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A new Sujoy Roy interview on Eurogamer (2 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:12 CDT, 19 October 2021 - iMsg
Talking about the early days of pro gaming and quake through to what he's up to nowadays.
Edited by skint at 08:17 CDT, 19 October 2021 - 4160 Hits
Tim Willits called out! (91 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:33 CDT, 31 August 2017 - iMsg
Tim Willits had a little interview with PC Gamesn in which he claimed he invented multiplayer only maps, taking fragments of maps and creating something new. Also claiming he put the idea to Romero and Carmack who both said it was a stupid idea.

Multiplayer maps - that was my idea. This is a funny story.

The following days John Romero, John Carmack and American McGee all wrote contradictory statements claiming the meeting never happened and that mutiplayer only maps had been in Doom, Rise of the Triad and Marathon so it was ridiculous that Tim Willits would claim the idea to be his.

"@romero gives a serial credit thief the what-for" - American McGee
Edited by skint at 09:39 CDT, 31 August 2017 - 35681 Hits
Another handshake incident! (12 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:54 CDT, 28 August 2017 - iMsg
Shocking to see this level of disrespect catching on in the professional Quake Champions scene. Something needs to be done about this before it's too late, bad manner all over.

I hope we will see a press release from the Zlive organisation soon. The petition to have Zoot sacked is already at 3 signatures.
7644 Hits
Recommended QuakeCon matches? (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:18 CDT, 27 August 2017 - iMsg
I was away over the weekend so only got to watch the duel final live.

Which are the best matches from sacrifice and duel please?
7389 Hits
Coollers reaction to the seedings etc (146 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:27 CDT, 6 August 2017 - iMsg
Edit: ntE has translated more of what cooller has said in this comment and it makes more sense.

This is google translate so obviously not completely accurate but still. The guy who first brought this to my attention on Discord has since disappeared and his comments vanishing with him, I can only presume that someone got to him. RIP info guy

Anton "Cooller" Xinggov criticized the organization of the European qualification for the Quake World Championship 2017 and reported on problems with the visa in the US for players from the CIS. Player Natus Vincere answered questions from ZERGTV after the match for entering the World Cup.

"I am very dissatisfied with [those], as they all do. And not even from the point of view of the organization, but in terms of how to be such a moron, to give 12 slots to the CIS and Europe. This is a complete game. Contempt.
I have a question: [why] is sitting there ZeRo4 ? A person knows perfectly well who plays where and where, nobody knows any nicknames, all the players-he himself played with them all.
But I talked to him and said: "Well, take it, make 16 slots, I do not know, 20 slots." He: "No, we are principled: it's a test tournament, now everything will remain the same as we announced, and nothing will change." How could I make such a grid so that I would play with Evil in the first round, Av3k played with StreNx in the first round? I have suspicions that this happened not randomly. That they deliberately do it. It should not be like this.
In general, I think that they should have made direct invites to some people. To call there, for example, Rapha , Cypher and a few more people. Me, maybe. We really, a pancake, we sweat on how much years already for their game, we do any ????. You could just take direct invites. And do not soar your brain to anyone. There Toxjq with AGENT play for the quota. Well, what is it? ".

About BYOC-Qualification on QuakeCon "Evil has a BYOC slot. Who is there for evil is sick, he will go BYOC to play, most likely. And there is a visa. [Slot] had to buy. Slot means that you come with your computer to this open area, you connect and play. Here he bought a place there. Naturally, I do not think that it will be direct his comp. He has some friends there who will just give him a play, and that's it. " On problems with visas for players from the CIS "It was Xron , Cypher , AGENT . For me personally, their trip to America is questionable, because they all have an open question with the visa. Even at Cypher. He tries to solve in every way and, naturally, is trying to help him in every possible way. But it's not a fact that it will be solved. "
Edited by skint at 04:31 CDT, 8 August 2017 - 50887 Hits
New Quake WR - sub12! (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:16 CDT, 4 August 2017 - iMsg
Sweden Jukebox has set a new world record for Quake 1 speedrunning and smashing the old record by nearly 30 seconds, finishing in 11:57! This is the first time someone has ran a sub 12 minute run. Finland Elgu set the previous record nearly 2 years ago of 12:25 which itself was just 1 second faster than Finland Kukkye run a few months earlier.

Edit: I made an error, never thought about if the previous record was by the same person as the current holder it wouldn't show that time on the leaderboards so Jukebox was in fact improving his own time from less than a year ago.
Edited by skint at 06:53 CDT, 10 August 2017 - 7692 Hits
New CPU - worth it? (28 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:33 CDT, 14 July 2017 - iMsg
At the moment I have an i5-3470 paired with 16gb ddr3 and a Sapphire RX 480 Nitro+ 8gb.

