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17:22 CDT - 1142 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
17:35 CDT 15 Jun 2005 murdoc 100 31.4% Win 317  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
14:07 CDT 15 Jun 2005 pht 500 67.8% Lose 736  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
13:49 CDT 15 Jun 2005 amatron 200 31.5% Win 633  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
13:40 CDT 15 Jun 2005 Jamerio 673 29.5% Win 2275  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
08:25 CDT 15 Jun 2005 =) 228 28.8% Win 789  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
07:36 CDT 15 Jun 2005 Khorney 581 70.3% Lose 825  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
07:12 CDT 15 Jun 2005 mZc 500 28% Win 1785  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
06:40 CDT 15 Jun 2005 blue 500 71.3% Lose 700  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
06:19 CDT 15 Jun 2005 PBX 250 70.9% Lose 352  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
23:03 CDT 14 Jun 2005 bsk 50 70.9% Lose 70  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
17:23 CDT 14 Jun 2005 Grunt 1380 68.8% Lose 2003  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
16:55 CDT 14 Jun 2005 muZZle` 400 68.2% Lose 586  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
13:38 CDT 14 Jun 2005 NeLlk3e 200 31% Win 643  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
12:37 CDT 14 Jun 2005 Khorney 351 68.3% Lose 513  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
11:26 CDT 14 Jun 2005 berth 500 66.7% Lose 749  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
10:22 CDT 14 Jun 2005 olo 90 66.5% Lose 135  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
09:30 CDT 14 Jun 2005 PepeKonrad 254 66% Lose 384  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
08:11 CDT 14 Jun 2005 toifel 100 65.8% Lose 151  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
07:52 CDT 14 Jun 2005 RailRideR 250 64.3% Lose 388  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
06:22 CDT 14 Jun 2005 nbb 200 32.8% Win 608  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
05:17 CDT 14 Jun 2005 aggnog 712 65.5% Lose 1085  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
05:07 CDT 14 Jun 2005 batOu 50 65.4% Lose 76  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
03:45 CDT 14 Jun 2005 HurRy 500 65.6% Lose 761  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
03:34 CDT 14 Jun 2005 shokd 100 65.4% Lose 152  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
02:49 CDT 14 Jun 2005 leash 766 63.4% Lose 1207  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
02:34 CDT 14 Jun 2005 0wned :€ 2000 57% Lose 3508  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
00:41 CDT 14 Jun 2005 Merc 300 41.4% Win 723  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
21:56 CDT 13 Jun 2005 Lotus 100 40.9% Win 244  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - GoStop wins
19:33 CDT 13 Jun 2005 Radiant 100 58.7% Lose 170  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
16:15 CDT 13 Jun 2005 nekon 90 58.3% Lose 154  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
15:35 CDT 13 Jun 2005 Eaglelives 805 55% Lose 1463  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
07:52 CDT 13 Jun 2005 h3i 1 55% Lose 1  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WEG - Zacard vs GoStop - Zacard wins
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