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Game is already dying (210 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 14:07 CDT, 29 June 2018 - iMsg

Daily concurrent player peak on steam:

6/21: 12,081
6/28: 7,106
7/28: 2,812
9/28: 2,992
11/27: 2,173

That is a 41% decrease in only one week.

What a failure of a game.
Edited by poros1ty at 10:24 CST, 28 November 2018 - 82775 Hits
Instajib (21 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 21:56 CST, 17 November 2017 - iMsg
7780 Hits
NA active threewave ctfs server (5 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 12:12 CST, 18 February 2015 - iMsg

People typically play from 9-11 PM EST. Server is in Chicago, IL.

Mod download links:

extract both zip files to Quake 3 directory, not baseq3.
Edited by poros1ty at 14:44 CDT, 28 September 2018 - 6053 Hits
Loadouts in Attack & Defend (11 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 13:36 CDT, 23 September 2014 - iMsg
Do they even play or test their own game? Loadouts make no sense in A&D since are no items to pick up and you're *supposed* to start with all weapons just as in clan arena.

Fix this shit.
Edited by poros1ty at 14:35 CDT, 23 September 2014 - 3415 Hits
Quake Live forum nazi admins (7 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 11:16 CDT, 28 August 2014 - iMsg
LMAO. I think Sasparillo gets himself hard by giving out infractions. Harassment, defamation, and infraction for inappropriate language because I said "shit" which was filtered anyways.

You have been banned for the following reason:
Harassing or Defamatory

Date the ban will be lifted: 08-31-2014, 04:00 PM

Dear poros1ty,

You have received an infraction at QUAKE LIVE Forums.

Reason: Harassing or Defamatory


This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

Don't worry, I'll be sure to give it this game a horrible review on steam as soon as it is released.

Dear poros1ty,

You have received an infraction at QUAKE LIVE Forums.

Reason: Inappropriate Language


This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

Not gonna even bother to play FFA with these **** settings. Default setting is a horrible idea. This is what happens when the game is run by newbs.
---End Quote---
All the best,
3915 Hits
Timothee Besset resigns from id Software (160 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 01:04 CST, 29 January 2012 - iMsg
Timothee Besset was heavily involved in Quake Live but has left to join a startup gaming company. (his blog entry)

I resigned from id earlier this week. Folks who know me well were not terribly surprised, but I suppose I need to put that out there officially. I joined a small startup in Dallas, gaming related, but not fps or esports. Great people, great tech, and we're going to have a blast.

Now with an opening on the QL team, time to move over the id employee who is working on anti-cheat so he can work on it full time.

Timothee Besset (also known as TTimo) is a software programmer most well known for creating and supporting Linux, as well as some Macintosh, ports of id Software's products. He has been involved with the game ports of various id properties over the past ten years, starting with Quake III Arena. Since the development of Doom 3 he has also been in charge of the multiplayer network code and various aspects of game coding for id, a role which had him heavily involved in the development of their online game QuakeLive. (Wiki)
Edited by xou at 14:49 CST, 3 February 2012 - 32585 Hits
Will you renew your subscription in Aug? (261 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 09:39 CDT, 19 May 2011 - iMsg
For those who subscribed to premium/pro last August, do you see yourself renewing your subscription coming up in less than 3 months?

If the answer is no then what would ID need to do to entice you to renew your subscription coming up later this year? Be mindful of their pace and the content of the updates in the last 9 months, so be realistic with what you would want added in the short term.

If you have no intention of renewing, make sure you go into your account settings and turn off the automatic subscription renewal if you haven't already...
Edited by julien at 09:40 CDT, 19 May 2011 - 84543 Hits
Mechanical Keyboards (85 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 10:04 CST, 17 December 2010 - iMsg
Who uses one and which one is the best for quake?

Which cherry switches are best for quake.... red, blue, black, or brown?
14621 Hits
ra3 maps on small ca servers, joke? (24 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 19:12 CDT, 28 September 2010 - iMsg

How hard is it to PROPERLY implement these maps so that they are played as they were intended to be played.

It would make this game infinitely more popular if there is a mode where the winner (or winners in the case of 2v2 or 3v3) stay in the arena to meet the next challengers, while the losers are respawned and wait in spectator mode to challenge the winners.

What a joke, who wants to play 1v1 thunderstruck on a server with max clients of 2 people. What a waste of some great maps.

How many years do we have to request this mode before it finally gets added?
7975 Hits
No thunderstruck? (19 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 22:24 CDT, 6 August 2010 - iMsg

What happened to the small ra3 maps that were supposed to come?


Another update?
5672 Hits
focus group people (21 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 11:44 CDT, 24 July 2010 - iMsg
post more leaks fags.
6638 Hits
DaHang stat-padding (111 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 19:20 CDT, 9 June 2010 - iMsg
Yes, noboby cares about stats. But how stupid can you be?

