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Skill cap? Wtf? (103 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 03:49 CST, 21 January 2013 - iMsg
So I came across this argument that seem very strange to me. This from a guy whose opinions in pretty much any deep political, philosophiocal etc issue i agree with. He tells me it's harder to reach top tier play in e.g. Starcraft or QL than in LoL. This may very well be true since those games have long hardcore gaming tradition nad LoL is in essence a modern form of monopoly (slight exaggeration but you get my point I hope). But his argument is this: LoL has the lowest skill cap?

Sure, if he meant it's the easiest game to learn, that is very understandable. But what I hear when he explains this very weird two word cluster (skill cap) it's basically saying "the skill cap is higher in SC because the best players have higher skill. It blew my mind that the only "evidence" for this is general opinion (that I don't even think exists).

So what is he trying to say? Is he completely dilluted on this matter? Isn't it generally true that the games with the largest player base and the biggest tourney generate the stiffest competition? Not always but as a rule of thumb, especially when a game is so massive. Help me understand this.

fuck you everybody good night!
41063 Hits
Im back!!!!!!!1111 (21 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 18:43 CDT, 15 May 2012 - iMsg
My rise to the top in Quakelive continues as I managed to free up some time and most importantly, sort out my crappy pc :D

PM me if you want a duel challenge. I play anyone on any map/server!!!

let us go go go!
Edited by Demiurge at 20:37 CDT, 15 May 2012 - 3736 Hits
First Cat6 LAN event completed! (9 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 10:06 CDT, 2 April 2012 - iMsg
The first event went very well. Even though we only had ~60 participants and roughly the same amount of visitors, we consider the first event a huge success. Now we know better what people here want from a LAN event, what games to have tournaments in and so forth. Next time we will announce in advance which games will have official tournament status and how much money can be expected in the cash prize pool.

As of today, League of Legends generates the greatest interest and will be the main event. Counter-strike is a fairly close second. There will also be a Quakelive tournament hosted by me personally. The main focus will be on introducing people to the game and thus, no players with a lot of Quake experience will be included in the main Quake competition. However, if serious Quake gamers show up, I will make sure they are catered to and a tournament involving monetary rewards will be hosted.

We want people to get involved, especially Quake lovers. The LAN is located on the Swedish Highlands (Eksjö/Nässjö/Vetlanda/Tranås) and is only a 40 minute drive from Jönköping, home of Dreamhack.
2439 Hits
LAN event close to Dreamhack March 30 (7 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 06:52 CDT, 15 March 2012 - iMsg
This started as a school project and has grown to become a larger arrangement. We intend to work hard to get the maximum of 400 participants for the event. Tournaments will be hosted and prize sums will be based on the interest for each tournament. LoL, Dota2, Counter-Strike, Starcraft and Quakelive are the games currently being discussed. We need participants and also if people are interested, help with sponsorships, crewing etc

See you there :)
2020 Hits
Zhu asking for a ban (13 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 08:39 CST, 7 March 2012 - iMsg

Soooo, just like daniel, Zhu is asking to be banned. Why is this? Because he feels he has been treated unfairly and wants to go down like a martyr. But I know for a fact that Demiurge and other staff won't bite, it's happened many times that users wants to leave the site in this way. When all they really have to do is stop posting.

Remember dude, esr is not a democracy and the admins have the right to ban/but people on probation at their own discretion.

I harbour no ill feelings towards you and I hope you learn from this experience.

4361 Hits
lijtal -vs- buchq0 (3 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 03:33 CST, 27 February 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Aerowalk
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: lijtal
How to play back QL demos

Another friendly against my buddy buchq0, german dueler and a nice guy. Honestly now, do you guys see any sort of progress? I need objective views even if I feel like I have grown tremendously as a player.

2837 Hits
My friend wants to die, what do I say? (300 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 17:30 CST, 23 February 2012 - iMsg
I have to get this off my chest. Somone very dear to me, a deeply intelligent and warm person, doesn't want to continue living. She is not some attention seeking kid, nor is it a cry for help. At least not from where I stand, I could very well be mistaken, the will to live is one of the strongest forces in nature.

She passed out on her bathroom floor last night and when I woke her up she cried and said the most horrible things I have ever heard anyone utter. The darkness consumes you, it's so terrible. I have been around a lot of depression and sadness but this was something else. Here is a person that has come to the conclusion after a life of psychological pain that death is the best course of action. The endless rest.