Thinking about possibly upgrading my cpu in a month or so but not sure if the performance inscrease is worth the outlay... cpu tech seems to grow far far slower than gpu. Just seems that the newer ones are that much better?

I'd be looking at a cpu in the £150-200 price range plus another 120 or so for mobo and ram so a total of around £300. Please don't give me $ prices, you guys literally get this stuff for a third less than us so only quote UK suppliers please.

Would it be worth getting a Ryzen 5 or a newer i5 to replace this with.... or would I possibly get the same/better results by just getting a used i7-3770K (between £120-180 on ebay) that would fit in my current motherboard?
11868 Hits
Dire Orb (38 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:28 CDT, 9 July 2017 - iMsg
Anyone else hate the telefrag ability?

I quit a duel yesterday because of it after the 3rd telefrag. 2 of them were at MH, one down the corridor and the other from above. I'm not too bothered about these as I could have moved out the way and hammered the mh spot with rockets... lesson learnt.

However the next one I just couldn't handle and quit! I heard the enemy and knew they were in the corridor above MH, I was on the shotgun platform so sneaked along the ledge and there they were, just looking through the grate thinking that I was about to go for MH. They had no idea I was there so I shot 2 rockets and they must have had a slither of health left but before I could shoot again I got Dire Orb telefragged from 2 metres away while I was on a full stack!

Have people got similar stories?
7827 Hits
Clutch (43 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:22 CDT, 3 July 2017 - iMsg
Should only be able to dodge left/right and perhaps reduce the speed he dodges slightly.

No idea why he was able to dodge in all directions as supersonic speeds over long distances.
14980 Hits
New nobap demo (12 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:50 CDT, 26 June 2017 - iMsg

Please come back in QC!
16457 Hits
Quake 2 console article (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:23 CDT, 15 May 2017 - iMsg
There's an interesting article on Eurogamer about an Xbox 360 port of Quake 2 that was ahead of it's time (in terms of consoles) featuring 1080p60 and included 4 player split screen too. It also mentions that the Xbox 360 version had some slight advantages over the PC original.

There's a Digital Foundry video comparing the various versions of the game.
4590 Hits
LG Beam (22 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:20 CDT, 14 May 2017 - iMsg
Someone on Twitch mentioned that the LG beam only shows up when you hit, is that correct?

I thought my Mouse 1 was playing up but seems fine with MG.
9641 Hits
Quakecon competitions! (46 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:18 CDT, 12 April 2017 - iMsg

Nice to see Q1 and Q2 duels and QL CTF!
I presume these arn't the main tournaments? Shame as that means we might not get to see much of them at all!

I didn't realise DOOM had a CA mode.
10629 Hits
Need a new mouse?!?! (32 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:09 CDT, 10 April 2017 - iMsg
I currently have a Razer Salmosa Asian Edition which I love, I've always prefered using a small mouse. The spec is 96 x 54 x 33mm and 45g

The left mouse button is starting to get a bit shitty and will double click or sometimes not register, for instance when using LG holding down the mouse it will switch on/off firing.

Are there any decent mouse out there with a similar size/weight?
12361 Hits
Battle Royale type games (18 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:07 CDT, 5 April 2017 - iMsg
What is the fascination with these games such as H1Z1 and Playerunknowns Battlegrounds?

Seem to spend 95% of the time walking/running from house to house looking for stuff and perhaps 5% actually shooting each other with crappy gunplay.
6246 Hits
Polos & noBap video (7 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:31 CST, 16 February 2017 - iMsg

I've no idea what they are saying but its Polos and noBap watching some noBap demos! The 2v2 one looks like it's from the Panavto 2v2 tournament.... which was an awesome tourney!
3497 Hits
UK Internet (52 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:26 CST, 7 February 2017 - iMsg
I've just bought a house and need to get the broadband ordered so it's ready before I move in. What ISP's are people using in the UK?

How is BT Infinity? I've been looking at the 52mb package. They want £39.99 for this including line rental, then it seems to go up £10 after 12 months....

Oringin Broadband (?) have 38mb for £32 or 72mb for £37...

Or anyone on EE as I have a phone with them so maybe a little cheaper

And a load of others similar prices etc

I can't get Virgin broadband where I will be.

