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19:20 CDT - 971 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
19:55 CDT 16 Oct 2009 AdoreSP 30 86.5% Win 34  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
17:47 CDT 16 Oct 2009 noetix 100 13.2% Lose 754  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
17:39 CDT 16 Oct 2009 fredrikhs 50 13.1% Lose 380  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
15:45 CDT 16 Oct 2009 Hanzo 10 86.8% Win 11  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
15:33 CDT 16 Oct 2009 neil 25 13% Lose 191  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
15:26 CDT 16 Oct 2009 enzo 350 86.7% Win 403  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
14:39 CDT 16 Oct 2009 [StarCroW] 200 86.7% Win 230  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
13:39 CDT 16 Oct 2009 FishStix 50 86.6% Win 57  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
12:14 CDT 16 Oct 2009 Squirrel09 100 86.6% Win 115  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
11:28 CDT 16 Oct 2009 douille 12 86.6% Win 13  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
11:03 CDT 16 Oct 2009 Quetz_ru 1000 86.2% Win 1158  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
08:24 CDT 16 Oct 2009 leopold 10 13.6% Lose 73  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
03:45 CDT 16 Oct 2009 Nukm 2 86.3% Win 2  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
03:14 CDT 16 Oct 2009 frozen` 10 86.3% Win 11  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
02:09 CDT 16 Oct 2009 deotrip 200 86.2% Win 231  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
01:30 CDT 16 Oct 2009 gnk 500 12.5% Lose 3979  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
01:02 CDT 16 Oct 2009 dav1d_aka_latuch 100 87.4% Win 114  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
21:12 CDT 15 Oct 2009 k1llmas 5000 85.3% Win 5858  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
20:51 CDT 15 Oct 2009 Fearghas 50 14.5% Lose 344  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
18:42 CDT 15 Oct 2009 fragerr 1752 9.3% Lose 18803  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
18:03 CDT 15 Oct 2009 baron Railgun 593 7.4% Lose 8001  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
16:16 CDT 15 Oct 2009 p4r4 40 7.2% Lose 549  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
15:43 CDT 15 Oct 2009 cYmoZz 4995 91.1% Win 5480  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
15:39 CDT 15 Oct 2009 smeden 50 8.6% Lose 577  
  Fixture: (Lost) cypher vs madix - madix
15:27 CDT 15 Oct 2009 roffo 100 91.3% Win 109  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
14:52 CDT 15 Oct 2009 hedin 1000 90.9% Win 1099  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
14:42 CDT 15 Oct 2009 becks 2000 90% Win 2222  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
14:42 CDT 15 Oct 2009 cYmoZz 5 90% Win 5  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
14:42 CDT 15 Oct 2009 rep 5000 86.6% Win 5769  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
14:42 CDT 15 Oct 2009 fjorgyn 5000 80% Win 6249  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs madix - cypher
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