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14:08 CDT - 1473 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
11:25 CST 31 Jan 2016 stpbozin 400 68% Lose 588  
  Fixture: (Lost) [CS:GO] NiP vs. ex-Titan - Ninjas in Pyjamas
15:11 CST 18 Jan 2016 stpbozin 1294 20% Lose 6469  
  Fixture: (Lost) [CS:GO] mousesports vs Space Soldiers - Space Soldiers
18:52 CDT 9 Sep 2015 stpbozin 500 38.6% Win 1294  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125FPS SHOWMATCH FAZZ VS K1LLSEN - Fazz
20:33 CDT 31 Mar 2015 stpbozin 500 47% Lose 1063  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125fps: madball vs sev3n - madball
18:23 CST 23 Feb 2015 stpbozin 400 22.5% Draw 1773  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) HOQ - D1CKS vs dioxide - D1CKS
09:58 CST 9 Feb 2015 stpbozin 100 33.9% Draw 294  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) HOQ - D1CKS vs dioxide - D1CKS
05:35 CST 7 Feb 2015 stpbozin 500 24.1% Lose 2069  
  Fixture: (Lost) HOQ - brainWashed vs Virtual owners - Virtual owners
09:13 CST 11 Jan 2015 stpbozin 500 70.2% Draw 712  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) HOQ - aCtion Ligan vs Deliberate Murder - Deliberate Murder
12:04 CST 4 Jan 2015 stpbozin 500 37.1% Lose 1344  
  Fixture: (Lost) [FIX] EQL 19 Grand Final - SuddenDeath
23:16 CST 14 Nov 2014 stpbozin 2005 59.4% Lose 3373  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125fps: ash vs k1llsen - k1llsen
10:52 CDT 27 Oct 2014 stpbozin 2005 86.6% Draw 2313  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) HoQ D1: aCtion vs onfire - aCtion Ligan
19:44 CDT 13 Oct 2014 stpbozin 1547 77.1% Win 2005  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) HoQ D1: 102 vs aCtion - Deliberate Murder
07:37 CDT 9 Oct 2014 stpbozin 1359 87.8% Win 1547  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) HoQ D1: dx vs 102 - Deliberate Murder
09:08 CDT 1 Oct 2014 stpbozin 1229 90.3% Win 1359  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) HoQ Div1: Onfire vs Deliberate Murder - Deliberate Murder
19:32 CDT 19 Jul 2014 stpbozin 700 60.1% Win 1164  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QCON '14 - DaHanG versus Cypher - Cypher
06:29 CDT 17 Jul 2014 stpbozin 300 58.2% Draw 515  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QCON '14 - Group F Winner - l1nkin
06:27 CDT 17 Jul 2014 stpbozin 500 36.9% Lose 1352  
  Fixture: (Lost) QCON '14 - Group B Winner - strenx
06:27 CDT 17 Jul 2014 stpbozin 200 44.8% Win 445  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QCON '14 - Group E Winner - ins
05:43 CST 13 Feb 2014 stpbozin 1 0% Lose 0  
  Fixture: (Lost) - 8
07:42 CST 29 Nov 2013 stpbozin 300 63.2% Win 474  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: DaHanG/Cypher - Cypher
10:53 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 185 69.1% Win 267  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: Cypher/k1llsen - Cypher
10:53 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 200 88.9% Win 224  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: av3k/Detrony - av3k
08:58 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 88.4% Win 113  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: Fraze/brescia - Fraze
07:56 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 86 61.3% Win 140  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: tox/Fraze - tox
07:55 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 36.2% Lose 275  
  Fixture: (Lost) DHW13: DaHanG/k1llsen - k1llsen
07:55 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 68.8% Lose 145  
  Fixture: (Lost) DHW13: evil/av3k - evil
07:55 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 77.4% Win 129  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: rapha/Spart1e - rapha
07:54 CST 28 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 86.7% Win 115  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: Fraze/brescia - Fraze
10:55 CST 26 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 85.4% Win 117  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: av3k/Detrony - av3k
10:54 CST 26 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 90.6% Win 110  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: av3k/STING - av3k
10:48 CST 26 Nov 2013 stpbozin 100 84.9% Win 117  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW13: Fraze/brescia - Fraze
13:47 CDT 28 Aug 2013 stpbozin 100 69.8% Win 143  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS August League - spart1e vs pavel - pavel
13:47 CDT 28 Aug 2013 stpbozin 500 82% Win 609  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS August League - cypher vs ash - cypher
16:14 CDT 27 Aug 2013 stpbozin 16 91.9% Win 17  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS August League - evil vs dem0n - evil
21:09 CDT 26 Aug 2013 stpbozin 13 78.2% Win 16  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS August League - ash vs zsx - ash
21:08 CDT 26 Aug 2013 stpbozin 100 81.3% Draw 122  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) 125 FPS August League - agent vs matr0x - agent
06:24 CDT 25 Aug 2013 stpbozin 61 24.7% Lose 246  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS August League - Overall Winner - cypher
06:21 CDT 25 Aug 2013 stpbozin 100 88.1% Win 113  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS August League - pavel vs bpatela - pavel
06:20 CDT 25 Aug 2013 stpbozin 500 62.8% Draw 795  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) 125 FPS August League - agent vs matr0x - agent
10:10 CDT 22 Aug 2013 stpbozin 500 75.5% Win 661  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS August League - Group D2 - cypher
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