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16:33 CDT - 1374 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
16:03 CDT 6 Oct 2009 WhiteMoon 500 89% Win 561  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
15:51 CDT 6 Oct 2009 crea* 951 10.4% Lose 9132  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
15:12 CDT 6 Oct 2009 heroinbitch 500 10.1% Lose 4926  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
14:50 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Lo 768 9.7% Lose 7857  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
14:21 CDT 6 Oct 2009 zanes_ 200 90.2% Win 221  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
14:19 CDT 6 Oct 2009 crk27 500 90.1% Win 554  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
13:17 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Fearghas 100 9.7% Lose 1020  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
12:50 CDT 6 Oct 2009 TUMULT 100 90.1% Win 110  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
12:35 CDT 6 Oct 2009 _gory 500 90.1% Win 554  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
11:58 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Hanzo 559 90% Win 620  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
11:30 CDT 6 Oct 2009 ztaale 250 90% Win 277  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
11:30 CDT 6 Oct 2009 symbol 500 9.6% Lose 5182  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
11:27 CDT 6 Oct 2009 King Bombs 500 9.3% Lose 5335  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
11:16 CDT 6 Oct 2009 bjqrn0 698 90.4% Win 771  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
11:13 CDT 6 Oct 2009 EKSelenc 4990 90.1% Win 5536  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
10:59 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Nukm 776 9.4% Lose 8243  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
10:23 CDT 6 Oct 2009 kosq3 1582 90.4% Win 1748  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
10:21 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Mads 250 90.4% Win 276  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
10:07 CDT 6 Oct 2009 puma_ 1200 90.3% Win 1327  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
10:04 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Malice 5000 90% Win 5551  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:57 CDT 6 Oct 2009 pb 500 90% Win 555  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:52 CDT 6 Oct 2009 kokko 1500 89.9% Win 1667  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:48 CDT 6 Oct 2009 smeden 500 9.7% Lose 5125  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
09:37 CDT 6 Oct 2009 azmo 5000 89.8% Win 5562  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:33 CDT 6 Oct 2009 ani 706 89.8% Win 785  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:32 CDT 6 Oct 2009 Mintograde 1500 89.7% Win 1671  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:27 CDT 6 Oct 2009 calipt` 500 89.6% Win 557  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
09:14 CDT 6 Oct 2009 morgot 749 89.6% Win 835  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:58 CDT 6 Oct 2009 shqdow 968 89.5% Win 1081  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:56 CDT 6 Oct 2009 ShadyVoltaire 20 10.4% Lose 191  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
08:34 CDT 6 Oct 2009 aLeoN 200 89.5% Win 223  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:28 CDT 6 Oct 2009 rind 843 89.4% Win 942  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:26 CDT 6 Oct 2009 lewl 5000 89% Win 5615  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:24 CDT 6 Oct 2009 lmx 548 88.9% Win 615  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:13 CDT 6 Oct 2009 f0rk123 50 10.9% Lose 455  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - linkoo/hazrd
08:12 CDT 6 Oct 2009 kK_Storm 3000 88.7% Win 3379  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
08:10 CDT 6 Oct 2009 frozen` 300 88.7% Win 338  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
07:55 CDT 6 Oct 2009 koekie 4000 88.3% Win 4526  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
07:31 CDT 6 Oct 2009 ^AME- 1000 88.2% Win 1132  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
07:19 CDT 6 Oct 2009 draven- 5000 87.7% Win 5698  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) noctis & zyv vs linkoo & hazrd - noctis/zyv
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