I'm currently using Xilo (Uno) 17mb broadband so may be worth just getting a phone line then paying for their 40mb ish service?
Edited by skint at 12:36 CST, 7 February 2017 - 53627 Hits
Nintendo Switch and Mario (32 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:56 CST, 17 January 2017 - iMsg
I was kind of interested in the Switch but now more details are out I'm not quite as bothered with it's high price tag, relatively low specs and the worst software launch in history.

However this new Mario looks sick!!!

Edited by skint at 12:57 CST, 17 January 2017 - 10245 Hits
Polosatiy reviews mouse 2k17 (14 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:35 CST, 4 January 2017 - iMsg
7688 Hits
Game Awards 2016 (4 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:19 CST, 17 December 2016 - iMsg
2265 Hits
You're wasting your lives (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 19:56 CDT, 29 October 2016 - iMsg
2568 Hits
Broken SSD still booting? (4 comments)
Posted by skint @ 03:54 CDT, 14 September 2016 - iMsg
Last night my computer just froze, I then restarted it and it got back to windows (windows 8.1) but wouldn't load any icons and the cursor was constantly showing the circle loading thing. Tried resetting a few times, sometimes it would say no boot device and sometimes it would goto windows but not load anything.

I have an OCZ Vertex 2 (prob 5 years old?) as boot drive and HDD for storage. In the BIOS it's not even showing the SSD at all so I think it's dead... but how come it will sometimes boot into windows?? Is it completely dead or can I revive it?

I've had to put Ubuntu onto a USB at work to put on the PC when I get home for now and will run it off the HDD if the SSD is dead.
3170 Hits
Driving Games arcade/sims (26 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:22 CDT, 27 August 2016 - iMsg
Anyone on here into driving games? I've just bought a Logitech G920 (as it works with xbone too) so wondering which are the best ones, I know whats out there but not sure how good each is.
So far I've just been trying it out on the xbox. Forza 6 works fine and I've got the settings setup just right, then I've also got Project Cars which I've always loved but so far I'm struggling to get the right settings so will play around with that.
Also planning on using it with all the arcade emulators at some point.

So what are your recommendations for some PC driving games? I only have a 750ti on an i5 at the moment so please take that into consideration.
7591 Hits
Quake Map Jam 7 (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:14 CDT, 23 July 2016 - iMsg
Quake 1 mapper 'Ionous' has announced the start of the 7th Quake map jam over at Func_Msgboard. The jams run for around 2 weeks and must meet specific guidelines such as a particular texture set or a theme. Previous jams have created some very nice map packs which can all be found here.

The theme this time around is 'Back to Base' so IDbase style maps (id's industrial style) with plenty of water and pipes. The quake mod Quoth is also to be included and the deadline for finished maps is the 11th August 2016.

You can also find progress from various mappers over at the Func_Msgboard forums as well as some of the mappers streaming their work, usually Ionous and Daz. There's also information on tools needed and some reference images on the announcement post.

Edited by wn at 12:29 CDT, 23 July 2016 - 4795 Hits
Quake EXPO 2016 (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 06:20 CDT, 16 July 2016 - iMsg
8401 Hits
Deception, Lies, and CSGO (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:37 CDT, 4 July 2016 - iMsg
4192 Hits
Machinegames Quake episode (No comments)
Posted by skint @ 18:01 CDT, 24 June 2016 - iMsg
The Swedish developer Machinegames (formerly Starbreeze Studios) who made Wolfenstein: The New Order have released a new Quake episode to celebrate the 20th anniversary.
5980 Hits
Carmack on Joe Rogan podcast (21 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:32 CDT, 14 June 2016 - iMsg
Apparently it is going to happen!
6512 Hits
Overwatch = shootmania (25 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:38 CDT, 28 May 2016 - iMsg
All this news just feels like when everyone moved to shootmania for a little while.

Look what happened there!
10328 Hits
Infinite Loop (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:45 CST, 5 February 2016 - iMsg
3532 Hits
DOOM - campaign trailer (76 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:03 CST, 4 February 2016 - iMsg
18357 Hits
S.T.A.L.K.E.R mods (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:59 CST, 8 November 2015 - iMsg
I've just bought all the STALKER games, I've played alot of the first game but that's about it.

Which are the best mods for each game? I've seen Lost Alpha for the first which looks like the best one for that.
2514 Hits
QuakeLive public servers FFA & CA (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:50 CDT, 31 October 2015 - iMsg
Seems to be quite alot of people putting servers up and id has just yesterday put up LOADS but anyway I've set 4 up for people to use.
I've set these up with what I think are the better player counts for each gametype which is probably not the case on the majority of servers that are just a mess of spam. Hopefully for more experienced players.

