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20:13 CDT - 1033 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
03:07 CDT 5 Jul 2009 MarzenGold 1081 13.4% Lose 8066  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Shuttle (P)
03:04 CDT 5 Jul 2009 Eke 500 12.6% Lose 3961  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Shuttle (P)
02:48 CDT 5 Jul 2009 lewl 5000 86.1% Win 5805  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
01:10 CDT 5 Jul 2009 linkoo 1320 85.7% Win 1539  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
23:17 CDT 4 Jul 2009 Pigvomit 100 85.7% Win 116  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
23:09 CDT 4 Jul 2009 vedic 1000 12.4% Lose 8006  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Shuttle (P)
20:46 CDT 4 Jul 2009 vanQ 300 87.4% Win 343  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
19:46 CDT 4 Jul 2009 Mintograde 11 12.5% Lose 87  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Shuttle (P)
16:53 CDT 4 Jul 2009 kuso 1016 87.1% Win 1165  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
15:15 CDT 4 Jul 2009 thero 900 86.9% Win 1035  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
13:34 CDT 4 Jul 2009 breathKILL 1000 11.1% Lose 8980  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Shuttle (P)
13:33 CDT 4 Jul 2009 righteous 100 88.8% Win 112  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
13:08 CDT 4 Jul 2009 hokum 5000 87.4% Win 5718  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
12:50 CDT 4 Jul 2009 valvalis 5000 85.6% Win 5838  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
12:28 CDT 4 Jul 2009 zealot 5000 83.2% Win 6007  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
12:19 CDT 4 Jul 2009 stafu 5000 79.8% Win 6262  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
12:03 CDT 4 Jul 2009 deotrip 2000 13.1% Lose 15201  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Shuttle (P)
10:54 CDT 4 Jul 2009 rep 5000 83.1% Win 6013  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
10:48 CDT 4 Jul 2009 kosq3 2603 80.2% Win 3243  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
10:40 CDT 4 Jul 2009 cYmoZz 5000 70.5% Win 7083  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
10:37 CDT 4 Jul 2009 rexobb 200 70% Win 285  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Gom S3 Ro8-1 Flash vs Shuttle - Flash (T)
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