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R.I.P. Peter Steele (24 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 02:03 CDT, 16 April 2010 - iMsg
Seems like he died for real this time, not just a rumour.
Edited by Khorney at 02:08 CDT, 16 April 2010 - 11993 Hits
Howard Zinn is dead (13 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 10:11 CST, 28 January 2010 - iMsg

Not sure how many people here heard about him, but he was a hero :(
3730 Hits
Rammsteins newest video - PUSSY! (71 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 16:07 CDT, 16 September 2009 - iMsg
All I can say is wow.
They actually have real porn in their music video? No kidding, tits, pussy, ass, dick, cumshot, the whole shebang.

See it for free here:
Edited by Khorney at 16:17 CDT, 16 September 2009 - 19671 Hits
Propa ninja (5 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 10:48 CDT, 19 May 2009 - iMsg

Am shocked!

I reckon its morithacus or something.
4287 Hits
UFC 2009 undisputed (6 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 04:21 CDT, 25 April 2009 - iMsg
Anyone getting this game? I played the demo and it was surprisingly good! Looks like a buy to be honest, would be nice to get some matches with ESR people.
6224 Hits
America needs an enema (17 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 14:39 CDT, 8 April 2009 - iMsg
Probably old, but I dont give a shit!

Prepare to laugh
3734 Hits
Good VPN service?? (4 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 14:38 CST, 25 February 2009 - iMsg
I'm looking for a good VPN service, while not being too expensive it obviously has to be scure and not too expensive.

Not sure if it matters or not, but i live in Sweden, and i dont have a network/router at home :).
Edited by Khorney at 14:46 CST, 25 February 2009 - 3067 Hits
World hockey juniors (98 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 21:18 CST, 5 January 2009 - iMsg
What the fuck happened in the finals. Canada kept hitting the goalie over and over again (4 times if i counted right). High sticking in the face & cross checking all the time, but referees did nothing. As if that wasnt enough. What kind of fucked up crowd CHEERS when someone gets a stick in the face, a crosscheck in the back?
Seriously fucked up shit, since the Canadian team is good enough to win without this retared shit going on.

Life goes on I guess but I was hoping to see a better game, with more fairplay.
12153 Hits
Cellphone themes and ringtones? (19 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 11:35 CDT, 22 August 2008 - iMsg
Anyone know a good website for themes, ringtones, etc? Preferrably For Sony Ericsson. I dont want to waste $ for it (a search on google only shows ad-ware sites and things u gotta pay for) when there should prolly be a bunch of sites for it. Plus im too Lazy to make my own =)
Edited by Khorney at 11:43 CDT, 22 August 2008 - 6941 Hits
STANLEY CUP! (6 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 21:57 CDT, 4 June 2008 - iMsg
What a well deserved win for Detroit.
Nice feeling to see Lidström lift it, though the Penguin fans embarrassed themselves by booing.

Nobody deserved the play off MVP more than Zetterberg tbh!
2309 Hits
Bored at work? Try this! (18 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 14:46 CDT, 28 April 2008 - iMsg
Title says "world's hardest game", but im not sure if it is, its fun anyways, been playing it today at work =)

Dont think its been posted before, excuse me if that is the case.
Edited by Khorney at 14:47 CDT, 28 April 2008 - 3890 Hits
Why does faith deserve respect? (132 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 05:33 CST, 5 December 2007 - iMsg
This is not really a bash religion journal. But I've sort of had a religious debate here at work with people.
And in my search of good material to read/listen to about the subject, I found this:

Religious or not you should watch it!
33155 Hits
Rest in peace North (16 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 11:19 CDT, 18 July 2007 - iMsg
A few days ago I found out that my friend Erik Sundén, aka "North" is dead. You dont think that the friendships that you form online is going to affect you, but they do :(. I guess its not so strange though really, I mean we knew each other for years, having clanned together in <ChoseN> in quake 3 and played some ut2k3 together we were quite good friends. Even though I never met him in real life I feel like i knew him so well.
I knew that he used to hang out a little bit on ESR a while back ( ), and some of you might have known him, so I just felt that those of you who did should know.
If you speak finnish I suppose these articles can give you some information:
Or if you speak swedish:;antal=10
I will not forget you Erik :(
Edited by Khorney at 23:22 CDT, 18 July 2007 - 6047 Hits
The lonesome dove (14 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 14:31 CST, 19 January 2007 - iMsg
Just finished watching that series for the first time. Damn good stuff. But why do the best endings always have to be so sad? One of the best mini-series to ever have been made imo. Great acting and story, and it actually feels genuine somehow. Anyone else seen it? What did you think?
9732 Hits
New computer baby!! (44 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 17:56 CST, 7 January 2007 - iMsg
AMD2 athlon 64 dual core 4200+ 2.21 ghz
1gb DDR2 Ram
GF7950 GT
Seagate 7200 RPM 320gb HDD