Of course I went through the motions, comforting her, telling her all the things one would assume are the right things to say in a situation of this nature. But I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that what I was doing were pretty much an exercise in futility.

So here is my dilemma. I can cope with whatever she decides to do. It's a very likely scenario that she will refuse to see me now, at least for a while. I know she must be feeling pathetic and stupid, people usually do after being so vulnerable, especially when there is alcohol involved. I wouldn't be surprised if she was found dead on the floor tomorrow, in a pool of her own blood.

I must know, did I do all I could to help her? Is there always a way to help someone in this kind of distress or is it in some rare cases actually no way to intervein. Could it even be deemed unethical to say to someone that has decided, based on rationality and logic, that he or she wants to die. Who am I to judge her pain? Her perception of reality? Am I high and mighty for telling her that she is wrong. Remind her what will happen to the rest of the world if she leavs. Like she didn't already know?

Oh, think about your family and friends. Like she hasn't already a million times over. What is family and friends really worth if every day is a living hell and you cant appreciate any of it. I will cry for her if she leavs and I will probably always miss her but I would never judge her decision.

Thoughts? I rather not make this a general discussion on suicide. The focus is my dilemma and how I should handle the current situation. I can't really think about anything else. Gaming doesn't seem that important right now.

Edited by Leth4L at 17:31 CST, 23 February 2012 - 56437 Hits
Leth4L streaming tonight. (18 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 09:30 CST, 21 February 2012 - iMsg
I will make a stream tonight if anyone would be interested. I will talk about myself and my relationship with gaming and Quake in general. Also, why I am currently compaigning against zhu here on esr. I will readily answer any and all questions from the community. Add them here or get on the stream when it's up.

Made a half hour long video before but Camstudio failed me completely :(
5089 Hits
Classic Quake songs - Spotify list (7 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 16:38 CST, 20 February 2012 - iMsg
Thought I'd share this list with my fellow quakers: Most songs are featured in either QW or Q3, might be some from CS movies etc.

If you want to know where a particular song is featured I'll try to answer. Most movies are still around. If you think I've missed essential stuff, let me know!

3715 Hits
Zhu dodging yet again. (54 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 09:10 CST, 20 February 2012 - iMsg
Dodging criticism by way of ad hominem, e.g.:

He insinuated that "if only people knew about the real Leth4l":

Sooooo, let's hear what you guys has to say:

Read the description before voting. Post who you voted for here so we can keep us updated on the progress. I predict a slight advantage for me but maybe I'm delusional and the community really think zhu is right.

Okay, go.
15731 Hits
Common decency guide for lesser people. (14 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 08:49 CST, 19 February 2012 - iMsg
Get real is all.
4072 Hits
Zhu hasn't changed. (194 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 11:41 CST, 18 February 2012 - iMsg
Zhu is still the same person that cheated a while back. He doesn't give two shits about the community. Don't trust him.
46240 Hits
Daniel sharing all his wisdom at once. (22 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 14:31 CST, 17 February 2012 - iMsg


7919 Hits
Progress report (17 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 14:18 CST, 17 February 2012 - iMsg
Just a short update on my progress in my own eyes. I have played 2-6h/day for the last few weeks. it's going really well and I feel like I pick up new things every game. Anxiety levels in any given situation related to gaming is dropping off more and more and I predict will be completely abscent in a month's time.

Also, I manage to balance this with 120% studies. Did three hours of math studies with my teacher today and he was very impressed that I could pick up all the new information and understand it beyond on a mere mechanical level.

What I need now is help to stay humble. I don't want to be the next Jamerio. I know success in and of itself is reason enough to hate for many people. But that doesn't bother me.

Keep it real, dowgs! Now, beer and party :D
Edited by Leth4L at 14:19 CST, 17 February 2012 - 5173 Hits
lijtal -vs- VBart (21 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 03:22 CST, 15 February 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: lijtal
How to play back BF demos

Again, a meaningless game. However, this time 20-0 in 5 minutes against 1750+ elo player. He claimed he had no sound and disconnected after 5 minutes. Maybe he didn´t, he complained about sound before game. But in any case, I think this shows my progress pretty good.
5413 Hits
Public apology to all of ESR. (30 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 02:29 CST, 15 February 2012 - iMsg
I would just want to make a quick apology for being a bit too rough in my responses on here. Sure, some people deserve to be bashed into oblivion but that's not really a good reason to follow through. I promise I will try not to post as much angry-sounding comments in the future!