I don't know what one could imagine gaining from playing the same player (cirka) for 2 and 1/2 hours, for 90 wins, with most games lasting less than a minute (5-10 secs common).

(on Thurs 5/27)

ID has flagged/banned countless accounts in the past for users doing just this. Why put your account at risk by doing this? It's like asking for them to ban you account. I'd lol, what a moron.
Edited by julien at 19:22 CDT, 9 June 2010 - 25333 Hits
new update brings live scores from LAN! (50 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 13:06 CDT, 25 May 2010 - iMsg
We can now enjoy watching the score counter go up and down on the match browser, on a static thumbnail! Woohoo!

Today's update brings improvements to our ability to support LAN events, and in particular to support more than one LAN event at any given time.

An additional bonus to this new support is that now when LAN events are actively running, players outside of the event will have the option on their match browser of selecting from 'LAN Events' on their Location filter. This will allow you to view match thumbnails and scoreboxes for these matches as they occur. We have a few events running at the end of this month, we hope you enjoy following the scores of these LAN matches live.
9461 Hits
New content since last years' quakecon? (89 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 12:10 CDT, 11 April 2010 - iMsg
In the past 8 months, what has been added to the game?

1 tiny ctf map
colored grenades
impact sparks
new hitboxes
new weaponbars
new hitbeeps

Do they put in 8 hours a week on QL?
14376 Hits
No Developer blog in over 10 months (43 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 00:58 CDT, 10 October 2009 - iMsg
What happened to maintaining an open monologue between developer and the community? We used to get broad updates on what is being worked on, short and long term goals, and the overall progression of the game.

The idea is to keep the community involved and interested... and the easiest way is to whet their appetites with new information about the game. ID had the perfect opportunity to update fans with some info post-quakecon when there was A LOT of interest in the game, but it has been nearly 2 months now with practically nothing except for a few cvar additions and their definitions.

How about some real info...

Private servers (maybe by next quakecon at their current pace)

Netcode fix

Freezetag (mentioned as a possibility down the road)

Additional tutorials

Integrated demo support/functionality

Community made maps

Social Network functionality

Or maybe there are no new dev blogs because they have no plan.
Edited by julien at 20:16 CST, 9 March 2010 - 7287 Hits
Will Quake "5" be announced at QCON 09? (91 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 00:24 CDT, 22 June 2009 - iMsg
Coming up on 2 years since Id Software's Executive Producer Marty Stratton informally announced that the next Quake game, to run on ID Tech 5, was in the beginning stages...

Don't you think we're due for the official announcement at Quakecon? I hope I don't jinx it :)
13302 Hits
Right back at you ID (86 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 20:53 CDT, 13 June 2009 - iMsg
So... ID thinks re-releasing a 10 year old game with no mods or custom maps will draw a ton of people and somehow be a commercial success?

They want a game that is played by A LOT of people, so they will have revenue coming from from the ads in the game. And for that to be successful, you need a lot of people playing the game other than the 1500 hardcore quake 3 players that played the game for 10 years. Throw in some complete noobs who, by quake standards, have no reflexes, movement skill or aim, and you'll see them flee away after getting slaughtered in the game over and over.

Oddly enough, Carmack actually had the nerve to say, "I'd say probably the success of Quake Live is going to determine whether or not we do another Quake Arena project."

It's a big fuck you to all the fans of the quake franchise. There is no reason why the next "decent" quake game shouldn't already be in development. The longer they re-hash an old game, the more fans they will lose out to other games, and the seemingly less likelihood that we will ever see another quake game.
8807 Hits
Punkbuster kicks me for FOV above 110 (11 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 23:04 CDT, 8 April 2009 - iMsg
The server admin from just added punkbuster to their servers. Want a good laugh? Look at some of the settings punkbuster kicks for.

