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Did anyone save Rapha's QL Twitch Vods? (1 comment)
Posted by mYst+ @ 22:29 CST, 17 February 2022 - iMsg
I was looking around on youtube recently and saw about a dozen or so matches were saved by someone, but those were just individual matches. And I wondered over the years if anyone in the community was prophetic enough to have maybe saved the full streams to go back and look at. There is pretty much no hope so far with wayback machine or afaik any kind of Twitch VOD recovery software\website, so perhaps maybe someone here has recovered some of the rare content.

if you have them but only want to send them personally just pm me here on esr and i'll give you my discord or an email. i realize these vods are pretty heavy in size so, if it is too much trouble don't bother.
3056 Hits
The full story of Quake Champions (a look inside the minds) (35 comments)
Posted by mYst+ @ 02:26 CDT, 29 July 2019 - iMsg
id Software's Tim Willits, Adam Pyle and Zero4 (John Hill), each had the idea of making a MOBA version of Quake. During the prime early years of Overwatch, many Quake players including Zero4 had tried their hand in Overwatch. However, for John specifically, he felt old and slow and just wanted to have a lightning gun, rocket launcher and railgun in this MOBA experience. So during those years, they had made plans for this project and began working desperately on it, but someone in their crew said... 'hey, we've got a pretty small team, this project might need to get scrapped'; that someone was Tim Willits. John Hill and Adam Pyle desperately tell Tim Willits, no no no... don't scrap it, we seriously need this game. So Tim gives them an alternative solution, they give up on the full MOBA conversion (for obvious reasons), and they half ass Quake fans with HEROES. So, they said... okay... it's better than nothing.

They take a few weeks to salvage up any scraps they had for their Overwatch clone, and make a couple of standard Quake maps. But, Tim is like... I want money now, so we need you guys to work like dogs and sell it. So 5 minutes later, they've got it all packaged up. Tim is like, 'how did you guys do that so fast'. And they're scratching their heads saying that they're great programmers of course (but it only takes a few minutes to make a gamemode). So then they spend some money on a cinematic, they get that shit out before QuakeCon and everyone is like WOAH OMG THANK YOU. Once the press starts sniffing up their crotches, they learn fast that they need a cover story. So they make up something along the lines of: 'we have been working on this game for many years', and 'it is NOT a MOBA'. Two infamous half truths don't make one right, not even close, especially not these two.

A few years later, we conclude this story with a harsh reality. They didn't make enough maps, and there was no purpose for 'Champions' outside of a MOBA. They literally fled back to Time Limit duels just to keep the game alive. Good grief, I can't believe people bought it. Literally and figuratively speaking. Because at the end of the day, id Software literally sucked the epeen out of Quake Live (which was the last active part of Quake) to promote a money scheme that acts as a couple months of fame and for Tim Willits $$$$$$$$. It's called selling out, and that's what they did. And the people who did it, especially the morons that were aware of it; should all be banned from our servers.

As of July 18th 2019, it was announced that Tim Willits was resigning retiring from his post at id Software. But what if Timmy wanted to make a profit out of destroying Quake before making a hasty exit from the studio? Leaving it in ruins forever, with a team of duped clueless employees and a community of titty streamers.

On a side note: I just want to give a shout out to ESR for red pilling me on some shit, but I am most definitely proud in saying I didn't support this game on release, nor do I do now. I hope it was a good read, and probably a good laugh. Maybe some of you aren't laughing, that is understandable. I'm not laughing, but I think a post like this was long overdue in a time where Quake Champions is playing a big fat bluff as an esport.
Edited by mYst+ at 03:57 CDT, 29 July 2019 - 15658 Hits
Why I think Quake died so fast, and why CS lived on. (65 comments)
Posted by mYst+ @ 04:40 CDT, 5 August 2018 - iMsg
This might turn a little bit dramatic, but I want to be blunt when I say this shit. I thought I would just throw out a few opinions on why Quake is really dead, and how it might be revived.

I would say that there are just a few reasons why Quake is about dead now. The first reason is the professional scene, the second reason is the consumer base, and the third is the community. I'll explain where each go wrong.

The professional scene, it feels like the Quake Community is entirely driven by the top players while the top players are entirely driven by Tournaments. Tournaments only exist for games that are blatantly active and fun. The Quake Community just follows the pros everywhere, from Quake to OW and back. They even followed them from Q3A OSP to Quake 4 even after Q4 was already a mess, and Q3A OSP was literally blowing up. What if I were to say that this leads everyone off a cliff? This not only destroys an active community, but it also drags them down to a newer game that gives no incentive to stick around for, as well as no incentive for new people to buy.

The consumer base, the people buying Quake today think that they're playing a new Quake game. But they didn't realize that it has changed so much on a technical and metaflow basis. Apart from the bare basics, the game doesn't play the same at all. Ergo, it wont last nearly as long. This will drive newcomers away I think, especially veterans. There is nothing to gain from playing a competitive game with a lack of direction.

The community, the community doesn't play if the pros don't play. This is the most idle community on the face of the planet. Let me let you in on a secret, games don't become famous in a day. It takes a community first, and sometimes a community is built FAST like in Fortnite. But without the community, there is no reason to even give tournaments. CS 1.6 was still active as a community, and it turned into big tournaments really late in it's life time. If not for people staying behind in CS 1.6 instead of playing CS:S, Counter Strike would be dead. Then CS:GO comes out, and it becomes a SUCCESSFUL transition from potato gaming to sexy gaming.

To me, if people would stop worrying about eSports and all of that bullshit, everything would have been fine. Instead, people carelessly follow the 1% everywhere they go. What if they're leading you off a cliff? Do you just follow them?

That is what is wrong with this community, no offense. If you think about it, if people never left Q3A OSP for Q4, it could have exploded like CS 1.6. Then it might have had a chance to blossom into a new potato.

How do we fix this? Well, it is harder to get something started after it dies. But, we make a discord, and we start playing the last best Quake game, and we play the game for the SHEER value of what it gives us. Then one day if it grows enough, hell... it might turn into something bigger. I think there is no amount of money or tournaments that can revive Quake, only the amount of people playing and whether the game is shit or good. As long as the community remains inconsistent on what game to play, the ship will continue to sink until everyone quits.
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