CA is locked at teamsize 4 and FFA is locked at 8 players, all servers set to 12 maxclients. FFA has NO loadouts, quad is on and the item pickup timers are on.

All located in Frankfurt and seem to have really good connections, I ping 28 from UK. Frankfurt chosen due to it's central Europe location.

Skint Clan Arena #1 [DE] :
Skint Clan Arena #2 [DE] :

Skint Classic FFA No Loadouts #1 [DE] :
Skint Classic FFA No Loadouts #2 [DE] :
5895 Hits
Jamerios worst nightmare (2 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:46 CDT, 31 October 2015 - iMsg
Now available to QuakeLive through the steam workshop is a couple of map packs featuring the special edition maps that id released for short periods over the last few years.

Winters Edge is now available! Can you beat Jamerio's Official World Record?
5441 Hits
Van Damme vs Quake II (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 15:39 CDT, 30 October 2015 - iMsg
1664 Hits
Halo 5 Requires Skill (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:12 CDT, 28 October 2015 - iMsg
3163 Hits
Metal Gear Solid (24 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:16 CDT, 25 August 2015 - iMsg
For any fans of Metal Gear Solid you've got to see this

Admittedly I've only played the first one on the original Playstation all the way through and then some of 2, alot of 4 and some Peace Walker but what a trailer from Kojima.
5541 Hits
Polish hooligans (11 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:40 CDT, 23 August 2015 - iMsg
In ESL CSGO arena, the Virtus.Pro fans looked like they were about to jump out their seats and beat the crap out of the nerds in the middle and then booing Olofmeister in the interview at the end.
4682 Hits
E-sports now in cinemas! (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:16 CDT, 19 August 2015 - iMsg
So I'm sat in an odeon cinema at the moment and the trailers have just started. The first trailer to come on???
ESL csgo cologne advert! Apparently select cinemas are showing the final
Edited by skint at 07:24 CDT, 19 August 2015 - 3843 Hits
Hiroshima (241 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:57 CDT, 6 August 2015 - iMsg
Today is 70 years since the USA dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

How come no-one has ever been taken to court on war crimes charges? 70,000 people killed on the day and a further 70,000 from the effects of the bomb... at least. And then a 2nd bomb at Nagasaki 3 days later killing another 80,000.

Seems pretty excessive to me.
47514 Hits
ThermalTake keyboards. (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:17 CDT, 3 August 2015 - iMsg
Does anyone have any experience with the ThermalTake tt esports keyboards? I'm looking to buy a keyboard and I have been looking at the Ducky Zero Shine 3 TKL, the Cooler Master Quickfire Rapid-I and a couple of others around this price range but I'm not sure if I can really come to terms with spending £90+ on a keyboard.
An alternative I have found is the Thermaltake Tt eSPORTS POSEIDON ZX which I can get from America for £60 which uses Kaihl switches instead of the more expensive Cherry.

What are peoples experiences of these keyboards or if you know of a better product around the £60 mark. I'd like back lighting and ten key less.
Edited by skint at 14:17 CDT, 3 August 2015 - 4128 Hits
Qcon 2015 DOOM Panel (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:19 CDT, 26 July 2015 - iMsg

I haven't watched it all yet, I just caught the Q&A section at the end when it was live yesterday.

The most interesting questions in my opinion start at 46:00. So it seems that they're going for a more casual multiplayer with 'esports' being looked at after release. It also has loadouts like in QL, however they acknowledged that loadouts was one of the biggest questions they get so this could change in some form.
Hopefully SnapMap is powerful enought to be able to change some of these anyway so we could make our own 'pro' version, by the sounds of it it seems like it might be similar to the editor in Starcraft 2 in which you can create much more than just maps and share them easily.
Edited by skint at 05:20 CDT, 26 July 2015 - 3482 Hits
Quake Arcade Machine (12 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:02 CDT, 25 July 2015 - iMsg
Well this is something of a rarity! People were unsure if they even existed
3266 Hits
Small upgrade??? CPU (40 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:29 CDT, 15 July 2015 - iMsg
I currently have an AMD A8-5600k cpu with 8gb ram and a 750ti.
Amazon are selling a Pentium G3258 for £38 so considering buying this. Will then get a cheap mobo off ebay.

