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Looking for old Wansanity demos (12 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 23:34 CDT, 15 September 2010 - iMsg
It looks like CHTV is down and or gone. Looking for the defiance vs abuse cpm21 MVD - anyone have a copy of it or know where I can find it?
6922 Hits
QuakeNight QLive 2v2 Season 2 Invites (31 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 21:19 CST, 8 February 2010 - iMsg
Once again, we asked the NA QuakeLive community if they wanted a TDM 2v2 Season 2, and the response was solid. I want to thank all the teams who signed up. As stated previously, we are trying something a little different for Season 2. For obvious reasons, we are using two separate competition levels: Pro and a Pro-2B.

* Matches will begin Monday night starting 7-10 pm CST - on 02.22.10.
* At least 1 match from each level will be casted every Monday by QL.TV or GameFire.
* Private servers will be made available for competing teams to scrim/practice and play their matches.
* Any questions are to be directed to the head admin sirdark at mIRC #quakenight.

Head to to view the Week 1 matches. Good luck to all teams and as always, play, record demos, ggs, and have fun.
Edited by Badb0y at 01:40 CST, 9 February 2010 - 11647 Hits
Quakenight returns (46 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 22:25 CDT, 14 September 2009 - iMsg
After a brief summer hiatus returns with three new NA leagues for this fall.

First, Quakenight will be running a new and experimental dueling competition. Rather than having individuals competing head to head, this league will pit teams of duelers against each other. Each team will select 3 duelers to play one map in a best of 3 map match. Will your team put in the seasoned veteran or send in the one map wonder kid against the opposing team's best player?

The second league will be North America's first 2v2 TDM competition. Currently this is one of the most active scrimmage game types in NA, and will feature the best of the upcoming and top players.

Finally, after the success of the Quakecon CTF tournament Quakenight will be running an instagib CTF league. While the league may not be everyone's cup of tea we think there will be some fun to be had.

GGL and NGL have agreed to provide private servers to the competitions while GameFire TV has agreed to provide shoutcasting for the Team Duel League. Quakelive Tv also did a fantastic job casting for our other leagues and we hope they will return for these seasons.

Links: - - - -
Edited by Nukm at 05:18 CDT, 15 September 2009 - 7720 Hits
Quake Night - NA Quake Live League (14 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 21:56 CDT, 3 June 2009 - iMsg
New weekly North American leagues for QUAKE Live teams are being run on

* West and East leagues
* Matches are to be played on the designated night of each league
* Match start times will be between 7 and 9pm of the local timezone (PST for West, EST for East)
* Round Robin regular season
* Top 4 teams advance to single elimination playoffs

The current leagues are:

* Monday 4v4 Clan Arena (West)
* Tuesday 4v4 Team Deathmatch (West)
* Wednesday 4v4 Clan Arena (East)

The first West games will be played on June 8 (CA) and June 9 (TDM). East will begin on June 10 (CA).

We are also looking for another East admin. If you are interested please message f27-ben on IRC.

Swing by mIRC #QuakeNight on, and sign your team up!
Edited by xou at 07:02 CDT, 4 June 2009 - 5384 Hits
Map - xfooql1beta2 (7 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 12:40 CDT, 4 April 2009 - iMsg
This is the second beta for a map I am designing for QuakeLive 1v1. My goal is to have maps ready to be played as soon as QuakeLive allows custom content. Until then the map will have to be playtested in CPMA. If you are interested in playing and would like a duel partner please contact me (d|xfoo) in #quakelive on either quakenet or gamesurge.

This pk3 contains two versions of xfooql1 to test.

xfooql1beta2 - Uses an armor load out of 1xRA, 1xYA, 1xGA

xfooql1beta2a - Uses an armor load out of 3xYA

Notes for beta2 (April 4th, 2009)

Chg: Redesigned lower YA room.

Chg: Blocked off several lines of sight in quad/mega room.

Chg: Blocked off line of sight from RA to lower hallway.

Chg: Added walkway in the lower RA room.

Chg: Tightened rail hallway and added additional lights.

Chg: Added 4 new spawnpoints

Chg: Lowered several roofs to increase rocket splash damage.

Chg: Moved the placement of health bubbles in the RA room.

Chg: Replaced lower YA RL with PG.

Chg: Moved GL slightly.

Chg: Moved RA SG to below RA.

Chg: Replaced PG with SG.

Chg: Added RL ammo to the upper hallway between RA and lower YA.

Chg: Replaced SG ammo in quad/mega with GL ammo.

Fix: Numerous texture, brush and entity errors.

New screenshots:


Current serverlist:

nineX's CPMA CHI 1.46 server:
Edited by xfoo at 12:54 CDT, 4 April 2009 - 3880 Hits
Map - xfooQL1 Beta 1 (9 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 23:11 CDT, 29 March 2009 - iMsg
With the recent calls for new QuakeLive maps I decided to get started on beta testing. I realize that custom maps can't currently be played in QL. My goal is to have playable map(s) ready to go as soon as custom content is allowed. You will have to test this in Q3, not QuakeLive.