Hugs and kisses /Kris
5646 Hits
Making a frag video! (5 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 05:04 CST, 14 February 2012 - iMsg
I found a great post on how to make a Quakelive frag video but I can't find it now. it was just a couple of days ago so it should still be around. Also, if someone wants to contribute with good frags, let me know. Otherwise it will just be my own ._.
1798 Hits
lijtal -vs- ieye (2 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 03:00 CST, 13 February 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Aerowalk
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: lijtal
How to play back QL demos

Random duel game to display my supposed progress.
3755 Hits
Gaming is life. (94 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 02:08 CST, 13 February 2012 - iMsg
The above statement came as no surprise to me when it was made on my duel challenge thread. I was almost hoping that someone would make it. It was not a well thought out post, not even a poor dito. No, it was a knee jerk reaction, one of many symptoms of a dying community.

Let's examine what this statement entails. It works under the false assumption that a gamer, especially if he (Yes, I'm saying he because if a girl of the same age were to make a post like this, guys would not react to it in the same fashion. I'm not going to go into great detail as to why this is but let's just say that the simplest of explanations are wrong in this case, Occam does not apply). is above school age(<20).

This tells us a ton of things. Not so much about the person making the statement but about generally accepted conceptions regarding the nature of people. It tells us what a male gamer is considered to be and more importantly, what a succesful life entails at what age.

That guy is a failure at life because he plays games for more than recreational purposes

You all recognize this, you have probably heard it said to you and you laugh but really feel a bit hurt because you are a gamer and you have friends that are gamers and you don't consider yourself and your friends abject failures. Well, it is quite possible that this has been elevated to truth in your mind. In that case, I weep for you. It is in other words a stereotype and as is true in most cases of stereotypes, it is very presumptious, very common and very very wrong.

It draws upon the image of the computer geek sitting behind his computer in hos mothers basement, coding, playing games, drinking cola. Fat as fuck, no friends, no interest in contributing to society beyond hacking websites as a form of social activism. You know a person such as the one described here? Probably not. But yet he is so familiar. That's because he is part of the, lets call it caplitalistic society value foundation, and its folklore and value tradition. Yes, I'm talking to you Hollywood, fuck off already kthxbye.

I would hate this guy too probably, not trying at all to be productive and work for a better world. Why should we like him?

Also, this statement is made out of sheer envy. Is the basement dweller ever depicted as a sad, lonely guy? That is not the standard portrait of him in any case. He seems obscenly happy. The audience is supposed to loathe his behavior yet he seems so at peace with reality whereas the other characters usually do not.

I am here to tell you that there is no reason to envy this guy. You know why? Because he is entirely fictional, he doesn't exist anywhere. It's a gross simplification of one of our greatest subcultures at best and a dangerous societal force at worst.

You play Quake every day, you must be an abject failure at life.

This statement is very telling. It shows us what people consider to be a constructive and successful way of life, or it is implied I should say, the direct "truth" here is what a despicable outcast of society behaves like. Look at the professional gamers, are they all abject failures at life? Think of the best gamers in your life, are those guys? If the answer is yes, you are missing the point completely.

These views stems from a time when it was absolutely key that everyone did their contributory part. Mostly meaning mundane, manual labour. Back then the name of the game was survival and in those times no one complained like we do today. Nobody felt their job to be meaningless because the positive fruits from their work could be harvested immidiately.

Today, that is no longer the case. If you work at a factory for a multinational corporation, your work is probably meaningless in every sense of the word. That's just the nature of the beast. But we still believe, and this is rooted deep within all of us, that everyone should work a normal job for a living, and the guy that suffers the most but endures is the greatest of heroes, a modern day William Wallace.

This is ofcourse absurd and obscene. We know enough about the human brain to know that people, baring those with serious mental handicaps, all have the ability to achieve greatness under the right circumstances. Why should all these people be forced to rot away at the assembly line? Why should they succumb to evil dictators such as Warren Buffet and Lloyd Blankfein. They should not of course. The empire will fall in time, rest assured, but let's do what we can to help things along. Please, speed it up as Michael Moore says in his fantastic documentary piece 'Capitalism - A Love Story'.