I suppose it could be worth getting 1gb more of ram later on though, this should be sufficient for the time being =)

Lets hope this machine doesnt break down now. It's a pain as it is installing everything again.
Btw, Zimmerman, I feel your pain, all my old mp3's are lost :((((
Edited by Khorney at 07:55 CST, 8 January 2007 - 9644 Hits
9 year old brazilian soccer wonderboy? (14 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 18:25 CDT, 13 June 2006 - iMsg
In the light of the world cup, my football interest has gone up a bit above normal. Found a cool clip of some 9 year old (at the time of the video, I suppose he's like 11 now). The website I checked said he usually plays with 14-15 and sometimes 16 year olds... :o. Like this wasnt enough, as you can see by the 2001 date, parts of this clip is from when he was like 6 years old. Unless his body doesnt go all flunky on him during his teens, he could really grow up to be a top player someday!
4412 Hits
Sensible soccer 2006 is pretty fun! (4 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 17:43 CDT, 1 June 2006 - iMsg
Too bad only the demo is out atm, but DAMN this feels oldschool. Like the sensible soccer for amiga back in the days! Try it out if you havent already guys :)
1950 Hits
Schumi cheats and sweden wins! (96 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 12:25 CDT, 28 May 2006 - iMsg
Anyone saw Schumachers attempt of cheating yesterday? What a fool :(, he's supposed to be the front face of F1 and does a retarded thing like that. In the end, since he really was the fastest guy in the race that stunt might have cost him a podium finish. This guy is one of the best f1 drivers ever, but still, the way he keeps showing very unfair sportsmanship over and over (its not the first time he's tried to cheat. And sometimes he's even gotten away with it. Oh well, at least alonso won, jolly good!

Some more cheerful news then, sweden winning the floorball world cup, finals is cool! I think this was the best floorball game i've ever seen (which isnt too many though) by far! I also heard that sweden has never lost a game since they started playing world cups like 10 years ago or so, pretty impressive!
Edited by Khorney at 14:03 CDT, 28 May 2006 - 15002 Hits
Wierd name (12 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 07:44 CST, 16 February 2006 - iMsg
This is only funny for scandinavian or mainly swedish people I suppose, I found this:

It HAS to be fake :)
: Edit they removed it :(
Edited by Khorney at 13:53 GMT, 21st Feb 2006 - 3647 Hits
Does your name mean anything? (43 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 22:35 CST, 1 February 2006 - iMsg
Just for fun i checked up on some website what my names mean. It turned out quite interesting :).

Rikard = translates into english as "the powerful one"
Gunnar = tranlates into "Warrior" or "man of combat"
and finally
John = means the "lord is merciful"

How about you guys in other countries (or other swedes for that matter), does your name mean anything?
Edited by Khorney at 23:18 GMT, 15th Feb 2006 - 8848 Hits
The struggle for existence (11 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 21:08 CST, 16 November 2005 - iMsg
You have fought all the wars, you have worked for all the capitalists.
You have wandered over all the countries. Have you harvested the fruits of your labours? The price of your victories?
Does the past comfort you? Does the present smile on you? Does the future promise you anything? Have you found a piece of land where you can live like human being, and die like a human being?
On these questions, on this argument and on this theme, the struggle for existence _______ will speak.

Fill in the blank, which name did I erase?

A [+] for the first of you who can find out :)
Edited by Khorney at 12:50 GMT, 17th Nov 2005 - 6373 Hits
Bubkez frag collection (106 comments)
Posted by Khorney @ 12:18 CDT, 8 April 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (52 votes)
In the light of quake 2 being featured as one of the tournaments over at Quakecon this year, Bubkez gives you his frag collection. It's a mix of frags from the bubkez frag trilogy along with lots of new frags.
Its about 21 minutes in length, and 530mb in size. It features a large variety of fantastic frags, and should be a treat not only for those familiar with q2, but also for you unfamiliar with the game.
Creds to [ttnm]commando for hosting.
Edited by netrex at 15:42 CDT, 1 April 2007 - 59882 Hits
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