Do you think this would be a worthwhile cheap upgrade for the time being? I don't want to play the latest games on it, just something a bit quicker. Also would it be ok for streaming stuff as I may do when I move and get better upload.
6123 Hits
Microsoft Hololens + Minecraft (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:19 CDT, 15 June 2015 - iMsg

Really like the look of this, could possibly even make me want to try minecraft! But more seriously would love to see some RTS games using this.
3335 Hits
Real Life GTA (2 comments)
Posted by skint @ 01:13 CDT, 10 June 2015 - iMsg
1847 Hits
Windows 10 (173 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:34 CDT, 1 June 2015 - iMsg
So I now have a little icon on my taskbar that says 'Get Windows 10' I have a pirated copy of Windows 7 at the moment and I know microsoft said it would work but is it a trial version or something?
Also how is it with compatability with all the programs?
50780 Hits
Map joypad combos to keyboard? (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 13:59 CDT, 31 May 2015 - iMsg
I've just bought a Linx 7 tablet which runs full windows 8.1 (surprisingly well) I will be using it as a normal tablet but I've also started setting it up with all the usual emulators on it with an Emulation Station frontend so I can just press the icon to get to the main menu with all the systems listed. I'm controlling it with an Xbox 360 controller.

Now my problem is getting back to the front end's menu as on most emulators you would press ESC to either exit or get to the emulator menu, but with not having a keyboard attached this is impossible.

So my question is how can I map a combination of buttons on the controller to for instance the ESC key? I'd like to have combos of say all 4 shoulder buttons as some emus such as PSX will use all the buttons on the controller as standard. I've seen things like Xpadder but that seems to more like mapping keyboard keys to one controller button but not the other way around?
Edited by skint at 14:01 CDT, 31 May 2015 - 2734 Hits
Mad Max : Fury Road (68 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:36 CDT, 18 May 2015 - iMsg
WOW what a film with amazing visuals and sound, has to be seen at the cinema!
Infact I want to go and see it again... and again.
17260 Hits
Rudimentary Peni (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:12 CDT, 6 May 2015 - iMsg
Not heard of this band before (somehow) but I fucking love it! Always liked punk just never seen these guys.

Stumbled across one of their songs on a skate vid.
3338 Hits
Virtual Rape (23 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:42 CDT, 30 April 2015 - iMsg

what is the world coming to
5550 Hits
Bluestreak - first footage (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:35 CDT, 11 March 2015 - iMsg
The first teaser trailer from Cliff Bleszinski's Project Bluestreak has been released.

3112 Hits
Women in gaming (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:59 CST, 18 February 2015 - iMsg

The shocking truth!
7268 Hits
selling items on marketplace (csgo) (11 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:10 CST, 15 February 2015 - iMsg
nm i got it wrong

just need some good skins now =(
Edited by skint at 14:33 CST, 15 February 2015 - 4752 Hits
120/144hz monitors!?1? (51 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:52 CST, 26 January 2015 - iMsg
At the moment I'm using some Hanns-G 22inch 1680x1050 monitor that my brother left behind when he moved to Korea. Can't remember the model but I'm sure last time I looked at specs it has 5ms response time... probably more.

Anyway is it really worth me getting a 120/144hz monitor? I play a bit of Quakeworld, a bit of Reflex and every now and again Quakelive. Don't know if I play them enough to warrant buying a new monitor? Or does the 120hz make all the newer games smoother/better looking too? I'm under the impression you need to get the FPS to match or something.

Theres the Benq 2411 for about £230 an AOC one for £200 that I've seen. Or a 1080p/60hz/1ms monitor for about £110-120. Or make do with what I've got????????????
15134 Hits
£500 upgrade??? (34 comments)
Posted by skint @ 02:23 CST, 23 January 2015 - iMsg
Contemplating having a bit of a PC upgrade.

Budget £500 and with that I just need a mobo/cpu/gpu/psu

Pretty certain I'll go for a Corsair semi-modular PSU but if there's something better...

I have a m-atx case, 1 ssd, 1 hdd, 8gb corsair vengeance ram and Asus Xonar sound card to use with it.
I might spend about another £100 ish to get a new case and a 1tb hybrid drive to replace the old hdd and just fancy a new case.

8gb ram will be fine for a while wont it?
Edited by skint at 02:24 CST, 23 January 2015 - 10601 Hits
Portable HDD question (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 06:59 CST, 8 January 2015 - iMsg
I've bought a SOC thing (ODROID XU3) to mess about with and eventually make into a little media player to keep connected to the TV for emulators, movies and music. I was going to add an external HDD to it to store all the media on.
I'll be running Retroarch and XBMC and whatever for music using Android as the OS (possibly Linux)

My question is if I was to get a 2tb Western Digital My Passport Ultra and left it connected to the device would it always be able to access the HDD or would it go into a sleep mode?
I'm just asking as I would scrape all the game covers, album covers and game covers onto the HDD too so if I switched to the device I'd want all those to display straight away.
Edited by skint at 07:03 CST, 8 January 2015 - 8548 Hits
Quake speedrun SNES% (No comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:12 CST, 3 January 2015 - iMsg

