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14:29 CDT - 1318 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
13:52 CST 28 Nov 2007 firephoenix 1410 11.3% Lose 12430  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
13:38 CST 28 Nov 2007 daweed 608 88.5% Win 686  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
13:36 CST 28 Nov 2007 kIME 200 11.1% Lose 1792  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
13:31 CST 28 Nov 2007 veal 200 10.8% Lose 1841  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
13:23 CST 28 Nov 2007 Aabech 1726 88.8% Win 1943  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
13:22 CST 28 Nov 2007 met 100 11% Lose 906  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
13:12 CST 28 Nov 2007 aiken 813 88.8% Win 915  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
12:03 CST 28 Nov 2007 erok 4083 87.9% Win 4643  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
11:45 CST 28 Nov 2007 vicek 3057 87.1% Win 3506  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
10:02 CST 28 Nov 2007 Khorney 200 12.4% Lose 1605  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
09:41 CST 28 Nov 2007 /neRo/ 660 87.1% Win 757  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
09:02 CST 28 Nov 2007 becks 300 12.3% Lose 2438  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
08:58 CST 28 Nov 2007 TUMULT 1000 87.4% Win 1143  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
08:23 CST 28 Nov 2007 brz 646 87.2% Win 740  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
07:27 CST 28 Nov 2007 _agu 5000 85.6% Win 5835  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
07:05 CST 28 Nov 2007 MOTHERRUSSIA 1753 85% Win 2061  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
05:38 CST 28 Nov 2007 rmplr 3295 83.6% Win 3939  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
05:23 CST 28 Nov 2007 kaboom 200 83.5% Win 239  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
05:10 CST 28 Nov 2007 dav1d_aka_latuch 800 83.1% Win 961  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
05:04 CST 28 Nov 2007 xunk 2482 81.8% Win 3032  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
04:32 CST 28 Nov 2007 bLaz 5000 78.4% Win 6370  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
04:03 CST 28 Nov 2007 exp! 4092 74.6% Win 5482  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
03:56 CST 28 Nov 2007 jian 957 73.5% Win 1301  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
03:49 CST 28 Nov 2007 Xsi 3676 67.3% Win 5461  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
03:32 CST 28 Nov 2007 Hawr1x 100 67.1% Win 148  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
03:13 CST 28 Nov 2007 rmplr 1000 29.7% Lose 3362  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
02:56 CST 28 Nov 2007 Cybo 800 26% Lose 3067  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
02:15 CST 28 Nov 2007 prawn 500 73% Win 684  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
01:28 CST 28 Nov 2007 Lo 298 72.4% Win 411  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
01:14 CST 28 Nov 2007 koekie 4146 61.5% Win 6739  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
00:13 CST 28 Nov 2007 Nodis 395 60% Win 658  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - DreamCatcher to win
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