What is the worth of bringing joy to other? To help an old lady across the street?

Why is it that a nazi scumbag fail factory worker or an insane corporate executive deserves respect while a person that aspires to gaming does not? Answer me this, dear readers. I don't think you can. If I ever go into social science, I will try to expand on this. I have a rough idea of how to forumlate a new monetary system. Goods and services. Making your neighbour smile as he gets his morning paper, that is to me a service. A pretty damn good and important service. I reject the notion that hard yet meaningless labor is something to admire and aspire to. Won't do it.

Leth4l's life history - The short, short version

So, who am I to assert these things? Well, I consider myself to be an enlightened person. Not through plowing through a ton of books and articles but from living. 26 years of living. Absurd religious ideas growing up, depression, melencholy, suicide attempt, no self-worth or self-esteeem, always feeling as an outcast, a failure, a tard. Gaming since forever and never achieving even "a decent player" in any game. I have been educated in the toughest of schools, the school of life itself. The methods of learning are rough but the fruits of all my struggles are significant, they allow me to make this post today.

I am not a failure by any objective standard. So I didn't find my way until I was 25-26. It took 5 days in a mental institution, six months of pitck black depression hell and a few almost suicide attempts. When I sat by the rails, I never in my wildest dreams expected to bounce back. But I am here now to tell you about it.

I study high school 120%, delivers pizzas for my good friend Fares on Sundays, I plan on going to the university this fall and in the mean-time I'm spreading happyness and joy to as many people as I can. I help friends that believe they can't learn elementary english or math, but i show them that they can. I seriously consider applying for a teacher job. I'm just that good at learning stuff to people. I have an insane memory for anything i find interesting and i always want the best for other people.

Do I fail so horribly at life? Because I draw some social welfare at this present time? Because I play games a lot?


This is not a personal attack on the user named asyyy. He just happened to be the user that best illustrated the sickness I'm trying desperately to cure here. I don't respect him. I think he has pathetic views and a very unskeptical way of relating to the world. With that being said, all is not lost. If he comes out and says that maybe I wasn't so wrong after all, then my respect is his to earn.

Peace on earth /Leth4l
Edited by iNkind at 11:20 CST, 13 February 2012 - 15977 Hits
Some unhealthy yet common habits. (70 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 02:04 CST, 12 February 2012 - iMsg
I have been around gaming for way over a decade and I speak from a lot of personal experience when I say that gaming can cause a lot of grief, even suffering at times. This will not be a long rant on the topic, I just finished typing up a criticism of feminism so I'm a bit exhausted :(

A very common phenomenon:

Berating yourself, playing subpar but unable to quit.

This is a vicious cycle that all players go through sometimes. Unfortunately, a lot of players get stuck in this behavior. This player or person I should say, has a defined mental track of what a gaming session will bring, and, consciously or subsonsciously has a pretty good image of what it will look and feel like. When these unhealty expectations aren't met, he or she get frustrated. The typical reaction now is to turn inwards and berate yourself. "Come on ffs, this is not anywhere near my top performance". Some players turn outwardly and complain about cheaters. It's a different problem but with the same basis.

What people fail to realize, and this happens all the time, is that no player has just one level of performance. Some of the top players get pretty close I guess, but noone is stoic enough to be completely vaccinated agaisnt these problems.

And I'm not just talking about the obvious trivialities. Everyone knows that sleep deprevation, hangover, illness etc will have a considerable impact on performance. I'm talking about deep emotional movements. Sometimes you won't be able to tell why you feel great or sort of lowish. It could be in part due to a lack of self awareness but I doubt anyone is conscious enough to now the exact origin of their current mental state at all times.

Therefore it is important to develop some kind of framework in how to deal with this. It's not an easy answer solution. Start with the more obvious things. If you start raging in the chat, leave immidiately. Finish the game at hand but if it gets really painful, kindly excuse yourself and leave.

It might sound cliché but play when it's fun and quit when it's not. Clichés are good in the sense that they are often true but you usually learn the truth by experience then realize the cliché was spot on all the time. Therefore it's not constructive one bit to just spout banalities such as this one.

