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18:28 CDT - 1294 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
10:56 CDT 6 Apr 2008 Cerci 20 71.9% Win 27  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - MYM to win
08:55 CDT 6 Apr 2008 olo 500 71.4% Win 700  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - MYM to win
18:09 CDT 5 Apr 2008 xanhast 1000 25.6% Lose 3904  
  Fixture: (Lost) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - ancients to win
16:24 CDT 5 Apr 2008 mshi 1000 73.2% Win 1364  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - MYM to win
14:03 CDT 5 Apr 2008 Xsi 5000 77.9% Win 6412  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - MYM to win
13:05 CDT 5 Apr 2008 Antigen07 159 77.7% Win 204  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - MYM to win
06:12 CDT 5 Apr 2008 SmaKa 50 22% Lose 227  
  Fixture: (Lost) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - ancients to win
16:53 CDT 4 Apr 2008 exp! 5000 67% Win 7462  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CoD4 EC: ancients vs MYM - MYM to win
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