Cubeface playing through q1 with a snes controller and using speedrunning routes
Edited by skint at 11:14 CST, 3 January 2015 - 4786 Hits
Quake on an oscillaspop?? (2 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:26 CST, 30 December 2014 - iMsg
Apparently you can play quake on one of those wiggly line things, is this true?
2492 Hits
Twitch update on Xbox One (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:42 CST, 10 December 2014 - iMsg
Will probably only mean anything to about 1% of ESR but the Twitch app on Xbox One has had a good update recently. Now allowing you to watch archived videos and also source quality with 60fps.

I did use the app a bit but the quality only went to high (if that) before and once you make it fullscreen is wasn't that great on a big TV. But now I can watch Zlive streams etc in best quality with 60fps sat in the living room on my 40" TV.

Good update... although granted, should of been there since the start.
3683 Hits
Happy Birthday Playstation (18 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:19 CST, 3 December 2014 - iMsg
It's not only Quake 3's birthday today but also the original Playstation's (PSX) which was released 20 years ago today (in Japan) Brilliant console with one of the biggest and best libraries of games ever and home to some classic series and arcade perfect ports.

Owned one myself after the Amiga was coming to it's end and still play some games now.. mainly the Ridge Racer games.

There's a good article on Eurogamer.
7021 Hits
Ubuntu = the devil!! (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:42 CST, 20 November 2014 - iMsg
9194 Hits
Public Handjob (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:55 CST, 18 November 2014 - iMsg
8524 Hits
We will never leave Earth (37 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:51 CST, 4 November 2014 - iMsg

There's too much shit circling the planet and that will only grow. Never going to leave earth as we won't be able to get through all this shit.
8578 Hits
ALL AMIGA LOVERS (17 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:07 CDT, 1 November 2014 - iMsg

Just £25 will get you a copy of this! I've backed!
3319 Hits
which new game? (49 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:13 CDT, 28 October 2014 - iMsg
I've now finished Alien Isolation (excellent game) and want to get something new to play.

Looking at Lords of the fallen or shadow of mordor??

Also sunset overdrive looks quite interesting and is out at the end of the week.
19149 Hits
What a picture! (18 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:15 CDT, 15 October 2014 - iMsg
8278 Hits
bps -vs- Locust (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:57 CDT, 12 October 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: DM4 - The Bad Place
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: quakeworld
How to play back Q1 demos

Round 4 of Besmella Quakes TheBadPlace tournament... which as you may have guessed is a dm4 only tournament. - for everything you need to play the demo and play online - brackets for the tournament
Edited by twister_ at 18:33 CDT, 12 October 2014 - 12415 Hits
Using OBS to make youtube vids? (11 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:41 CDT, 10 October 2014 - iMsg
When I loaded OBS I noticed that you can use it to record, so would this be a viable easy way to record a quake match (from replaying a demo) and then upload it to Youtube?
Edited by skint at 11:41 CDT, 10 October 2014 - 11412 Hits
THE DIRECTOR (31 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:45 CDT, 28 September 2014 - iMsg

we forgot his birthday yesterday.


10829 Hits
Air control vs no air control (245 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:31 CDT, 24 September 2014 - iMsg
Why is it that there's so many people that hate air control, some stating they won't touch games that have it?
Just wondering as when I read threads on here and there's also a couple of comments on the bigger gaming sites that have featured Reflex from players with this view. They never state why, just 'not if it has air control' kind of responses.
(most of the comments on other sites about reflex are generally posititve)

In the case of Quake I personally prefer the movement with air control (qw & cpm) due to all the tricks and freedom you have to move at speed. That's not to say I don't like the movement in q3/ql and the movement in q2 is superb, but i just prefer the air control.

What are the arguments for and against and why do you hate/love air control or no air control.
68038 Hits
Satellite Reign (syndicate) (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 03:23 CDT, 24 September 2014 - iMsg
They are getting close to the pre-alpha now which will hopefully be next month and a Steam early access which should be roughly 2 months after that! From the latest screenshots and info it's looking very promising.

They also give a shoutout to Reflex in their latest update.
Edited by skint at 03:25 CDT, 24 September 2014 - 3821 Hits
Arcade Run (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 12:02 CDT, 22 September 2014 - iMsg

pretty cool vid, watch until the end!
Edited by skint at 12:48 CDT, 22 September 2014 - 1661 Hits
Hardware for streaming? (7 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:54 CDT, 21 September 2014 - iMsg
If I wanted to stream older pc games from late 90s/early 2000s or emulators such as PSX, what kind of system specs would be needed?

