 0
seta cg_autohop 0
seta cg_lagometer 1
seta cg_hitbeep 1
seta cg_fov 112.5
seta cg_zoomfov 90
seta s_ambient 0
seta cg_impactsparks 1
seta cg_impactsparksvelocity 0
seta cg_killbeep 0
//seta r_railWidth "20"
//seta r_railCoreWidth "6"
//seta r_railSegmentLength "8"
//seta cg_muzzleFlash "0.000000"

seta cg_predictLocalRailshots "0"
seta cl_timeNudge "-15"
seta cl_maxpackets "125"
seta rate "25000"

//REM TWEAKS (change in game)
//seta sensitivity "1.25"
//seta cg_zoomfov "90"
//seta cg_fov "112.5"

//bind mouse2 "+zoom; weapon 7"

//cg_crosshaircolor "12"
//seta time1 "cl_timenudge 0; bind n vstr time2; cg_crosshaircolor 12"
//seta time2 "cl_timenudge -20; bind n vstr time1; cg_crosshaircolor 1"
//bind n "vstr time2"

seta in_mouse 1
//seta cg_crosshairsize 96
bind "m" exec inmouse1.cfg
11503 Hits
Tim Willits Twitter Quitter - Rage Quit (11 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 08:05 CDT, 20 July 2019 - iMsg
"After 24 years, I’ve decided to leave id Software after QuakeCon. I’ve been extremely lucky to work with the best people in the industry on truly amazing games. QuakeCon has been an unbelievable part of my journey and I look forward to seeing everyone at the Gaylord Texan."

Saw this yesterday, thought it would be posted here by now. This was the best thread title i could quickly think of.
3549 Hits
CS:GO went f2p (50 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 23:35 CST, 8 December 2018 - iMsg
CS:GO went free to play now. Did you know?

Not just the offline bots anymore - you get the whole game - just without the prime membership perks.
18501 Hits
Hellbound: Survival Mode (3 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 11:43 CST, 5 December 2018 - iMsg

Ive never seen anybody mention this game on here

Its very Doom inspired and also its free. Recently they added strafejump into it which is why im mentioning it now.

Its pretty simple small arena that you fight waves like serious sam style but apparently they are making a campaign in future. Strafe works ok it sends you very sideways tho. Its nothing amazing but ok for killing 20 mins.

Also I only played two rounds of it and was not even trying that hard then i noticed I had taken global rank #96 if im reading it right. When I get more time I can definately get a higher rank

So now i wanna see somebody from ESR take #1 rank i know some1 here can do it.
5045 Hits
Mertro 2033 giveaway (8 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 02:39 CDT, 26 October 2018 - iMsg

You can add it to library free for next few hours.

Good game I think although I have only played the redux version myself so far.
5630 Hits
is-now-free-to-play (317 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 04:46 CDT, 14 August 2018 - iMsg
""Everyone can now join the fast-paced frag frenzy of Quake Champions, absolutely FREE! You heard right - announced during QuakeCon 2018, Quake Champions is now available for all players to download and play for free on and Steam.
This isn’t a trial or a limited-time event, this is free-to-play Quake Champions!

With several new Champions, modes and features that we’ve built upon throughout Early Access with community feedback, we feel like now is the perfect time to open the doors to Quake Champions. However, there is still additional polish, improvements and new content - like the upcoming Capture the Flag mode - that we want to get into the game before we declare it “fully released.”
Quake Champions will remain in Early Access for the time being, but now we’re opening up feedback and input to everyone. Play the game, tell us what you think and help shape Quake Champions into the best FPS it can be!""
61843 Hits
QC: Doom Edition (8 comments)
Posted by evil_ash @ 02:05 CST, 11 February 2018 - iMsg
It just got released

Checkout the trailer
3308 Hits
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