Lyon Connection (
Overall Content: EXCELLENT
In-Game Sounds: YES
Music: GOOD, Some Sync
Editing: GOOD
Visual Quality: EXCELLENT
Length: 16:19
Movie FPS: 45Frames/s
File Size: 547 MB (574,365,696 bytes)
Notes: Visual quality is amazing, I liked the config used. The content wins over general editing easily, not to say that the editing isn't good, I actually found it to be quite good. Some part have the music sync'd with the ingame content, for the most part the only real sync'ing I saw was during the scene changes. The music is more rock then anything else, fits quite well with the movie and is very watchable. Back to the content, I think this movie wins over many other gaming movies for content as it's simply amazing, lots of crazy shots, lots of air rockets, all good :). A very good mix in game types; duel, team deathmatch, capture the flag, and tricks, makes for a good all round demo of what Quake3 is like to anyone who is new or unfamiliar to it, with top frags and some top names how can you go wrong?:) The only thing that I could say that isn't completely amazing about this movie, is the filesize, it's quite big for 16mins of play time really but with a movie running at 45frames/second what would you expect?
Overall Verdict: This is easily one of the best Quake3 movies I've ever seen, and quite probably the best frag movie I've ever seen. My personal score for this would be
9.5/10 (I really want to give it 10/10, but we all know that impossible ;)).
VirtuositY (
Overall Content: VERY GOOD
In-Game Sounds: NO
Music: Good, Sync'd
Visual Quality: EXCELLENT
Length: 10:18
Movie FPS: 30Frames/s
File Size: 285 MB (299,194,368 bytes)
Notes: Visual quality is excellent, the config used was also very good. In this movie the editing pretty much overshadows the content, as opposed to Lyon Connection where the content really won me over here I find the amazing editing earning most of the browny points. There were no in-game sounds but I think after watching the movie again that might just be a good thing because it really fits with the mood and music that way. The content is good and generally what you'd expect from the top players; crazy kills and amazing shots, but Lyon Connection has a one up on this for me, maybe almost due to the shear volume of crazy shots. Also contains a mix of game types; duel, team deathmatch and capture the flag. The music and amazing editing are so well sync'd that to be honest even to anyone who doesn't particularly like the music this should really be a jaw dropping experience. I only have one thing to say about the editing: WOW. Seriously, it's all I can say, I'm scared of saying anything else because if I do I'll probably defile it in some way. Filesize to Quality is very good and impressive.
Overall Verdict: This would also have to be one of the top Quake3 movies ever for me, as from a technical point of view this movie is nothing short of amazing, but what brings it down I guess is the lack of delivery that Lyon Connection had and the general content, don't get me wrong, the content is good, I was just more amazed by it in Lyon Connection. My personal Score