This map may be familiar because it is a remix of a 2v2 CPMA map I created.

Gametype: QL 1v1, 2v2
Weapons: 2xRL, 1xRail, 1xLG, 1xSG, 1xGL, 1xPG
Ammo: 2xPG, 1xSG (with QL fast weapons respawn are ammo boxes really needed?).
Armor: 1xRA, 2xYA, 4xShard
Health: 1xMega, 3x25, 11x5

I'm looking for feedback on gameplay; demos are appreciated.


Edited by xfoo at 00:12 CDT, 30 March 2009 - 4692 Hits
Get that Dell ad off of the site (11 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 12:31 CDT, 27 July 2008 - iMsg
Really do you need to say more? It's fucking annoying.
4324 Hits
ESWC Canada (5 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 23:39 CST, 28 February 2006 - iMsg
ESWC Canada has a spot for q4, which is great.

But the qualifier is in less then a month, which is during the same week as final exams for university students. Not to mention the tournament is in Montreal.

It's a real shame, because western Canada has a few good players (and i'll be honest, I wanted to try and win it) - but few of them are going to be able to make the trip out east.
4676 Hits
Pink underwear (18 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 12:47 CST, 2 February 2006 - iMsg
I put a red shirt in with my white laundry yesterday.

I now have pink underwear.
Edited by xfoo at 18:51 GMT, 2nd Feb 2006 - 8903 Hits
q4 editor (13 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 13:58 CST, 21 January 2006 - iMsg
i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate

the q4 editor
4007 Hits
Scrollwheel broken on ESR (12 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 14:21 CST, 20 January 2006 - iMsg
Not sure what's going on. When I pull up ESR my scrollwheel works fine until the page is just about to finish loading, and then the page stops loading and my scrollwheel doesn't work.

Anyone know what's up?

I'm using the latest version of firefox.
6656 Hits
Use q4's tournament system properly (13 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 03:40 CST, 19 November 2005 - iMsg
For the love of god people - it makes no sense to have 6 people on a server, but only having 2 of them playing. Vote restart the damn map after every round and abuse the tournament system - that way everyone can keep playing.
6097 Hits
Quake 4 can be enjoyable? (4 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 18:37 CST, 14 November 2005 - iMsg
You know, after taking 25 minutes* to get onto a server - quake 4 can actually be fun.

The most basic features I want are available (brightskins, better hud) - and there are a couple of good maps to play (bliptourney1, phrantic). I'm pretty excited to see what maps are released in the next 2 months. I really want to play some 2v2's and 4v4's.

I'm also a big fan of the more traditional 1v1 games, where there is no fraglimit or short timelimit. A good 15 minute game is much more fun, especially when the skill levels are close. I'm almost sick of the quick mini tournaments that q4 have - makes me think of ra3 more then OSP with the short playing time unless you're always winning. (which c'mon, i'm a fucking allstar - I never lose). q4max, please change the tournament system to something more traditional, or simply create an arena system which will allow for more free-flowing entrance to playing.

* Took me 25 minutes to get onto the server because for some reason I'll put my q4 cd in, the auto-run will pop up, i'll hit play, and then 30 seconds later the message to "input the q4 cd" pops up. Really fucking annoying, I have to reboot a lot in order to get rid of it. As well, when joining servers I seem to have to reload the map 2-3 times before I don't get disconnected and the server lets me in, which is really weird. Anyone know if you load the mod before you connect if i'll avoid that problem?

It's just too bad there is such a small NA community and the rest of my friends from Defiance aren't playing much.
3028 Hits
Riots in France (98 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 03:44 CST, 7 November 2005 - iMsg
Anyone who is living in France care to share their opinions / feelings in regards to the riots?

I mean - 10 days of straight riots? Jesus.

While there has been a riot where i'm from in the last 6 years (Edmonton - drunks rioted on Canada Day a few years back), the size and apparent organization of the riots in France is mind blowing to me.

Links regarding the Riots,00.html
36122 Hits
A call to the q4 mappers (10 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 03:53 CDT, 24 October 2005 - iMsg
Jesus christ - am I the only one who can't find any editor documentation? This is seriously pissing me off.

One simple question - how do I get the game to load my custom maps with MP physics, and not SP physics?

Grrrarrr makes my head hurt.
6810 Hits
Vespa -vs- Syn (4 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 02:44 CDT, 20 October 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Vespa
How to play back Q4 demos

1v1 on q4dm7 (Beyond The Edge) which I found more entertaining then the immortal demo recently posted.
2643 Hits
Please post more q4 demos (13 comments)
Posted by xfoo @ 19:02 CDT, 19 October 2005 - iMsg
I think my heading says it all. I want q4 demos from good players posted so that I can watch games. K thx!
7055 Hits
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