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17:16 CDT - 1104 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
13:24 CDT 12 Aug 2012 berth 500 17.8% Lose 2801  
  Fixture: (Lost) The Arena - evil vs noctis - noctis
14:59 CDT 2 Aug 2012 berth 554 20.5% Lose 2695  
  Fixture: (Lost) Quakecon ctf winner - DaFoneMen
10:18 CDT 2 Aug 2012 berth 500 90.1% Win 554  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Quakecon - Cypher vs dkt - Cypher
18:26 CDT 14 Jun 2012 berth 500 37.3% Lose 1337  
  Fixture: (Lost) DH: DaHanG vs pavel - pavel
02:50 CDT 6 Aug 2011 berth 500 37.8% Lose 1322  
  Fixture: (Lost) Qkcon: BallerSsS vs ufx - ufx
14:54 CDT 14 Jun 2011 berth 500 36.1% Lose 1382  
  Fixture: (Lost) DH: METSU -vs- Team Alpha - Team Alpha
15:58 CST 4 Mar 2011 berth 100 60.4% Lose 165  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM5 Finals: rapha vs Cooller - Cooller
02:00 CST 3 Mar 2011 berth 852 41.2% Lose 2067  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM5 Finals: DaHanG vs rapha - DaHanG
16:59 CST 22 Jan 2011 berth 200 26.5% Win 752  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM 5 EU Final: av3k -vs- Cypher - av3k
13:14 CST 19 Jan 2011 berth 4191 36% Lose 11631  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM 5 Kiev - Group B: Cypher vs Cooller - Cooller
13:36 CDT 21 Aug 2010 berth 963 22.9% Win 4191  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) k1llsen -vs- rapha - k1llsen
11:55 CDT 2 Jul 2010 berth 500 51.8% Win 963  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) WC 2010: Germany - Argentina - Germany
02:03 CDT 21 Jun 2010 berth 500 34.2% Lose 1461  
  Fixture: (Lost) strenx -vs- av3k - strenx
09:17 CDT 15 Jun 2010 berth 500 5.3% Lose 9350  
  Fixture: (Lost) WC 2010: Brasil - North Korea - North Korea
11:43 CST 28 Feb 2010 berth 500 11.8% Lose 4234  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM World Finals: rapha vs chance - chance
13:11 CST 29 Jan 2010 berth 3646 24% Lose 15144  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: France vs Germany - Germany
08:54 CST 24 Jan 2010 berth 5000 40.6% Lose 12310  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 Grand Final: av3k vs Cypher - av3k
14:05 CST 23 Jan 2010 berth 5000 69.3% Win 7205  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM4 EU Finals - SF: cypher vs strenx - cypher
14:05 CST 23 Jan 2010 berth 5000 70.8% Lose 7061  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 EU Finals - SF: Cooller vs av3k - Cooller
03:18 CST 23 Jan 2010 berth 3856 81.4% Win 4732  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: callipt vs cypher - cypher
03:18 CST 23 Jan 2010 berth 5000 72.2% Lose 6922  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: strenx vs stermy - stermy
03:17 CST 23 Jan 2010 berth 5000 74.5% Win 6709  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: Cooller vs fox - Cooller
03:17 CST 23 Jan 2010 berth 5000 50.9% Lose 9809  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: av3k vs k1llsen - k1llsen
13:33 CST 22 Jan 2010 berth 5000 73% Win 6841  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: stermy vs fox - stermy
13:33 CST 22 Jan 2010 berth 5000 84% Win 5946  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: noctis vs dem0n - noctis
12:47 CST 22 Jan 2010 berth 4313 26.8% Win 16069  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: fox vs noctis - fox
10:50 CST 22 Jan 2010 berth 1789 41.4% Win 4313  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: stermy vs noctis - stermy
03:46 CST 22 Jan 2010 berth 500 27.9% Win 1789  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: cypher vs k1llsen - k1llsen
09:46 CDT 17 Oct 2009 berth 500 10.3% Lose 4814  
  Fixture: (Lost) stermy vs smoke - smoke
12:01 CDT 3 Aug 2009 berth 500 21.8% Lose 2291  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESL-TV QL Inv: fox vs k1llsen - k1llsen
11:00 CDT 22 Apr 2008 berth 648 38.3% Lose 1691  
  Fixture: (Lost) ProZaC - vs - Krysa - ProZaC
10:34 CDT 3 Apr 2008 berth 500 77% Win 648  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC: Poland A -vs- United Kingdom - Poland A to win
06:48 CDT 23 Jul 2007 berth 500 56.9% Win 878  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV w§w 1v1 :: BoBel vs V!ct!M (QuadV) - BoBel to win
10:40 CDT 7 Jul 2007 berth 100 38.5% Lose 259  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ESWC :: av3k -vs- Cooller - Cooller to win
12:34 CDT 6 Jul 2007 berth 300 30% Lose 999  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ESWC :: winz -vs- k1llsen - k1llsen to win
15:04 CDT 28 Jun 2007 berth 642 70.2% Lose 914  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXV wSw 1v1 :: V!ct!M vs ScOoBz0r - ScOoBz0r to win
12:17 CDT 26 Jun 2007 berth 558 86.8% Win 642  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: GaRpY vs ahzaz - GaRpY to win
15:59 CDT 21 Jun 2007 berth 558 17.9% Draw 3116  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: HELL vs bl4jnd - bl4jnd to win
12:18 CDT 19 Jun 2007 berth 500 89.4% Win 558  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q3 1v1 :: noctis vs jilc4ke - noctis to win
15:50 CDT 13 Jun 2007 berth 1224 19.2% Lose 6365  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: GaRpY vs cYmoZz (QuadV) - cYmoZz to win
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