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15:40 CDT - 1140 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
07:03 CDT 8 Jul 2005 pht 16 31.6% Win 50  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) CPL - Shortround vs Suboshi - Suboshi wins
06:59 CDT 8 Jul 2005 olo 25 68.2% Lose 36  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL - Shortround vs Suboshi - Shortround wins
06:55 CDT 8 Jul 2005 TUMULT 300 67.3% Lose 445  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL - Shortround vs Suboshi - Shortround wins
06:43 CDT 8 Jul 2005 taknemdwn 284 66.4% Lose 427  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL - Shortround vs Suboshi - Shortround wins
05:12 CDT 8 Jul 2005 Radiant 100 66.1% Lose 151  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL - Shortround vs Suboshi - Shortround wins
18:20 CDT 7 Jul 2005 CrimisonK 336 65% Lose 516  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL - Shortround vs Suboshi - Shortround wins
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