See you in the arena :)

8548 Hits
LAN event ~400 ppl near Dreamhack (42 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 02:25 CST, 10 February 2012 - iMsg
Hey guys! Two of my friends are setting up a LAN event as their final exam. I am part of the board and in charge of marketing since I am that guy with all the contacts. You all know him, the guy that never shuts up, is awkwardly nice to just about everyone and knows every soul in his visinity :) Enough horn-tooting, I need to do some work also! Registratings are not up yet but it's very close. If I get my will, there will be a good number of quakers attending. Tournaments are still an open question, I know the guy in charge of gaming related stuff so I am in a position to steer and geer some. We could make Quakelive the main game on the event instead of the usual LoL, Counter-strike or WoW!

As you can see, the site is still in swedish but we don't expect any international participants. But if there seem to be an interest from other countries, I will make sure the site is properly translated. Come talk to me if you are interested :)

6045 Hits
Game on now!!! Play me! (25 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 02:14 CST, 9 February 2012 - iMsg
I have time for a few duels before school :) In case you didn't know, I'm the life failure that plays quake seriously at the age of 26. If you want to know more on how to suck at life and love every minute of it, pm me. If you want to know nothing, pm asyyy ;)
4833 Hits
Gayporn ruining my ql experience! (63 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 20:42 CST, 6 February 2012 - iMsg
I cant focus with all this crap around!!! Mozilla adblocker didn't seem to do the drick :( suggestions?
17882 Hits
Some unhealthy yet common habits. (No comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 17:16 CST, 6 February 2012 - iMsg
I have been around gaming for way over a decade and I speak from a lot of personal experience when I say that gaming can cause a lot of grief, even suffering at times. This will not be a long rant on the topic, I just finished typing up a criticism of feminism so I'm a bit exhausted :(

A very common phenomenon:

Berating yourself, playing subpar but unable to quit.

This is a vicious cycle that all players go through sometimes. Unfortunately, a lot of players get stuck in this behavior. This player or person I should say, has a defined mental track of what a gaming session will bring, and, consciously or subsonsciously has a pretty good image of what it will look and feel like. When these unhealty expectations aren't met, he or she get frustrated. The typical reaction now is to turn inwards and berate yourself. "Come on ffs, this is not anywhere near my top performance". Some players turn outwardly and complain about cheaters. It's a different problem but with the same basis.

What people fail to realize, and this happens all the time, is that no player has just one level of performance. Some of the top players get pretty close I guess, but noone is stoic enough to be completely vaccinated agaisnt these problems.

And I'm not just talking about the obvious trivialities. Everyone knows that sleep deprevation, hangover, illness etc will have a considerable impact on performance. I'm talking about deep emotional movements. Sometimes you won't be able to tell why you feel great or sort of lowish. It could be in part due to a lack of self awareness but I doubt anyone is conscious enough to now the exact origin of their current mental state at all times.

Therefore it is important to develop some kind of framework in how to deal with this. It's not an easy answer solution. Start with the more obvious things. If you start raging in the chat, leave immidiately. Finish the game at hand but if it gets really painful, kindly excuse yourself and leave.

It might sound cliché but play when it's fun and quit when it's not. Clichés are good in the sense that they are often true but you usually learn the truth by experience then realize the cliché was spot on all the time. Therefore it's not constructive one bit to just spout banalities such as this one.

See you in the arena :)

1141 Hits
lijtal -vs- mcay (5 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 20:05 CST, 5 February 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 2.8 (5 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm13 - Lost World
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: lijtal
How to play back QL demos

Another friendly prac game vs german player mcay.
3968 Hits
lijtal -vs- paranoia_shynef (No comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 17:39 CST, 5 February 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: ztntourney1 - Blood Run
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: lijtal
How to play back QL demos

Random game I played earlier today against a new practice partner. The only purpose for uploading this is so that people get an idea of what level I'm at. Played with loud music, that's why I'm disoriented at times.
2112 Hits
Challenge to all Quakelive duelers!!! (187 comments)
Posted by Leth4L @ 12:06 CST, 5 February 2012 - iMsg
I am an up and coming player on the swedish duel scene. I challenge all top tier players to try and beat me :D:D Cooller, strenx, whomever. Any server on any map against anyone! I'm on #m22 quakenet and my ingame alias is lijtal.

See you in the arena!
Edited by Demiurge at 13:22 CST, 5 February 2012 - 43765 Hits
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