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14:04 CDT - 1402 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
15:50 CDT 25 Aug 2008 TUMULT 300 72.7% Win 412  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
15:44 CDT 25 Aug 2008 Gamb[1]t 277 72.2% Win 383  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
15:42 CDT 25 Aug 2008 dreg 1012 70.3% Win 1438  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
15:15 CDT 25 Aug 2008 ted 200 28.7% Lose 696  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
15:12 CDT 25 Aug 2008 hokum 50 71.1% Win 70  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
15:04 CDT 25 Aug 2008 cYmoZz 389 26.8% Lose 1449  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
14:55 CDT 25 Aug 2008 sixide 500 24.1% Lose 2070  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
14:50 CDT 25 Aug 2008 2ShellBonus 100 75.6% Win 132  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
14:48 CDT 25 Aug 2008 LaMz|anopich 20 24.2% Lose 82  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
14:44 CDT 25 Aug 2008 g0d-trito 300 22.4% Lose 1333  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
14:10 CDT 25 Aug 2008 Gamb[1]t 226 77.1% Win 293  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
14:01 CDT 25 Aug 2008 ted 203 21.6% Lose 937  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
07:30 CDT 25 Aug 2008 dokeebara 13 78.3% Win 16  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
07:23 CDT 25 Aug 2008 pz 400 19.1% Lose 2090  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
07:22 CDT 25 Aug 2008 wombator 7 80.8% Win 8  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
04:28 CDT 25 Aug 2008 V1R7U4L 10 80.8% Win 12  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
20:39 CDT 24 Aug 2008 marraqy 100 18.5% Lose 540  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
19:33 CDT 24 Aug 2008 daka 30 81.4% Win 36  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
13:04 CDT 24 Aug 2008 Tomsn 150 81.2% Win 184  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
12:21 CDT 24 Aug 2008 nk121 300 80.7% Win 371  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
12:05 CDT 24 Aug 2008 ArKtiK 7 80.7% Win 8  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
11:22 CDT 24 Aug 2008 AdoreSP 100 80.5% Win 124  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
09:18 CDT 24 Aug 2008 Terifire 10 80.5% Win 12  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
09:17 CDT 24 Aug 2008 r4ndsen 500 79.6% Win 627  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
08:06 CDT 24 Aug 2008 frame 50 20.1% Lose 248  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
06:59 CDT 24 Aug 2008 dunpeal 200 18.6% Lose 1071  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
06:05 CDT 24 Aug 2008 arachno1d 11 18.5% Lose 59  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs strenx - strenx
06:04 CDT 24 Aug 2008 doYdY 766 80% Win 957  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs strenx - cooller
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