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timeout? (9 comments)
Posted by Kronix @ 15:38 CST, 9 January 2006 - iMsg
HOW F**!"#G annyoing isn't it NOT to be able to take a timeout durring a game? I wounder how many tournament games it has to cost to finally realize that timeout IS EXTREMLY nesserary in quake.

Can almost see the cpl event, 1 min left of the game and 2 of the best battle against eachother in a thight game with only 1 frag difference. The next frag will most likely be the game deciding frag..... and oh... what's that? one of the computer freezes, mouse crashes... keyboard goes out or whatever the problem might be, The one in the lead with less then 1 min to go is rendered helpless against his opponant becouse he can't move, shoot or do anything. And that's the game...... lost becouse something went wrong and there wasn't anyone able to take a timeout. Will the game be replayed? most likely not, shit happens right?.

Maybe one day there will be a gamemaker that actually cares for the game that he creates and tweaks it as close as he can to perfection instead of realsing a broke game and waiting for the modemakers to do the jobb for him. Same goes with music, money is everything and everthing is money. Who cares what you do as long as you get rich doing it?
5790 Hits
Better luck next time? HA!... yeah right (19 comments)
Posted by Kronix @ 21:06 CST, 6 January 2006 - iMsg
What's with luck anyways? How come some have more then others... as ussual whine starts when you've been stroken by the bad luck lightningball from you know who , that does not excist. I must have been a bad person in my previous life or something becouse karma is just being plain nasty against me. It first shows me the grand price, it lets me know I have a shot at it, it lures me to make myself think that I really can win/do this.... only to bitch slapp me in the face, take everything away and letting me stand there with nothing except a silly look on once face wondering WTF happend?

Now so I don't feel alone in the world with bad luck, what's _your_ worst badluck story? anything from gambling to events, plain dates gone totally wrong or your mother walking in on you while you spank the monkey... cmon share... you'll feel alot better... atleast I'll do.
6925 Hits
psp worth it or not? (31 comments)
Posted by Kronix @ 20:17 CST, 5 January 2006 - iMsg
The new playstation portablem,or psp for short, looks like a fun tech.

I imagen me setting at work watching a movie and kicking back while the machine does it's thing :D, well that's the idea atleast but I don't know what the psp can quite do. Is it possible to watch anykind of formation on the psp or can you maybe install codecs yourself?

And most importantly is the gadget worth it's price? the baseunit costs around $329 or 2600 kr as we have in sweden :D. Now I figure you need a good SD memory card or something like it and they look kinda expensiv. 1024 mb goes for around $113 and I figure you need atleast 2 if you want to watch a movie or something. so
The total price would be around $556 and that does not include a game aswell. so as you can se it's quite pricey. But is it worth it?
11376 Hits
realizing your own weaknesses (24 comments)
Posted by Kronix @ 05:23 CST, 29 December 2005 - iMsg
My previous journal started a small discussion that got me thinking. It was about if practice alone can make you the best or are some just lucky enough to be born with a gift.

It gave me some pretty good insight in my own game and I realized my own weaknesses. It wasn't that my aim was bad, ussually my aim can be quite cruel and punish the once that underestimate me. It seemed like we all focused on aim. That aim was the golden key to success, if you aim and hit everything you should! glory would come your way. And yes, aim can take you a long way, but then a post writen by dads here on esr , reminded me and made me realize that of how important movement really is.

Dads wrote "movement is a massive factor in gaming. Moving into postions to make shots easier and un-respondable to0 and moving in unpredictable ways tro avoid being hit. Unbelievable aim, shit movement = bot."

Now I started playing fps games with Q3 and I've played it for almost 4 years now, and this post reminded me on how easily the q3 bots were outsmarted by me. Losing against a nightmare bot isn't even an option, you have bigger chance of getting hit by a comet then to lose against a bot. I remember trying to practice my rail on dm17 once. It was against xaero with instagib enabled. Just me and the bot, alot of open space and ofcourse on the hardest level. Now you would think that the bot would easily out aim me becouse there is no armor now that can save me, movement ussually don't mean shit against the bot either. And yes most of the time the bot did beat me, but there was these few times that I actually won! even tho it's only 5 min game I played, I played several in a row to try and practice. Even though the bots aim was better then mine I could outsmart him, taking my shots after he missed his and then taking him out with spawnrape shots.

I always thought my aim was my biggest weakness. That some how it just wasn't good enough.... but after reading all these posts I got from my last journal really made me think and I came into insight with my own game and I realized it was really my own movement that was the trouble here. I like the closecombat actions, think it's more fun that way, but my problem was that I was taking too much damage when going face to face with my opponant. Even though I might have won that perticular encounter I was too weak to keep the pressure on the player for a longer period, especially if they got a lucky spawn on me. Most of the time I had to search for more health and armor before encoutering the enemy again. Against noobs this wasn't a problem, I simply out skill them. But when facing a good player. The game ussually generated high scores and very close games... either that or they outskilled me.

But now after I realized all this and I'm still in the learning process I feel that my game has increased a level and that I can become an even better player. Just by moving better and smarter, allowing me to avoid gettign hit too much and taking my time to get the kill instead of rushing in to battle head first. I still have alot to learn but I think I'm headed in the right direction now. Atleast that's what the new scores tell me and I'm having more fun now feeling that I am improving and seeing the results. Hope you guys do to and that you enjoyed this read.

Happy new year to you all
5336 Hits
Gimmie skill 4 xmas (38 comments)
Posted by Kronix @ 19:27 CST, 23 December 2005 - iMsg
What does it take to become better then the average. Most probably would say practis. but is that really true? can anyone just practis enough to become good enough? can anyone really become the best by just practising or are some just extremly lucky to been given a gift to be able to become the best at something.. atleast for a while. There's always going to be some one better.

Dead men don't ask questions. But I do so that must mean I'm alive.
4911 Hits
A q3 movie - My letter (6 comments)
Posted by Kronix @ 15:12 CST, 8 December 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.4 (6 votes)
Finally I found out were to post movies :DDD:D
(previous thread was in the q3 forum)

I'm posting this link for a q3 movie cuz I want to make a tribute to my old clan Spect and all the quakers I faced and played with over the years when I had the most fun playing q3. Now this movie is 1,5 year old but has never air public so I thought it was time, even tho it's not a high resolution movie I think you'll enjoy it anyway.

Credits goes to Zlk for editing the movie and selecting the music

All frags are made by me (Kronix) & zLK and a special gueststar frags sektion from our close friends.
you can find us in

#Spect & #wka.q3
Edited by Kronix at 21:18 GMT, 8th Dec 2003 - 13132 Hits
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