Also how much data does streaming generally use and what kind of speed internet is needed?

I'm running an AMD A8-5600k (quad core 3.6 apu) with 8gb ram. And my internet is 8mb/0.8mb.
4683 Hits exposed (23 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:03 CDT, 19 September 2014 - iMsg
megaman3 = Grabthemega
5667 Hits
Know what I'm doing at work tomorrow (4 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:37 CDT, 15 September 2014 - iMsg

Yeah I know its running on 99% of electronic things but still...
2520 Hits
Newb Linux question (27 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:33 CDT, 12 September 2014 - iMsg
I'm thinking about buying an ODROID-U3 to use as a small, cheap and fast emulator thing to hook upto a TV. Now I'd like to have a nice clean menu for the emulators and came across Emulation Station which looks really nice and can be controller driven.

There are various custom linux distro's available for the ODROID-U3 that I found on a forum thread, the one I'm thinking of initially would be the 'Whisper' release which has controller support and running Lubuntu which seems quite easy to use, used Ubuntu in the past and liked it. They also have a Debian package.

So... looking at the Emulation Station site for Linux they only have a Debian file for download however theres a GitHub repository so would it be possible to install this emulator front end onto a machine running L/Ubuntu or would it only be possible if using a Debian distro and using the .deb package on the download page?
Edited by skint at 16:38 CDT, 12 September 2014 - 11665 Hits
My only gripe... (40 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:02 CDT, 30 August 2014 - iMsg
My only gripe with the new QL update is how shit FFA has become. I know I said as long as you play Duel or pickup TDM/CTF then nothing really changes but the FFA is awful now. I've tried spawning my own FFA servers with classic mode but no-one joins =(
Edited by skint at 12:03 CDT, 30 August 2014 - 7123 Hits
CPU heatsink/fan suggestions? (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:14 CDT, 22 August 2014 - iMsg
I'm currently running an AMD 5600k APU with the stock cooller but it seems to be running really hot all the time. I think these APU's do generally run quite warm but this seems too high, talking 75-80c. If I play CS:GO and some other newer (sort of) games it can run them fine but will sometimes freeze and lock up the system which I'm presuming is due to heat. So I'm looking for a really good heatsink/fan to replace the stock cooller around the £20-30 range.

At the moment I've been looking at 2 Cooller Master ones :

Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (£25)

Cooler Master Hyper 412S (£30)

Does anyone have any experience with either or have other suggestions?

edit: socket FM2
Edited by skint at 10:42 CDT, 22 August 2014 - 2959 Hits
Quake Channel (15 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:02 CDT, 12 August 2014 - iMsg

If only our precious quake/doom games had this! As much as you may hate Halo this looks awesome, a central hub for everything your game has to offer.
3695 Hits
Formula E (7 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:24 CDT, 12 August 2014 - iMsg
Only just seen this. A new motor racing series is going to kick off in September featuring all electric powered cars that resemble F1 and indy cars and have 270bhp max power while weighing max 888kg. Looks quite interesting although I guess the downside is the low noise, something which people didn't like the change of in F1. When watching motor sports one of main spectacles is the noise and roar you get from the engines!

Anyway the grid looks pretty decent with some ex F1 drivers such as Sebastien Buemi and Lucas di Grassi as well as relatives of F1 greats, Bruno Senna (Sennas nephew) and Nicolas Prost (son of Alain Prost)

•Acceleration: 0 - 100 km/h (0-62mph) in 3 secs
•Maximum speed: 225 km/h (FIA limited)

edit: Range: 25 minutes - Charging time: 90 minutes - hmm how will this work? 'Races will begin by standing start and last for approximately one hour with drivers making a mandatory pit stop in order to change cars.'
Edited by skint at 09:27 CDT, 12 August 2014 - 3038 Hits
Edited by skint at 16:50 CDT, 11 August 2014 - 6255 Hits
John Romero playing Doom DM (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:18 CDT, 10 August 2014 - iMsg

Although it seems like they perhaps weren't using mice. Really wish I had known Romero was going to be there before yesterday and I'd of gone!
2914 Hits
Inside ISIS (Islamic State) (151 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:09 CDT, 8 August 2014 - iMsg
VICE news have a new documentary with the reporter spending 3 weeks within ISIS. Don't often see inside these kind of groups.
And now the USA has stated they will carry out airstrikes on them.

part 1

24324 Hits
Friendly Tank (27 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:40 CDT, 31 July 2014 - iMsg
5368 Hits
Google aquires Twitch (79 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:07 CDT, 25 July 2014 - iMsg
11827 Hits
Question for quakecon attendees. (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:09 CDT, 24 July 2014 - iMsg
I was wondering if anyone who went to quakecon, in the quake area could tell me how much interest did the event receive from people who work at id/bethesda/zenimax? Obviously not including Syncerror.