cg_bobpitch = "0.002" : must be EQUAL to 0.002 (OK)
cg_bobroll = "0.002" : must be EQUAL to 0.002 (OK)
cg_bobup = "0.005" : must be EQUAL to 0.005 (OK)
cg_errordecay = "100" : must be INSIDE 0 to 500 (OK)
cg_forceModel = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cg_fov = "90" : must be INSIDE 90 to 110 (OK)
cg_shadows = "1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 1 (OK)
cg_thirdperson = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cg_zoomfov = "22.5" : must be INSIDE 22.5 to 90 (OK)
cl_avidemo = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cl_forceavidemo = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cl_freelook = "1" : must be EQUAL to 1 (OK)
cl_maxpackets = "60" : must be INSIDE 30 to 125 (OK)
cl_punkbuster = "1" : must be EQUAL to 1 (OK)
cl_timenudge = "0" : must be INSIDE -20 to 20 (OK)
com_maxfps = "100" : must be INSIDE 30 to 125 (OK)
m_pitch = "0.022000" : must be OUTSIDE -0.011 to 0.011 (OK)
m_yaw = "0.022" : must be EQUAL to 0.022 (OK)
r_flares = "0" : must be INSIDE 0 to 1 (OK)
r_fullbright = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
r_gamma = "1.1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 2 (OK)
r_gamma = "1.1" : must NOT be EQUAL to 1.34375 (OK)
r_intensity = "1.1" : must be INSIDE 1 to 1.5 (OK)
r_lightmap = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
r_lodbias = "-2" : must be INSIDE -200 to 0 (OK)
r_mapoverbrightbits = "2" : must be INSIDE 0 to 3 (OK)
r_maxpolys = "600" : must NOT be EQUAL to 1800 (OK)
r_maxpolyverts = "3000" : must NOT be EQUAL to 9000 (OK)
r_overBrightBits = "1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 1 (OK)
r_picmip = "0" : must be INSIDE 0 to 3 (OK)
r_primitives = "0" : must be INSIDE 0 to 2 (OK)
r_subdivisions = "1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 20 (OK)
rate = "80000" : must be INSIDE 3000 to 80000 (OK)
sensitivity = "18" : must be INSIDE -50 to 50 (OK)
snaps = "30" : must be INSIDE 20 to 40 (OK)
5445 Hits
Promode skins acceptable in all mods? (38 comments)
Posted by poros1ty @ 16:56 CDT, 17 March 2008 - iMsg
What's this I hear about bright skins? Isn't that cheating?

While you'll never hear this from any good player, there are still people out there who actually think using bright skins equates to a software cheat. There even still exists people who actually compare using promode skins to using an aimbot or a wallhack, hence making using these skins a ban worthy offense in their minds.

Mods such as CPMA, OSP, RA3, Threewave, UFT, all give players the option to force your enemy to a specific model and give them a bright skin making them easier to see. While they don't exist in the out of the box version of q3, this is how quake has evolved over the years, starting when pro players began dumbing down their video settings so that they could see their opponent more easily. Having your opponent blend into the background takes away from the Quake experience (Do your enemies even blend into the walls when you have simple commands such as gamma, vertexlight, and picmip?) where the focus should be on skill based combat. Therefore, all the competitive mods in quake 3 since then, all have promode skins built in.

But what happens when you play in mods that do not provide the skins to you, because they are based on the out box version of the game (e.g baseq3 servers)? If you copy your zz-osp-pak0.pk3 from your osp folder into your baseq3 folder, as long as the server is not pure, you will be able to use the promode skins. I recently played on a server where I was banned because I openly admitted to playing with promode skins. What's the big deal, when I've played with promode skins for at least 5 years in every other mod? It's really just nothing more than a personal preference.

I can only very minimally understand someone else's point of view on the issue, but I don't see how you can justify banning someone for using something that is generally accepted universally by the quake community, isn't it? While it could technically put someone at a slight disadvantage to those who aren't using it, they are likely already at a disadvantage because those same people probably still use lightmap lighting.

Brighter skins won't improve your game, or increase your aim. They won't let you see around corners or pull off 180 flick shots. They will... in grand total... do nothing for your game that simply tweaking your config (e.g picmip, vertex lightning) wouldn't do for you. Bright skins are not going to change the game or give you any advantage. Any advantage bright skins can offer is given just as easily by modifying your graphic settings or increasing your gamma. If you sucked before using them, you'll suck using them as well. Most competitive gamers just simply prefer clearly visible skins, as it promotes better game play, with less camping and faster action. Anyone who isn't using them, who thinks its an "unfair advantage", you can easily download the osp mod and copy the file to the baseq3 folder.

Many consider bright skins to be an aide, but a healthy one. Lets use baseball as an example. Players use sunglasses, batting gloves, pine tar, and rosin bags as aides, and they are not frowned upon. Now obviously, there are other aides to the sport that are not accepted, such as a corked bat, steroids, etc. So where to draw the line in quake?

Well, I think the line has obviously been drawn since OSP/CPMA have been the mods for use in tournies for years, not to mention most q3 mods having them built right in. ID Software has since included bright skins in Q4 and will do so in quake live. Most games over the past few years, all included bright skins as well (Painkiller, Warsow, Latest UT), so it's evident that the game has evolved to the level that these skins are acceptable.

I just want to hear your opinions, and hopefully end this issue once and for all (I really didn't even think it was an issue anymore). Do you think it's acceptable to be banned for using promode skins in a mod where they are not built in?

UPDATE: They banned me from their servers b/c I openly admitted to using promode skins. Their servers IP's are here:

I posted on their forums detailing how anyone can enable and use promode skins on the server to make the game more enjoyable. The post in below and you can post anonymously: nevermind they deleted the post and banned me off the forums.

The forums are:

The server admin replied to my post regarding promode skins:

"Promode skins are for retards. We don't want promode here.... Ask "pro" players about excessive and you will see how little respect and how noob it seems to them, yet they use fullbright skins like retards."
Edited by julien at 14:48 CDT, 2 May 2008 - 13287 Hits
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