Did they pass through, chat to anyone, watch some matches, couldnt keep away etc. Just wondered if any of them have a genuine interest for the game or top level gaming (esports bleh)

Edit: just re-read it and looks like im having a dig, im not and it doesnt matter if they do or not. Just curious.
Edited by skint at 12:10 CDT, 24 July 2014 - 1859 Hits
Destiny Beta Xbox One (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:53 CDT, 23 July 2014 - iMsg
Does anyone have a beta key going spare for me please? Apparently if you receive a code you actually get 3 codes.
Would be much appreciated!
3311 Hits
destiny ps3 beta key (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:52 CDT, 19 July 2014 - iMsg
Does anyone have one I could have please?
3145 Hits
swap zowie ec1 for ec2 ?? (No comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:18 CDT, 17 July 2014 - iMsg
I have a brand new in box Zowie EC1 EVO, I'd like to swap it for the smaller (I'm claw grip) EC2 if anyone wants to swap. I've never used the mouse or even taken it out of the box.
Preferably would like the CL edition.
2383 Hits
Expecting to see Doom 4??? (107 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:26 CDT, 16 July 2014 - iMsg
NOPE.... not anymore

When I was looking at the Quakecon 2014 QL news post i was quite excited to see a break at 00:00 BST for the Doom reveal! Not only would I have a full night of Quake to look forward to but also the first glimpse of the new Doom game.

Sadly I just took it that the stream would be showing the Doom reveal during this break too, but apparently it's just for the attendees of Quakecon so we will have to wait to see it :(

Here's hoping some shitty cam footage gets released!

..... and hopefully all demos are released seeing as there will only be 10 streamed matches.
17218 Hits
Most awkward video! (SGDQ 2k14) (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:52 CDT, 15 July 2014 - iMsg
Some people just don't know when to shut up, until they're told...

Watch it until the end. Hilarious video!

5023 Hits
Cliff Bleszinski' new shooter (39 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:41 CDT, 8 July 2014 - iMsg
Edited by skint at 16:13 CDT, 8 July 2014 - 12725 Hits
Fighting games guide (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:53 CDT, 8 July 2014 - iMsg
Over at Shoryuken they have released a new fighting games guide in ebook (its a pdf) format.

From Masher to Master: The Educated Video Game Enthusiast's Fighting Game Primer (Super Book Edition) - download
3359 Hits
Earbuds for gaming? (41 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:57 CDT, 28 June 2014 - iMsg
I'd prefer to use some earbuds instead of headphones. Are there any that people can recommend in the £30 range? I know it's not alot of money but hopefully theres something out there.

I only put gaming as after reading another thread on here people were saying the positioning wasn't great and too much bass. They will pretty much only be used for gaming.
11432 Hits
Spiritual successor to STALKER! (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:52 CDT, 25 June 2014 - iMsg
A new games studio called 'West Games' has started up in Ukraine, this studio has been set up by former GSC Game World (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) and 4A Games (Metro: Last Light) staff.

Their first game 'Areal' went live on Kickstarter yesterday and they already have over $21,000 pledged of their $50,000 goal! If your thinking 50k isn't enough to make this game... well you would be right, apparently every member of the team has invested in the project. The game should be coming to PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PC and Mac.

The stretch goals include more cities, a 32 player free roam mode, multiplayer competitive mode and also one for more missions and modes.

A $25 pledge will get you a digital copy of the game.
Edited by skint at 06:53 CDT, 25 June 2014 - 20207 Hits
SUMMER GAMES DONE QUICK 2014! (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:47 CDT, 23 June 2014 - iMsg
It has started and not seen any mention of it so... here's me saying it's started!
3520 Hits
Why Counter-Strike is popular (31 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:56 CDT, 20 June 2014 - iMsg
6682 Hits
No Man's Sky - indie (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:09 CDT, 11 June 2014 - iMsg

Can't wait for this, looks amazing.
4181 Hits
DOOM Teaser trailer (1 comment, locked)
Posted by skint @ 12:08 CDT, 10 June 2014 - iMsg

And it's going to be revealed at Quakecon 2014!
Locked by xou at 12:18 CDT, 10 June 2014 - 1490 Hits
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